Article 49
If any of the following circumstances applies to a listed company, the TWSE may place its listed securities under an altered trading method: 1.The latest individual financial report, as registered and publicly announced in accordance with Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act, shows that its net worth is less than one-half of its share capital stated on the financial report. However, when a listed company records as a deduction from shareholders equity the cost of shares bought back by it pursuant to Article 28-2 of the Securities and Exchange Act or of shares held in said listed company by subsidiaries thereof, the par value of treasury stock held in said listed company by the listed company and subsidiaries thereof may be deducted from the share capital stated on the financial report in the calculation of the above-stated ratio. When stock subscription proceeds are recorded as an addition to shareholders equity, the par-value share-issue equivalent of the stock subscription proceeds shall be added to the calculation of the share capital in the calculation of the above-stated ratio. 2. A shareholders meeting has not been held within 6 months after the end of the fiscal year; provided that with valid reasons and with the approval of the competent authority of the Company Act, the meeting is held within the approved time period, the above shall not be applicable. 3. Where an audit or review report issued by the CPA for the latest-period financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act indicates substantial doubt about the going-concern assumption, or the certifying CPA issues a qualified audit report for the semi-annual or annual financial reports, or for a company other than a holding company issues a qualified review report for the semi-annual consolidated financial report, as publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act, because there were restrictions on the scope of the audit, or because the accountant deems there to be anything improper in the choices of accounting policies by the management or in the disclosure of the financial statement; however, this restriction shall not apply to a semi-annual financial report where the CPA has issued the qualified audit report for the reason that an amount of long-term equity investment and profit/loss thereupon is calculated on the basis of statements of the invested company that have not been certified by a CPA, and the certifying CPA fully discloses in the audit report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the monetary amounts of any accounting items that may be affected thereby, and no material irregularities are present. However, if an above-mentioned invested company is a major subsidiary included in the preparation of the consolidated statement or a subsidiary of a financial holding company, its semi-annual financial report shall also be reviewed or audited by a CPA in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 4. Violation of relevant rules concerning the material information of a listed company, and failure to rectify the situation within the specified time after having been notified to proceed with disclosure process, and such violation was serious. 5. Two-thirds or more of the directors or supervisors have been provisionally ordered to be suspended of the performance of their authorities and duties. 6. An application for re-organization has been filed to the court in accordance with Article 282 of the Company Act. 7. Half or more of the directors of the company have changed so that the shareholding is too concentrated to meet the then-current shareholding dispersion criteria for listing, or its incumbent directors, supervisors, or president meet any of the conditions under subparagraph 8 of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings and fail to make improvement within a specified time period ordered by the TWSE. 8. The company is unable to punctually pay for the common corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds which have matured or which the creditors requested it to redeem. 9. Dishonor of a negotiable instrument by a financial institution because of insufficient funds on deposit, where the TWSE is aware of such dishonor. 10. After a demerger, the paid-in capital of an ordinary company or a technology company fails to comply with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 or Article 5, subparagraph 1, respectively, of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings. 11. The number of companies held by an investment holding company falls below two companies; provided, for investment holding companies created as the result of share conversion, sale and assignment, transfer of business, or demerger, this shall not apply within 1 year of the date of listing for trading. 12. Failure to abide by an undertaking to purchase the shares of minority shareholders of a TWSE listed (or GTSM listed) subsidiary in which it has shareholding of more than 70 percent. 13. Failure to handle shareholder services matters in compliance with Article 44, paragraph 3, or discovery in an audit by Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation of deficiencies and failure to make corrections by a deadline imposed for making corrections for a serious violation in a specific case. 14. Where explanations given in a press conference concerning material information fail to clarify points in question, and the TWSE deems it necessary to protect the rights and interests of investors. 15. Upon other necessary reasons as determined by the TWSE. If securities of a listed company have been placed under an altered trading method because of a circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, upon satisfaction of the below conditions, and freedom of any other of the above circumstances, the TWSE may resume trading of the company's securities by the normal trading method: 1. Where the change of trading method was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, the individual financial reports for the most recent two periods registered and publicly announced pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act each shows net worth exceeding NT$300 million and reaching one-half or more of the share capital stated on the financial report, and the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction are completed. 2. Where the change of trading method was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, and the shareholders meeting has been held. 3. Where the change of trading method was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, and due to supplementation or correction, the circumstances specified in that subparagraph no longer exist. 4. Where the change of trading method was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, and disclosure proceeding is commenced in compliance with the notice. 5. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, the preliminary injunction order was cancelled by the court and one-third or more of the directors or supervisors are able to perform their authorities and duties. 6. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, the application for re-organization was withdrawn; provided that the execution period of the altered trading method shall not be less than 3 months. 7. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, correction and improvement was made. 8. