
Title: Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Public Companies(2007.12.27)
Article 10   The corporate governance report shall include the following:
1. Organizational system: Show the company's structure and the tasks of its principal divisions.
2. Information on the company's directors, supervisors, general manager, assistant general managers, deputy assistant general managers, and the supervisors of all the company's divisions and branch units, as follows:
(1) Directors and supervisors: names; principal work experience and academic qualifications; position(s) held concurrently in the company and/or in any other company, date on which current position was assumed; term of contract; the commencement date of the first term, shares held by directors/supervisors and their spouses, children of minor age, and held through nominees; professional expertise; and whether they are independent directors/supervisors. For directors and supervisors acting as the representatives of institutional shareholders, this section shall indicate the names of the institutional shareholders, and shall further indicate the names of its 10 largest shareholders and the holding percentage of each. If any of those 10 largest shareholders is an institutional shareholder, the name of the corporate shareholder and the names of its 10 largest shareholders and the holding percentage of each shall be noted (see Appendix 1).
(2) The general manager, assistant general managers, deputy assistant general managers, and the chiefs of all the company's divisions and branch units: names; principal work experience and academic qualifications; date on which current position was assumed; term of contract; and shares held by them and their spouses, children of minor age, and held through nominees (see Appendix 1-1).
(3) Remuneration paid during the most recent fiscal year to directors, supervisors, the general manager, and assistant general managers (see Appendix 1-2 and Appendix 1-3).
(4) Separately compare and describe total remuneration as a percentage of net income as paid by this company, and by each other company included in the consolidated financial statements, during the past two fiscal years to its directors, supervisors, the general manager, and assistant general managers, and analyze and describe remuneration policies, standards, and packages, the procedure for setting remuneration, and linkage to performance.
3. The state of the company's implementation of corporate governance:
(1) The state of operations of the board of directors: Number of meetings; attendance rate of each director; an evaluation of targets for strengthening of the functions of the board during the current and immediately preceding fiscal years, and measures taken toward achievement thereof; and any other matters that require reporting (see Appendix 2).
(2) The state of operations of the audit committee: Number of meetings; attendance rate of each independent director; and any other matters that require reporting (see Appendix 2-1).
(3) The state of the company's implementation of corporate governance, any departure of such implementation from the Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for TSEC/GTSM Listed Companies, and the reason for any such departure (see Appendix 2-2).
(4) If the company has adopted corporate governance best-practice principles or related bylaws, disclose how these are to be searched.
(5) Other significant information that will provide a better understanding of the state of the company's implementation of corporate governance may also be disclosed.
(6) The section on the state of implementation of the company's internal control system shall furnish the following:
(i) A Statement on Internal Control.
(iii) Where a CPA has been hired to carry out a special audit of the internal control system, furnish the CPA audit report.
(7) For the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report, disclose any sanctions imposed in accordance with the law upon the company or its internal personnel, any sanctions imposed by the company upon its internal personnel for violations of internal control system provisions, principal deficiencies, and the state of any efforts to make improvements.
(8) Material resolutions of a shareholders meeting or a board of directors meeting during the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report.
(9) Where, during the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report, a director or supervisor has expressed a dissenting opinion with respect to a material resolution passed by the board of directors, and said dissenting opinion has been recorded or prepared as a written declaration, disclose the principal content thereof.
(10) A summary of resignations and dismissals, during the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report, of persons connected with the company's financial report (including the chairman of the board of directors, general manager, principal accounting officer, and chief internal auditor; see Appendix 2-3).
4. Information on CPA professional fees: Given any one of the following conditions, a company shall disclose information on the professional fees of the certified public accountant:
(1) When non-audit fees paid to the certified public accountant, to the accounting firm of the certified public accountant, and/or to any affiliated enterprise of such accounting firm are equivalent to one quarter or more of the audit fees paid thereto, the amounts of both audit and non-audit fees as well as details of non-audit services shall be disclosed (see Appendix 2-4).
(2) When the company changes its accounting firm and the audit fees paid for the fiscal year in which such change took place are lower than those for the previous year, the reduction in the amount of audit fees, reduction percentage, and reason(s) therefor shall be disclosed.
(3) When the audit fees paid for the current year are lower than those for the previous fiscal year by 15 percent or more, the reduction in the amount of audit fees, reduction percentage, and reason(s) therefor shall be disclosed.
The professional fees for auditing services referred to in item (1) means the professional fees paid by the company to a certified public accountant for auditing, review, and secondary reviews of financial reports, financial forecast reviews, and tax certification.
5. Information on replacement of certified public accountant: If the company has replaced its certified public accountant within the last two fiscal years or any subsequent interim period, it shall disclose the following information: (see Appendix 2-5)
(1) Regarding the former certified public accountant:
(i) Date of and reason for replacement of the certified public accountant, specifying whether it was the certified public accountant that voluntarily ended the engagement or declined further engagement, or the company that terminated or discontinued the engagement.
(ii) If the former certified public accountant issued an audit report expressing other than an unqualified opinion during the two most recent years, furnish the opinion and reason.
