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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Assessment and Auditing Procedures for Securities Underwriter Handling Initial Listing Applications  CH

Amended Date: 2024.08.09 (Articles 6 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.04.24 
Categories: Primary Market > Review
10     Evaluation pertaining to the supplementary provisions governing listing applications by companies in a specific sector of business or form of organization:
  1. Listing application by business group
    1. Verify the members of its business group according to Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions to the Rules for Review of Securities Listings.
    2. Obtain the financial reports of the business group for the most recent two fiscal years, details about its major business activities or major commodities and marketing channels thereof, and information about purchase amounts and business incomes of the issuing company and its business group for the year of application and the most recent two fiscal years, and evaluate the domestic issuer according to Article 18 of the Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings, the foreign issuer according to Article 28-5, or the issuing company applying for listing of stocks on the TWSE or Taiwan Innovation Board according to Article 32, of the same Rules, to see if there is any circumstance where listing of shares is advised against.
    3. For listing applications by a subsidiary that maintains a relationship with its parent company, obtain information including the consolidated financial reports of the parent company and all its subsidiaries, and evaluate the local issuer according to Article 19 of the Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings, or the foreign issuer according to Article 28-6 or the issuing company applying for listing of stocks on the TWSE or Taiwan Innovation Board according to Article 33, of the same Rules, to see if there is any circumstance where listing of shares is advised against.
  2. In case of a listing application by a company satisfying the requirements under Article 16 of the Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings:
    Obtain a photocopy of the certification of registration (or amendment registration) of the company after its incorporation, transcript of the land register obtained by the time the application for listing is made, case specific analysis of the gross profit margin of the issuing company and construction company for the most recent two fiscal years issued by CPA, and reports on fairness of the procedure for contracting of work, contract price and payment method issued by experts, percentage of leased assets to all assets available for leasing, policy-making documents and lease agreements etc., and perform evaluations on all items described in Articles 16 and 17 of the Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings to ensure the absence of circumstances where listing of shares is advised against.