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, the company repaid liabilities or reached settlement agreement with the creditors. 9. Within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, the listed company has completed any of the remedial procedures enumerated herein below, and the listed company has produced a direct or indirect note in evidence thereof from the clearing house, and no further instance of dishonor of negotiable instruments has occurred prior to resumption of normal settlement. However, if the listed company adopts the remedial procedure of "extinguish the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument," it shall additionally submit a rechecking form prescribed by the TWSE. The form shall be signed and certified by a CPA and a lawyer and submitted to the TWSE along with the other relevant documents and materials for approval and recordation: (1) Extinguish the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument. (2) Deposit the amount of the instrument into the financial enterprise that dishonored the instrument with a request that it be listed as provision for payment under "other payables." (3) Pay the amount of the instrument out of the checking account or other payables account upon re-presentment of the instrument subsequent to its dishonoring. 10. Where correction or improvement has been made by the listed company within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method of the securities was changed pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph. 11. Where correction or improvement has been made within 3 months after the change of trading method of the securities pursuant to subparagraph 11 or subparagraph 12 of the preceding paragraph. 12. Where correction or improvement has been made after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 13 of the preceding paragraph. 13. Where the points in question have been clarified after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 14 of the preceding paragraph, provided that if the TWSE determines there is any material deficiency in the design and execution of the company's internal control system, in addition to clarifying the points in question, the company shall revise its internal control system and shall have implemented the revisions for at least 3 months and obtained a CPA-issued audit opinion letter regarding the effectiveness of the aforementioned internal control system's design and execution. 14. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 15 of the preceding paragraph, correction or improvement is made upon the request of the TWSE. Where the TWSE changes the trading method of listed securities pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, or where the TWSE restores the trading method to normal settlement pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, within 1 month of such action, the TWSE shall report such action to the Competent Authority for recordation. If the listed company under Chapter IV and IV-1 is a holding company or a TWSE primary listed company, its net worth refers to the amount of shareholders' equity stated on the consolidated financial report, less minority interest.
Article 49-1
If any of the circumstances listed below apply to a primary listed company, the TWSE may place that company's listed shares under an altered trading method: 1. Net worth, as indicated in its duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period, of less than one-half of its share capital stated in the financial report. 2. Failure to convene and bring to completion a regular shareholders meeting within 6 months after the conclusion of the business year. 3. The CPA-issued audit or review report indicates substantial doubt about the going-concern assumption, or the certifying CPA issued an audit or review report with a qualified opinion concerning the duly announced and filed financial report for the most recent fiscal year or half-year, provided that this restriction shall not apply if it is due to figures from an investee company's financial report that was not audited and attested by a CPA being used to calculate the amount of, and gains (losses) on, long-term equity investments for that primary listed company's semi-annual financial report, and the certifying CPA has fully disclosed in the audit report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the possible impact on the monetary amount of any accounting items, and there are no material irregularities. 4. It violated any rule or regulation relating to listed foreign securities such as rules or regulations regarding the disclosure of material information, was notified to conduct supplementary disclosure procedures, failed to do so before the deadline, and the circumstances of the case were serious. 5. Any petition for its reorganization has been submitted to the court in the country where it is registered. 6. If the situation in Article 28-8, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings applies to the incumbent director, supervisor, or general manager of the primary listed company or any company it controls, and corrective action is not taken within the period prescribed by the TWSE. 7. Inability to redeem ordinary corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds upon maturity or upon creditor request. 8. A negotiable instrument has been dishonored by a financial institution due to insufficient funds and the TWSE is aware of the situation. 9. Explanations in a press conference concerning material information fail to clarify the points in question and the TWSE deems it necessary to protect the rights and interests of investors. 10. The TWSE deems it necessary to do so for any other reason. When a primary listed company's securities have been placed under an altered trading method due to any circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, if the company meets the respective requirements listed below and is free of any other circumstances in the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph, the TWSE may restore the regular trading method for the company's listed shares: 1. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, the net worth in its consolidated financial reports as duly filed and announced for each of the most recent two periods exceeds NT$300 million and is one-half or more of its share capital as stated therein, and the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction have been completed.. 2. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, it convenes and brings to completion the regular shareholders meeting. 3. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, the CPA-issued audit report for its most recent consolidated financial report indicates there is no longer any substantial doubt regarding the going-concern assumption; or its financial report has already shown improvement and after conducting a re-audit the CPA issues an audit with an unqualified opinion or issued an unqualified review report; or the semi-annual financial report of the investee company has already duly been reviewed or audited by a CPA. 4. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, it conducts supplementary disclosure procedures as per notification. 5. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, the petition for its reorganization is withdrawn, provided that the altered trading method implementation period may not be less than 3 months. 6. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, supplementation or corrective action is taken. 7. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, the company settles its obligation or reaches a conciliation agreement with the creditor. 8. Within 3 months from the next business day after placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, it extinguishes the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the negotiable instrument or completes payment negotiation procedures with its financial institution, and has the negotiation documents signed and certified by a CPA and attorney and submits them together with other relevant documentation to the TWSE for review and recordation. 9. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, it clarifies the points in question. 10. After placement under an altered trading method under subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, it provides supplementation or takes corrective action as required by the TWSE. Within 1 month after it places the listed shares of a primary listed company under an altered trading method pursuant to the circumstances of paragraph 1, or restores that company's listed shares to the regular trading method under paragraph 2, the TWSE shall file with the Competent Authority for recordation. After a primary listed company, under Article 28-7 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings, adds in its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents any important matters as designated by the TWSE in connection with the protection of shareholders equity, it shall submit the draft amendment with a legal opinion by a lawyer regarding important matters in connection with the protection of shareholders equity of its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents to the TWSE 15 days before the notice or announcement of the shareholders meeting. If the TWSE deems that the draft amendmentis likely to impair shareholders equity, it may issue an opposing opinion to the draft amendment. If the primary listed company, without the prior approval of the TWSE, fails to submit the draft amendment by the above-stated deadline, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000. If the TWSE deems that any content of a primary listed company's articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents is likely to impair shareholders equity, it may require the primary listed company to amend its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by a deadline. If the primary listed company fails to amend its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by the deadline, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000, and further impose a deadline for amendment of the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents. If the primary listed company still fails to amend the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by the deadline, the TWSE may designate its listed stock as securities placed under an altered trading method. However, if in an individual case the circumstances of the impairment to shareholder equity are serious, the TWSE may proceed directly to designate the listed stock as securities placed under an altered trading method, without first imposing the penalty. When listed stock of a primary listed company is designated as securities placed under an altered trading method because of circumstances in paragraph 5, then once the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents have been amended so that there is no longer any likelihood of impairment to shareholder equity, nor is there any other of the circumstances set out in the subparagraphs of paragraph 1, the TWSE may resume normal trading of the company's listed stock. When the TWSE designates the listed stock of any primary listed company as securities placed under an altered trading method pursuant to paragraph 5, or resumes normal trading of its listed stock pursuant to paragraph 6, it shall report to the competent authority for recordation within 1 month after executing the measure. If a secondary listed company, or a foreign issuer that issues Taiwan Depositary Receipts or the depositary institution thereof, breaches an undertaking executed at the time of its application for listing, the TWSE may depending on the case impose a breach penalty of NT$30,000 and order it to make supplementation or corrections within a certain period of time. If a secondary listed company, or a foreign issuer that issues Taiwan Depositary Receipts or the depositary institution thereof, fails to make supplementation or corrections within the period of time under the preceding paragraph, the TWSE may place its listed securities under an altered trading method and the provisions of paragraph 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 49-2
If any of the following circumstances applies to a listed company, the TWSE may impose the periodic call auction trading method for its listed securities pursuant to the Rules Governing Trading of Securities Placed Under Altered Trading Methods: 1. Its listed securities have been placed under an altered trading method pursuant to Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 6. 2. Its listed securities have been placed under an altered trading method pursuant to Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8. 3. Its listed securities have been placed under an altered trading method pursuant to Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 9. 4. Its latest-period financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act indicates that its net worth is lower than three-tenths of its share capital stated on the financial report. 5. The TWSE deems it necessary to do so for any other reason. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed for listed securities of a listed company because of a circumstance specified in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, and no circumstance specified in any other subparagraph of the preceding paragraph exists, the TWSE may lift the requirement of the periodic call auction trading method if the respective requirement listed among the following subparagraphs is satisfied: 1. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirements of Article 49, paragraph 2, subparagraph 6. 2. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirements of Article 49, paragraph 2, subparagraph 8. 3. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirements of Article 49, paragraph 2, subparagraph 9. 4. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirement that the net worth stated on the listed company's latest-period financial report audited and certified by a CPA and publicly announced and registered under Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act be not less than three-tenths of the share capital stated on the financial report, and the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction have been completed. 5. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph: have made supplementation or correction as demanded by the TWSE. If the TWSE imposes the periodic call auction trading method for a listed company's securities under paragraph 1, or lifts the requirement of the periodic call auction trading method for a listed company's securities under paragraph 2, it shall report the measure to the Competent Authority for recordation within 1 month after execution.
