
Title: Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Public Offering and Issuance Prospectuses(2015.08.06)
Article 10       The section on company organization shall include the following items:
  1. Organization system: setting forth the company's organizational structure and the business in which each major department engages.
  2. Chart of affiliated enterprises: setting forth the relationship between the company and its affiliated enterprises, cross-shareholding ratios, numbers of shares held, and actual investment amounts.
  3. General manager, assistant general manager(s), deputy assistant general manager(s), and the manager of each department and branch institution: (Table 2)
    1. Name, nationality, work experience (educational background), amount and nature of shareholdings: setting forth the names; major work experience (educational background); positions concurrently held with other companies; job commencement date; number of shares held by them, their spouses, minor children, and held through nominees; and the acquisition of employee stock warrants.
    2. For those who are the spouses of or are related to the general manager or assistant general manager within the second degree of kinship, they shall also set forth their corporate position, name and relationship to the general manager or assistant general manager.
  4. Directors and supervisors: (Tables 3 and 4)
    1. Name, nationality or place of registration, work experience (educational background), amount and nature of shareholdings: setting forth the names; major work experience (educational background); positions concurrently held with this and other companies; appointment date and term; date of initial appointment; number of shares held by them at the time of appointment and those held presently by them, their spouses, minor children, and held through nominees, and the possession of professional knowledge. In the case of the representative of a corporate shareholder, the name of the corporate shareholder and the names of its 10 largest shareholders (and the holding percentage of each) shall be noted. If any of those 10 largest shareholders is a corporate shareholder, the name of the corporate shareholder and the names of its 10 largest shareholders (and the holding percentage of each) shall be noted.
    2. For those who are the spouses of or are related within the second degree of kinship to other managers, the directors or supervisors, they shall also set forth their corporate position, name and relationship to those other managers, the directors or supervisors.
  5. Promoters:
    1. For companies established for less than 1 year, relevant information of promoters whose shareholding percentage is among the top ten of the company shareholders shall be disclosed as pursuant to the previous subparagraph.
    2. For companies established for less than 3 years, all important transactions (including property transactions and financing of funds) between the promoters and the company since incorporation, other than the normal business transactions, shall be disclosed. For property transactions, the nature and location of the transacted item and the method for determining the transaction price shall also be disclosed. For properties purchased from a promoter, if the promoter bought the properties less than 2 years before selling them out, the promoter's purchasing costs shall also be explained.
  6. Remuneration paid to directors, supervisors, general manager, and assistant general manager(s) for the most recent fiscal year (Tables 5 and 6):
    1. The company may opt either to disclose aggregate remuneration information, with the name(s) indicated for each remuneration range, or to disclose the name of each individual and the corresponding remuneration amount.
    2. If any of the following applies to the company, it shall disclose the remuneration paid to each individual director and supervisor:
      1. A company that has posted after-tax deficits in the parent company only financial reports or individual financial reports within the most recent 2 fiscal years shall disclose the remuneration paid to individual directors and supervisors. This requirement, however, shall not apply if the company has posted net income after tax in the parent company only financial report or individual financial report for the most recent fiscal year and such net income after tax is sufficient to make up the accumulated deficits.
      2. A company that has had an insufficient director shareholding percentage for 3 consecutive months or longer during the most recent fiscal year shall disclose the remuneration of individual directors; one that has had an insufficient supervisor shareholding percentage for 3 consecutive months or more during the most recent fiscal year shall disclose the remuneration of individual supervisors.
      3. A company that has had an average ratio of share pledging by director supervisors in excess of 50 percent in any 3 months during the most recent fiscal year shall disclose the remuneration paid to each individual director supervisor having a ratio of pledged shares in excess of 50 percent for each such month.
      4. If the total amount of remuneration received by all of the directors and supervisors in their capacity as directors or supervisors of all of the companies listed in the financial reports exceeds 2 percent of the net income after tax, and the remuneration received by any individual director or supervisor exceeds NT$15 million, the company shall disclose the remuneration paid to that individual director or supervisor.
    3. Compare and analyze the total remuneration as a percentage of net income stated in the parent company only financial reports or individual financial reports, paid by this company and by all consolidated entities (including this company) for the most recent 2 fiscal years to each of this company's directors, supervisors, general managers, and assistant general managers, and describe the policies, standards, and packages for payment of remuneration, the procedures for determining remuneration, and its linkage to business performance and future risk exposure.
    "Affiliated enterprise" in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph refers to an affiliated enterprise meeting the requirements in Article 369-1 of the Company Act.
Article 11       The section on "capital and shares" shall include the following items:
  1. Types of shares: describing the types of the currently outstanding issued shares of the company. (Table 7)
  2. Formation of capital:
    1. A description of the capital changes of the company for the most recent 5 years and up to the date of printing of the prospectus. If the paid-in capital has been increased, the prospectus shall note the sources of capital, the effective date for the current capital increase, the approval letter reference number and the amount. If shares are issued at less than par value, such information shall be prominently indicated. If monetary claims against the company or technology needed by the company are offset against share payments, such information shall be specified, and the type and amount of such offset shall also be noted.
