Article NO. Content


Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Directions for Compliance with the Establishment of Board of Directors by TWSE Listed Companies and the Board's Exercise of Powers 

Amended Date: 2023.08.23 (Articles 4, 8, 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 27 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.12.23 
Categories: Primary Market > Review
Corporate Governance
Article 19     Performance evaluations of the board of directors should cover the following aspects and the criteria for evaluation should be established with the company's needs being taken into consideration:
  1. Participation in the operation of the company;
  2. Improvement of the quality of the board of directors' decision making;
  3. Composition and structure of the board of directors;
  4. Election and continuing education of the directors; and
  5. Internal control.
    Performance evaluation of the board members (on themselves or peers) should cover the following aspects and is subject to appropriate adjustments with the company's needs being taken into consideration:
  1. Alignment of the goals and mission of the company;
  2. Awareness of the duties of a director;
  3. Participation in the operation of the company;
  4. Management of internal relationship and communication;
  5. The director's professionalism and continuing education; and
  6. Internal control.