Article 49-3
If any of the following circumstances applies to a TWSE primary listed company, the TWSE may impose the periodic call auction trading method for its listed securities pursuant to the Rules Governing Trading of Securities Placed Under Altered Trading Methods: 1. Its listed securities have been placed under an altered trading method pursuant to Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5. 2. Its listed securities have been placed under an altered trading method pursuant to Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 7. 3. Its listed securities have been placed under an altered trading method pursuant to Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8. 4. Its net worth as stated on its consolidated financial report duly announced and registered for the latest period is lower than three-tenths of its share capital stated on the financial report. 5. The TWSE deems it necessary to do so for any other reason. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed for listed securities of a TWSE primary listed company because of a circumstance specified in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, and no circumstance specified in any other subparagraph of the preceding paragraph exists, the TWSE may lift the requirement of the periodic call auction trading method if the respective requirement listed among the following subparagraphs is satisfied: 1. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirements of Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 5. 2. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirements of Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 7. 3. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirements of Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 8. 4. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph: satisfy the requirement that the net worth stated on the TWSE primary listed company's latest-period financial report audited and certified by a CPA and duly publicly announced and registered be not less than three-tenths of the share capital stated on the financial report, and that the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction have been completed. 5. Where the periodic call auction trading method has been imposed because of a circumstance under subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph: have made supplementation or correction as demanded by the TWSE. If the TWSE imposes the periodic call auction trading method for a TWSE primary listed company's securities under paragraph 1, or lifts the requirement of the periodic call auction trading method for a listed company's securities under paragraph 2, it shall report the measure to the Competent Authority for recordation within 1 month after execution.
Article 50-1
If any of the following circumstances applies to any listed company, the TWSE shall, in accordance with Article 144 of the Securities and Exchange Act, report to and obtain the approval of the Competent Authority to delist its securities: 1. Any conditions specified in Article 9, Article 10, Article 11, paragraph 2 of Article 17, subparagraphs 1 through 8 of paragraph 1 of Article 315, or Article 397 of the Company Act or Article 21 or Article 54 of the Financial Holding Company and a relevant competent authority has revoked its company license, ordered its dissolution, or voided its approval. 2. Any conditions specified in Article 251 or Article 271 of the Company Act or the relevant authority has revoked its approval for other reasons. 3. Confirmation of bankruptcy by any court. 4. Confirmation of reorganization by any court, or denial of reorganization motion issued in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 3 of Article 285-1 of the Company Act. 5. The scope of the business of the company has changed substantially, and the TWSE believes that it is no longer appropriate for listing. 6. The total amount of its listed preferred shares is less than NT$200 million. 7. The trading of its securities has been suspended pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, and after 6 consecutive months trading of its securities is not resumed; or, where trading of the securities is resumed after having been suspended pursuant to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of the preceding article for less than 6 months, and, within 6 months from the resumption of trading, trading is again suspended pursuant to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of the preceding article, and the aggregate period of suspension of trading exceeds 6 months. 8. Record of refusal of financial institutions to transact with the company or of the circumstances referred to in subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article where the company has failed to carry out remedial procedures as set forth in subparagraph 9 of paragraph 2 of Article 49 and submit relevant documentary proof within 6 months of the trading day next following the date of suspension of trading. However, if the negotiable instrument is retrieved by means of a settlement within 3 months of the trading day next following the date of suspension of trading, an application may be filed with the TWSE for re-calculation of the duration of the period of suspension of trading as from a date approved by the TWSE. Such application shall be accompanied by the settlement document, a photocopy of the negotiable instrument, and other relevant materials. Only one such extension may be granted. 