Chapter Content


Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies 

Amended Date: 2024.08.23 (Articles 13-3 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.12.23 
Categories: Corporate Governance
   Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
      Section 1 Encouraging Shareholders to Participate in Corporate Governance
Article 4    The corporate governance system of a TWSE/TPEx listed company shall be designed to protect shareholders' rights and interests and treat all shareholders equitably.
    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall establish a corporate governance system which ensures shareholders' rights of being fully informed of, participating in and making decisions over important matters of the company.
Article 5    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall convene shareholders meetings in accordance with. the Company Act and relevant laws and regulations, and provide comprehensive rules for such meetings. TWSE/TPEx listed companies shall faithfully implement resolutions adopted by shareholders meetings in accordance with the rules for the meetings.
    Resolutions adopted by shareholders meetings of TWSE/TPEx listed companies shall comply with laws, regulations and articles of incorporation.
Article 6    The board of directors of a TWSE/TPEx listed company shall properly arrange the agenda items and procedures for shareholders meetings, and formulate the principles and procedures for shareholder nominations of directors and supervisors and submissions of shareholder proposals. The board shall also properly handle the proposals duly submitted by shareholders. Arrangements shall be made to hold shareholders meetings at a convenient location, advisably with videoconferencing available and sufficient time allowed and sufficient number of suitable personnel assigned to handle attendance registrations. No arbitrary requirements shall be imposed on shareholders to provide additional evidentiary documents beyond those showing eligibility to attend. Shareholders shall be granted reasonable time to deliberate each proposal and an appropriate opportunity to make statements.
    For a shareholders meeting called by the board of directors, it is advisable that the board chairperson chair the meeting, that a majority of the directors (including at least one independent director) and convener of the audit committee, or at least one supervisor, attend in person, and that at least one member of other functional committees attend as representative. Attendance details should be recorded in the shareholders meeting minutes.
Article 7    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall encourage its shareholders to actively participate in corporate governance. It is advisable that the company engage a professional shareholder services agent to handle shareholders meeting matters, so that shareholders meetings can proceed on a legal, effective and secure basis. A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall seek all ways and means, including fully exploiting technologies for information disclosure, to upload annual reports, annual financial statements, notices, agendas and supplementary information of shareholders meetings in both Chinese and English concurrently, and shall adopt electronic voting, in order to enhance shareholders' attendance rates at shareholders meetings and ensure their exercise of rights at such meetings in accordance with laws.
    A TWSE/TPEx listed company is advised to avoid raising extraordinary motions and amendments to original proposals at a shareholders meeting.
    TWSE/TPEx listed companies are advised to arrange for their shareholders to vote on each separate proposal in the shareholders meeting agenda, and following conclusion of the meeting, to enter the voting results the same day, namely the numbers of votes cast for and against and the number of abstentions, on the Market Observation Post System.
Article 8    A TWSE/TPEx listed company, in accordance with the Company Act and other applicable laws and regulations, shall record in the shareholders meeting minutes the date and place of the meeting, the name of the chairperson, the method of adopting resolutions, and a summary of the essential points of the proceedings and the results of the meeting. With respect to the election of directors and supervisors, the meeting minutes shall record the method of voting adopted therefore and the total number of votes for the elected directors or supervisors.
    The shareholders meeting minutes shall be properly and perpetually kept by the company during its legal existence, and should be sufficiently disclosed on the company's website.
Article 9    The chairperson of the shareholders meetings shall be fully familiar and comply with the rules governing the proceedings of the shareholders meetings established by the company. The chairperson shall ensure the proper progress of the proceedings of the meetings and may not adjourn the meetings at will.
    In order to protect the interests of most shareholders, if the chairperson declares the adjournment of the meeting in a manner in violation of rules governing the proceedings of the shareholders meetings, it is advisable for the members of the board of directors other than the chairperson of the shareholders meeting to promptly assist the attending shareholders at the shareholders meeting in electing a new chairperson of the shareholders meeting to continue the proceedings of the meeting, by a resolution to be adopted by a majority of the votes represented by the shareholders attending the said meeting in accordance with the legal procedures.