    2. If a private placement, such fact shall be prominently indicated, and information shall be furnished on the status of any private placement of common shares during the three most recent fiscal years up to the date of printing of the prospectus, disclosing the date on which the private placement was approved at a shareholders meeting and the amount thus approved; the basis for and reasonableness of the pricing; the manner in which the specified persons were selected (where the offerees have already been arranged, the names of the offerees and relationship between the offerees and the company shall also be described); the reasons why the private placement was necessary; the targets of the private placement, their qualifications, subscription amounts, subscription price, relationship with the company, participation in the operations of the company, actual subscription price, the difference between the actual subscription price and the reference price; the effect of the private placement on shareholders' equity; and for the period from receipt of payment in full to the completion of the related capital allocation plan, the status of use of the capital raised through the private placement of common shares, the implementation progress of the plan, and the realization of the benefits of the plan. (Table 8)
  3. Status of recent dispersal of shareholding:
    1. Shareholder structure: setting forth statistics of all types of the shareholders and the ratio thereof. (Table 9)
    2. Status of dispersal of shareholding: setting forth the statistics of number of shareholders for each category of shareholder classified by various number of shares held by the shareholders, and the ratio between the number of the held shares to the total outstanding issued shares. (Table 10)
    3. List of major shareholders: setting forth the names, number of owned shares and the shareholding percentage of those who own 5 percent or more of the total issued shares or whose shareholding percentage is among the top ten of all the shareholders. (Table 11)
    4. The status that directors, supervisors and shareholders holding more than 10 percent of outstanding shares had waived their subscription right to the cash capital increase during the past 2 fiscal years and in the current fiscal year. If the subscription to the cash capital increase being waived was subscribed by related person who was designated for such subscription, the name of such related person, its relationship with the company, directors, supervisors and shareholders holding more than 10 percent of outstanding shares, and the number of the shares thus subscribed shall also be disclosed. (Table 12)
    5. The status of changes that directors, supervisors and shareholders holding more than 10 percent of outstanding shares had transferred and pledged their shares during the past 2 fiscal years and up to the prospectus' publishing date. If the counter party of such transfer or pledge of shares is a related person, the name of such counter party, its relationship with the company, directors, supervisors and shareholders holding more than 10 percent of outstanding shares, and the number of the shares thus acquired or pledged shall also be disclosed. (Table 13)
    6. Relationship information, if among the 10 largest shareholders any one is a related party, or is the spouse or a relative within the second degree of kinship of another. (Table 14)
  4. The per share market price, net worth, profit, dividend and relevant information for the past 2 fiscal years. (Table 15)
    1. The highest, lowest and the average market price per share: Setting forth the highest and lowest market price per share of common stock for each fiscal year. And calculating each fiscal year's average market price based upon each fiscal year's actual transaction prices and volume.
    2. Net worth per share: Using the number of the outstanding issued shares at year end as the basis to calculate the respective net worth per share (shareholder's equity) before and after the distribution.
    3. Earnings per share.
    4. Dividend per share: Setting forth the respective cash dividend and stock dividend of each fiscal year. If there are any cumulated and unpaid dividends, their amount shall also be disclosed.
    5. Price-earnings (P/E) ratio
    6. Price-dividend (P/D) ratio
    7. cash dividend yield.
  5. Company dividend policy and implementation status: Shall disclose the dividend policy set forth in the company's Articles of Incorporation and status of dividend distributions contemplated (decided) in the current fiscal year.
  6. The effect of dividend distributions contemplated for the current fiscal year on company operating performance and earnings per share.
  7. Compensation of employees, directors, and supervisors, including:
    1. The percentages or ranges with respect to employee, director, and supervisor compensation, as set forth in the company's articles of incorporation;
    2. The basis for estimating the amount of employee, director, and supervisor compensation, for calculating the number of shares to be distributed as employee compensation, and the accounting treatment of the discrepancy, if any, between the actual distributed amount and the estimated figure, for the current period.
    3. Information on any approval by the board of directors of distribution of compensation:
      1. The amount of any employee compensation distributed in cash or stocks and director/supervisor compensation . If there is any discrepancy between that amount and the estimated figure for the fiscal year these expenses are recognized, the discrepancy, its cause, and the status of treatment shall be disclosed;
      2. The amount of any employee compensation distributed in stocks as a percentage of the sum of the current after-tax net income and total employee compensation.
    4. Report on the status and result of compensation distribution at a shareholders' meeting.
    5. The actual distribution of employee, director, and supervisor compensation for the previous fiscal year (with an indication of the number of shares, monetary amount, and stock price, of the shares distributed), and, if there is any discrepancy between the actual distribution and the recognized employee, director, or supervisor compensation, additionally the discrepancy, cause, and how it is treated.
  8. Status of company buyback of corporate stocks: companies shall describe, for the 3 most recent fiscal years and the period up to the date of printing of the prospectus, the purpose of the application for buyback of corporate stocks, the time period of buying back stocks, the price range for buybacks, the categories, number, and dollar amount of stocks that have already been bought back, the number of stocks that have already been canceled and transferred, the accumulated number of corporate stocks, and the ratio of the accumulated number of corporate stocks to the total number of issued stocks. (Table 16)
Article 34        The company shall deliver to subscribers or offerees the prospectus together with the payment form before an offering and issuance of securities. But if the prospect prepared by the company has included the information as required in Article 6, paragraph 1 or 2 and has been transmitted as an electronic file to the information disclosure website designated by the FSC, the company may directly deliver a simplified version of the prospectus together with the payment form to subscribers or offerees.
     The contents of the simplified version of the prospectus referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include: (Table 65-1)
  1. The company's common stock code and the website URL for subscribers or offerees to review the prospectus; if any of the circumstances set forth in Article 3, paragraph 3 exists, the company shall also include the information so required.
  2. Summary of the current plan for offering and issuance of securities and the anticipated possible benefits resulting therefrom.
  3. The audit or review opinions, condensed balance sheets, and statements of comprehensive income in the financial reports audited and attested or reviewed by the CPA for the most recent 3 fiscal years and the most recent period.
  4. The information set forth in Article 31, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 3 to 5 and paragraph 2; in the case of a merger, demerger, acquisition, or an issuance of new shares in connection with acquiring shares of another, the prospect shall additionally disclose an independent expert's opinion on the reasonableness of the share conversion ratio.
  5. The company seal and the signature or seal of the responsible person.
  6. Other necessary information.