9. Where the latest individual financial report as publicly announced and registered in accordance with Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act shows a negative net worth. Likewise, where a subsequently publicly announced and registered individual financial report of a non-holding company or consolidated financial report of a holding company shows a negative net worth. 10. The business of the company has completely stopped and cannot commence quickly, or there is no business revenue; provided such provisions shall not be applicable to a company, listed in accordance with Article 6-1 of Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings, which has no business income during the period of construction under the concession contract. 11. Any conditions specified in Article 156 of the Securities and Exchange Act exists and the Competent Authority has ordered the suspension of trading of all of its securities for at least 3 months. 12. A demerger from, or a general assignment to, or a merger with another company, where the resulting entity does not satisfy, respectively, the requirements for continued listing under Article 53-19, Article 53-10, or Article 53-2. 13. Material breach of the Agreement for Listing. 14. Final confirmation by a judicial authority that any of the following circumstances applies to the listed company: i. The financial reports, accounting books, etc. provided by the company during the application for listing contain false and concealed items, and upon discounting for such false and concealed items, its profitability does not conform to the listing requirements; provided, the above shall not be applicable if 5 years have passed between the listing date and the date of confirmation by a judicial authority. ii. Satisfies the proviso of the preceding sub-item, and the false and concealed items still exists at the time of the final confirmation of judgment, and upon discounting for such false and concealed items, its current revenue generating ability does not conform to the listing requirements. 15. Over 70 percent of its total issued shares or total capital is held by another TWSE listed (or GTSM listed) company. 16. Circumstances set forth in paragraph 1, subparagraph 12 of the preceding article and inability to achieve compliance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 12 of the same article within 6 months from the trading day next following the suspension of trading. 17. The competent authority for the target industry duly appoints a receiver to take receivership of the financial institution. 18. Other events requiring delisting. If a listed company's securities have been suspended from trading by the TWSE because of a circumstance in paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 or 5, of the preceding Article for a full 6 months without correction, or if the circumstance in subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph existed, and the TWSE has announced but not yet implemented the delisting of its securities, if the listed company satisfies the requirements of the respective subparagraphs below, is free from any other circumstance in the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph, and submits an application to the TWSE together with relevant materials and evidence at least 8 business days prior to the delisting implementation date, then after filing for and receiving approval from the Competent Authority, the TWSE may publicly announce an exemption from implementation of the delisting. 1. Where a listed company's securities have been suspended from trading by the TWSE because of a circumstance in paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 or 5, of the preceding Article for a full 6 months without correction, and it meets the supplementation requirements of paragraph 2, subparagraph 1 or 5 of the preceding Article. 2. Where, after public announcement of delisting for reasons in subparagraph 8 above, the record of refusal of transaction by a financial institution or the dishonor of a negotiable instrument because of insufficient funds on deposit has been resolved by carrying out remedial procedures as set forth in subparagraph 9 of paragraph 2 of Article 49 and submitting relevant documentary proof. A listed company that makes full supplementations or corrections before the implementation date after its listed securities have been publicly announced for delisting shall be eligible for an exemption from implementation of delisting only if such listed company has never previously been granted a exemption from delisting based on the same reasons. Where delisting is occasioned by the circumstances set out in subparagraph 17 of paragraph 1, after receiving the notice of receivership from the Competent Authority, the TWSE shall immediately announce that beginning from the next day the trading of the company's listed securities shall be suspended for a period of 10 days, and before the expiration of the period of suspended trading shall announce that beginning from the next day following expiration of the suspension, the securities shall be traded for 20 days under the altered trading method in periodic call auction trading, after which the listed securities shall be delisted. A listed company applying for delisting of its securities in accordance with Article 145 of the Securities and Exchange Act shall process the application in accordance with "Procedures for Handling Applications for Delisting by Listed Companies." Where a listed company delists in accordance with paragraph 1, subparagraph 15 herein, the listed parent company shall undertake to unconditionally purchase the remaining outstanding shares of the company.