Chapter Content


Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies 

Amended Date: 2024.08.23 (Articles 13-3 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.12.23 
Categories: Corporate Governance
   Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
      Section 3 Corporate Governance Relationships Between the Company and Related Parties
Article 14    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall clearly identify the objectives and the division of authority and responsibility between it and its affiliated enterprises with respect to management of personnel, assets, and financial matters, and shall properly carry out risk assessments and establish appropriate firewalls.
Article 15    Unless otherwise provided by the laws and regulations, a manager of a TWSE/TPEx listed company may not serve as a manager of its affiliated enterprises.
    A director who engages in any transaction for himself or on behalf of another person that is within the scope of the company's operations shall explain the major content of such actions to the shareholders meeting and obtain its consent.
Article 16    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall establish sound objectives and systems for management of finance, operations, and accounting in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It shall further, together with its affiliated enterprises, properly conduct an overall risk assessment of major banks they deal with and customers and suppliers, and implement the necessary control mechanisms to reduce credit risk.
Article 17    When a TWSE/TPEx listed company and its related parties and shareholders enter into financial or business dealings or transactions, a written agreement governing the relevant financial and business operations between them shall be made in accordance with the principle of fair dealing and reasonableness. Price and payment terms shall be definitively stipulated when contracts are signed, and non-arm's length transactions and improper channeling of interests shall be prohibited.
    The content of the written agreement mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall include regulatory procedures governing transactions such as purchase and sale of goods, acquisition and disposal of assets, loans of funds, and provision of endorsements and guarantee etc. Relevant material transactions shall be approved by a resolution of the board of directors and approved or reported to the shareholders' meeting.
Article 18    A corporate shareholder having controlling power over a TWSE/TPEx listed company shall comply with the following provisions:
  1. It shall bear a duty of good faith to other shareholders and shall not directly or indirectly cause the company to conduct any business which is contrary to normal business practice or not profitable.
  2. Its representative shall follow the rules implemented by its company with respect to the exercise of rights and participation of resolution, so that at a shareholders meeting, the representative shall exercise his/her voting right in good faith and for the best interest of all shareholders and shall exercise the fiduciary duty and duty of care of a director or supervisor.
  3. It shall comply with relevant laws, regulations and the articles of incorporation of the company in nominating directors or supervisors and shall not act beyond the authority granted by the shareholders meeting or board meeting.
  4. It shall not improperly intervene in corporate policy making or obstruct corporate management activities.
  5. It shall not restrict or impede the management or production of the company by methods of unfair competition such as monopolizing corporate procurement or foreclosing sales channels.
  6. The representative that is designated when a corporate shareholder has been elected as a director or supervisor shall meet the company's requirements for professional qualifications. Arbitrary replacement of the corporate shareholder's representative is inappropriate.
Article 19    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall retain at all times a register of major shareholders who own a relatively high percentage of shares and have controlling power, and of the persons with ultimate control over those major shareholders.
    A TWSE/TPEx listed company shall disclose periodically important information about its shareholders holding more than 10 percent of the outstanding shares of the company relating to the pledge, increase or decrease of share ownership, or other matters that may possibly trigger a change in the ownership of their shares.
    The major shareholder indicated in the first paragraph refers to those who owns 5 percent or more of the outstanding shares of the company or the shareholding stake thereof is on the top 10 list, provided however that the company may set up a lower shareholding threshold according to the actual shareholding stake that may control the company.