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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards Governing Principal Identification and Management of Credit Line Categorization in the Processing by Securities Firms of Account Opening  CH

Amended Date: 2023.11.28 (Articles 2, 3, 4 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2019.12.27 
Categories: Market Supervision > Regulation of Securities Firms

Title: Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards Governing Principal Identification and Management of Credit Line Categorization in the Processingby Securities Firms of Account Opening(2016.09.26)
Article 1     These Standards are established in accordance with Article 75-1 of the Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and Article 3 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Brokerage Contracts of Securities Brokers.
Article 2     Accounts opened by a customer online as handled by a securities firm are divided into three types. The identification procedure, agreed strength and single-day trading limit requirement are as follows:
│Type of │Identification│Agreed  │Single-Day Trading Limit│
│Account │Procedure     │Strength│                        │
│Type 1  │Handle account│Agree to│1.NT$1 million.         │
│        │opening by    │a single│2.A securities firm may │
│        │correspondence│-day    │  determine the manner  │
│        │or electronic │trading │  of credit checking in │
│        │means that is │limit   │  its sole discretion,  │
│        │sufficient to │        │  provided it shall     │
│        │identify the  │        │  conduct such checking │
│        │principal as  │        │  again in accordance   │
│        │the applicant │        │  with the Taiwan       │
│        │itself or its │        │  Securities Association│
│        │indication of │        │  Self-Regulatory Rules │
│        │intent.       │        │  on Understanding of   │
│        │              │        │  Customers and Credit  │
│        │              │        │  Checking and Credit   │
│        │              │        │  Line Management       │
│        │              │        │  inConsignment Trading │
│        │              │        │  by Members, in the    │
│        │              │        │  event of an adjustment│
│        │              │        │  to the single-day     │
│        │              │        │  trading limit.        │
│Type 2  │Apply for     │Financi-│Pursuant to the Taiwan  │
│        │account       │al proof│Securities Association  │
│        │opening with a│, such  │Self-Regulatory Rules on│
│        │natural person│as docu-│Understanding of        │
│        │certificate   │mentati-│Customers and Credit    │
│        │plus video    │on of   │Checking and Credit Line│
│        │imaging.      │annual  │Management in           │
│        │              │personal│Consignment Trading by  │
│        │              │income. │Members, a securities   │
│        │              │        │firm is to determine in │
│        │              │        │its sole discretion the │
│        │              │        │operating procedure for │
│        │              │        │estimating single-day   │
│        │              │        │trading limits.         │
│Type 3  │Handle account│The sec-│1.The NT$1 million      │
│        │opening by    │urities │  single-day trading    │
│        │correspondence│firm and│  limit applicable to   │
│        │or electronic │a       │  Type 1 accounts does  │
│        │means that is │customer│  not apply.            │
│        │sufficient to │opening │2.Pursuant to the       │          
│        │identify the  │an      │  Taiwan Securities     │
│        │principal as  │account │  Association           │
│        │the applicant │online  │  Self-Regulatory Rules │
│        │itself or its │agree to│  on Understanding of   │
│        │indication of │advance │  Customers and Credit  │
│        │intent.       │payment │  Checking and Credit   │
│        │              │or      │  Line Management in    │
│        │              │earmark-│  Consignment Trading by│
│        │              │ing for │  Members, a securities │
│        │              │purchase│  firm is to determine  │
│        │              │, with  │  in its sole discretion│
│        │              │no      │  the operating         │
│        │              │financi-│  procedure for         │
│        │              │al proof│  estimating single-day │
│        │              │required│  trading limits.       │
Article 3     These Standards shall take effect after having been submitted to and approved by the competent authority. Subsequent amendments thereto shall be effected in the same manner.