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Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing The Use Of Trading Information  CH

Amended Date: 2021.12.24 
Categories: Information Operations
Article 14     Except where otherwise approved by the TWSE, a user applicant shall not lease, sell, or transfer the TWSE's trading information to any other person, nor relay the information in any manner to any other place.
    Transmission standards for any transmission by user applicants not made over leased data lines or dial-up lines shall be separately prescribed by the TWSE.
    A User applicant shall not use any trading information other than that provided pursuant to the contract for use of trading information entered into with the TWSE.
    Trading information provided by a web site operated by a securities firm shall be made in the name of a user applicant that has been approved by the TWSE for transmitting trading information through the Internet. Notwithstanding the above, however, a securities firm may, with the permission of the TWSE, provide trading information under its own name to the investors who have opened accounts with it.
