
Title: Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Call (Put) Warrants(2012.10.12)
Article 2       Call (Put) Warrants issued in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations Governing the Issuance of Call (Put) Warrants by Issuers" and approved by the TWSE for listing shall be traded on the TWSE centralized exchange. Without exception, a centralized securities depository institution shall be engaged to carry out book-entry transfer, and the principal may not apply to withdraw the call (put) warrants.
    The call (put) warrants under the preceding paragraph shall be issued in dematerialized form.
Article 7       Daily fluctuation limits on call (put) warrants shall be calculated in the following manner based upon the class of the underlying securities:
  1. Limits on call (put) warrants for which the underlying is a domestic single stock or an exchange-traded securities investment trust fund announced by the TWSE shall be calculated as follows:
    1. For call warrants
      Limit-up price = Auction reference price at market opening for the given day + (Limit-up price of the underlying security for the given day –Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security for the given day) × Exercise ratio
      Limit-down price = Auction reference price at market opening for the given day - (Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security for the given day - Limit-down price of the underlying security for the given day) × Exercise ratio
    2. For put warrants
      Limit-up price = Auction reference price at market opening for the given day + (Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security for the given day – Limit-down price of the underlying security for the given day) × Exercise ratio
      Limit-down price = Auction reference price at market opening for the given day – (Limit-up price of the underlying security for the given day – Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security for the given day) × Exercise ratio
  2. Fluctuation limits on call (put) basket warrants shall be calculated for each underlying security within the basket using the following formulas: (1) (Limit-up price of each underlying security in the basket for the given day –Auction reference price at market opening for each underlying security for the given day) × Sum of exercise ratios for each underlying security in the basket; and (2) (Auction reference price at market opening for each underlying security for the given day – Limit-down price of each underlying security for the given day) × Sum of the exercise ratios for each underlying security in the basket. The larger of these two figures shall be plugged into the formulas in the preceding sub-paragraph to calculate the daily fluctuation limits.
  3. Limits on index call (put) warrants for which the underlying is an index as announced by the TWSE shall be calculated using one of the following two formulas:
    1. Limit-up price for call (put) warrants = Auction reference price at market opening for the given day + (Closing index of the underlying index on the previous day × corresponding monetary value per index point × multiplier × 7%).
    2. Limit-down price for call (put) warrants =Auction reference price at market opening for the given day + (Closing index of the underlying index on the previous day × corresponding monetary value per index point × multiplier × 7%).
  4. No price fluctuation limit is imposed on call (put) warrants for which the underlying is an exchange-traded fund with foreign component securities, or an offshore exchange-traded fund, or a foreign security, or a foreign index.
    The provisions of Article 58-3, paragraph 2, subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the TWSE Operating Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to the "auction reference price at market opening for the given day" referred to in the preceding paragraph. With respect to an initial issue of call (put) warrants, however, the reference price on the first day of listing shall be determined by the principles below; if it is a follow-on issue of call (put) warrants, the reference price on the first day of listing shall be the auction reference price at market opening for the given day:
  1. For the call (put) warrants for which the underlying asset is a domestic single stock, or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) or index as announced by the TWSE, the reference price on the first day of exchange listing is calculated as follows based on the price obtained pursuant to Article 6:
    1. For non-index call warrants
      Reference price on the first day of listing = Issue price of the call warrant × (Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security on the day of listing of the call warrants ÷ Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security on the day of issue of the call warrants) × (Exercise ratio for the call warrant on the day of its listing ÷ Exercise ratio for the call warrant on the day of its issue).
    2. For non-index put warrants
      Reference price on the first day of listing = Issue price of the put warrant × (Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security on the day of issue of the put warrants ÷ Auction reference price at market opening for the underlying security on the day of listing of the put warrants) × (Exercise ratio for the put warrant on the day of its issue ÷ Exercise ratio for the put warrant on the day of its listing).
    3. Reference price for an index call warrants on the first day of listing + Call warrant issue price × (Closing index of the underlying index on the day before the call warrants are listed ÷ Closing index of the underlying index on the day before the call warrants were issued) × (Multiplier on the listing date of the call warrants ÷ Multiplier on the issuance date of the call warrants).
    4. Reference price for an index put warrants on the first day of listing + Put warrant issue price × (Closing index of the underlying index on the day before the put warrants were issued ÷ Closing index of the underlying index on the day before the put warrants are listed) × (Multiplier on the issuance date of the put warrants ÷ Multiplier on the listing date of the put warrants).
    5. The reference price for a callable bull contract or callable bear contract on the first day of listing is as follows;
      1. Where a security is the underlying: the difference between the reset adjusted strike price and the underlying security's auction reference price at market opening for the given day of listing of the contract × multiplier + funding cost.
      2. Where an index is the underlying: the difference between the reset adjusted strike index and the closing index of the underlying index for the given day preceding the day of listing of the contract × multiplier + funding cost.
        The funding cost shall be calculated pursuant to Article 10, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5, item 5 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings.
  2. For a call (put) warrant for which the underlying is a foreign security or a foreign index, its reference price on the first day of exchange listing is the issue price.
    The "auction reference price at market opening for the underlying securities for the given day" as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be determined pursuant to Article 58-3 of the TWSE Operating Rules.    The limit-up and limit-down prices referred to in paragraph 1 shall without exception be calculated in positive numbers. In the event of any negative number, the calculation shall be based on the minimum tick size as set forth in Article 6.