Article 10    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall place high importance on the shareholder right to know, and shall faithfully comply with applicable regulations regarding information disclosure in order to provide shareholders with regular and timely information on company financial conditions and operations, insider shareholdings, and corporate governance status through the MOPS or the website established by the company.
    To treat all shareholders equally, it is advisable that the company concurrently disclose the information under the preceding paragraph in English.
    To protect its shareholders' rights and interests and ensure their equal treatment, a TWSE/TPEx listed company shall adopt internal rules prohibiting company insiders from trading securities using information not disclosed to the market.
    It is advisable that the rules mentioned in the preceding paragraph include stock trading control measures from the date insiders of a TWSE/TPEx listed company become aware of the contents of the company’s financial reports or relevant results. Measures include, without limitation, those prohibiting a director from trading its shares during the closed period of 30 days prior to the publication of the annual financial reports and 15 days prior to the publication of the quarterly financial reports.
Article 10-1    It is advisable that a TWSE/TPEx listed company report at a general shareholder meeting the remuneration received by directors, including the remuneration policy, individual remuneration package and amount, and association with outcomes of performance reviews.
Article 11    The shareholders shall be entitled to profit distributions by the company. In order to ensure the investment interests of shareholders, the shareholders meeting may, pursuant to Article 184 of the Company Act, examine the statements and books prepared and submitted by the board of directors and the reports submitted by the audit committee or supervisors, and may decide profit distributions and deficit off-setting plans by resolution. In order to proceed with the above examination, the shareholders meeting may appoint an inspector.
    The shareholders may, pursuant to Article 245 of the Company Act, apply with the court to select an inspector in examining the accounting records, assets, particulars, documents and records of specific transaction of the company.
    The board of directors, audit committee or supervisors, and managers of the TWSE/TPEx listed company shall fully cooperate in the examination conducted by the inspectors in the aforesaid two paragraphs without any circumvention, obstruction or rejection.
Article 12    In entering into material financial and business transactions such as acquisition or disposal of assets, lending funds, and making endorsements or providing guarantees, a TWSE/TPEx listed company shall proceed in accordance with the applicable laws and/or regulations and establish operating procedures in relation to these material financial and business transactions which shall be reported to and approved by the shareholders meeting so as to protect the interests of the shareholders.
    When a TWSE/TPEx listed company is involved in a merger, acquisition or public tender offer, in addition to proceeding in accordance with the applicable laws and/or regulations, it shall not only pay attention to the fairness, rationality, etc. of the plan and transaction of the merger, acquisition or public tender offer, but information disclosure and the soundness of the company's financial structure thereafter.
    When the management or a major shareholder of a TWSE/TPEx listed company is involved in a merger or acquisition, a legal opinion by independent lawyer should be issued to review if members of the audit committee to review the merger and acquisition in the preceding paragraph have met the regulations of Article 3 of the Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies, to ensure they are not a related party to a counterparty of the merger and acquisition transaction or do not have such interest that would influence their independence, whether the design and implementation of the relevant procedure meet the applicable laws, and if a full disclosure has been made in accordance with the applicable laws.
    Qualifications of the lawyer in the preceding paragraph shall meet the requirements in Article 3 of the Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies, and the lawyer should not be a related party to a counterparty of the merger and acquisition transaction or should not have such interest that would influence their independence.
    The relevant personnel of a TWSE/TPEx listed company handling the matters in the preceding paragraph shall pay attention to the occurrence of any conflicts of interest and the need for recusal.
Article 13    In order to protect the interests of the shareholders, it is advisable that a TWSE/TPEx listed company designate personnel exclusively dedicated to handling shareholder proposals, inquiries, and disputes.
    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall properly deal with any legal action duly instituted by shareholders in which it is claimed that shareholder rights and interests were damaged by a resolution adopted at a shareholders meeting or a board of directors meeting in violation of applicable laws, regulations, or the company's articles of incorporation, or that such damage was caused by a breach of applicable laws, regulations or the company's articles of incorporation by any directors, supervisors or managers in performing their duties.
    It is advisable that a TWSE/TPEx listed company adopt internal procedures for appropriate handling of matters referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, and that it keep relevant written records for future reference and incorporate the procedures in its internal control system for management purposes.