(iii) Indicate whether there was any disagreement between the company and the former certified public accountant relating to any of the following matters:
(a) Accounting principles or practices.
(b) Financial report disclosure.
(c) Auditing scope or procedure.
If any disagreements did exist, the company shall describe in detail the nature of each such disagreement, how the company handled them (including whether the company has authorized the former certified public accountant to respond fully to the inquiries of the successor certified public accountant concerning the subject matter of each such disagreement), and how the disagreements were finally handled.
(iv) If any of the following matters has arisen, they shall also be disclosed:
(a) The former certified public accountant advised the company that it lacked the sound internal controls necessary for the preparation of reliable financial reports.
(b) The former certified public accountant advised the company that he or she was unable to rely on the company's written representations, or was unwilling to be associated with the financial report prepared by the company.
(c) The former certified public accountant advised the company of the need to expand the scope of the audit, or of information showing that an expanded audit might impact the reliability of either a previously issued financial report or the financial report to be issued but, due to replacement of the certified public accountant or for any other reason, the former certified public accountant did not expand the scope of the audit.
(d) The former certified public accountant advised the company that information collected might impact the reliability of either a previously issued financial report or the financial report to be issued but, due to the replacement of the certified public accountant or for any other reason, the certified public accountant did not deal with the issue.
(2) Regarding the successor certified public accountant:
(i) Name of the successor accounting firm, name of the certified public accountant, and date of engagement.
(ii) If prior to the formal engagement of the successor certified public accountant, the company consulted the newly engaged accountant regarding the accounting treatment of or application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on the company's financial report, the company shall state and identify the subjects discussed during those consultations and the consultation results.
(iii) The company shall consult and obtain written views from the successor certified public accountant regarding the matters on which the company did not agree with the former certified public accountant, and shall make disclosure thereof.
(3) The company shall mail to the former certified public accountant a copy of the disclosures it is making pursuant to items (1) and (2)(iii) of this subparagraph, and advise the accountant of the need to respond by mail within 10 days should the accountant disagree. The company shall disclose the content of the reply letter from the former certified public accountant.
6. Where the company's chairperson, general manager, or any managerial officer in charge of finance or accounting matters has in the most recent year held a position at the accounting firm of its certified public accountant or at an affiliated enterprise of such accounting firm, the name and position of the person, and the period during which the position was held, shall be disclosed. The term "affiliated enterprise of a certified public accountant's accounting firm" means one in which the certified public accountants at the accounting firm of the attesting certified public accountant hold more than 50% of the shares, or of which such accountants hold more than half of the directorships, or a company or institution listed as an affiliated enterprise in the external publications or printed materials of the accounting firm of the certified public accountant.
7. Any transfer of equity interests and/or pledge of or change in equity interests (during the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report) by a director, supervisor, managerial officer, or shareholder with a stake of more than 10 percent during the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report. Where the counterparty in any such transfer or pledge of equity interests is a related party, disclose the counterparty's name, its relationship between that party and the company as well as the company's directors, supervisors, and ten-percent shareholders, and the number of shares transferred or pledged (see Appendix 3).
8. Relationship information, if among the company's 10 largest shareholders any one is a related party, as defined in the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 6, or is the spouse or a relative within the second degree of kinship of another (see Appendix 3-1).
9. The total number of shares and total equity stake held in any single enterprise by the company, its directors and supervisors, managers, and any companies controlled either directly or indirectly by the company (see Appendix 4).
Article 21   Special items to be included:
1. information related to the company's affiliates: the consolidated business report, consolidated financial statement, and affiliation report for the most recent fiscal year, compiled in accordance with the FSC's "Regulations Governing Preparation of Consolidated Business Reports Covering Affiliated Enterprises, Consolidated Financial Statements Covering Affiliated Enterprises, and Reports on Affiliations."
2. Where the company has carried out a private placement of securities during the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report, disclose the date on which the placement was approved by the board of directors or by a shareholders meeting, the amount thus approved, the basis for and reasonableness of the pricing, the manner in which the specified persons were selected, the reasons why the private placement method was necessary, the targets of the private placement, their qualifications, subscription amounts, subscription price, relationship with the company, participation in the operations of the company, actual subscription/conversion price, the difference between the actual subscription/conversion price and the reference price, the effect of the private placement on shareholders' equity, and, for the period from receipt of payment in full to the completion of the related capital allocation plan, the status of use of the capital raised through the private placement of securities, the implementation progress of the plan, and the realization of the benefits of the plan (see Appendix 24).
3. holding or disposal of shares in the company by the company's subsidiaries during the most recent fiscal year or during the current fiscal year up to the date of printing of the annual report (see Appendix 25).
4. other matters that require additional description.
Article 23   Prior to the day on which a shareholders' meeting is to be held, the company shall upload an electronic file containing its annual report to the website specified by the FSC for reporting of information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the annual report is to be used as a supplemental material to the agenda handbook for the shareholders' meeting, the company shall upload such electronic file of the annual report to the aforementioned information reporting website 15 days before the holding of the shareholders' meeting.