
Title: Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing Underwriting and Resale of Securities by Securities Firms(2010.01.08)
Article 53   Except for the underwriting of an initial listing on a stock exchange or an OTC market that involves simultaneous book building and public subscription procedures, an underwriter handling an offering by public subscription shall, after registering the underwriting contract with the Taiwan Securities Association, observe the following schedule in handling matters relating to subscriptions, bid deposits, and postage for lottery winner notifications:
1. Day One: Publish an underwriting announcement and commence subscription.
2. Day Three: Subscription period closes. Deadline for subscriber's payment of subscription processing fee, subscription payment, and postage expense for lottery winner notification to the designated bank.
3. Day Four: Date of withholding of subscription processing fees, subscription payments, and postage for lottery winner notifications. Broker's bank undertakes matters regarding withholding of subscribers' subscription processing fees, subscription payments, and postage for lottery winner notifications.
4. Day Five: Date of public drawing of lots. The TSEC undertakes drawing. TSEC produces and sends report of winner information to each broker. TSEC compiles and reports the information to the lead underwriter for provision to subscribers for their review.
5. Day Six:
Date of settlement of subscription processing fees, subscription payments, and postage expense for lottery winner notifications.
Brokers make no-interest refunds to non-lottery winners of bid deposits and prepaid postage for lottery winner notifications; the subscription processing fees of non-lottery winners are not returned.
Underwriter shall send lottery winner notifications and prospectuses (or subscription forms) to lottery winners via express registered mail.
The subscriber shall, on any given day during the subscription period between 09:00 and 14:00, fill-in a subscription form (formatted as in Attachment 7) at the business premises of the broker or entrust the broker by phone to fill in such a form, or shall, during the subscription period before 14:00 on the day of the deadline, fill in and submit a subscription form via the Internet.
Every day during the subscription period until the deadline, the broker shall compile up until the previous day and place the subscription information in the trading room as a reference for subscribers or for voice or computer query.
If any of the dates set forth in paragraph 1 subparagraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5 falls on a weekend, regular holiday, or bank holiday, it shall be postponed by one day, and the dates that follow shall be moved forward accordingly.
The dates specified under paragraph 1 may be changed if necessary by applying for approval with the Taiwan Securities Association.
The Taiwan Securities Association shall prescribe the standard for the postage expense for lottery winner notification. A securities firm shall be responsible for compensation for any loss to the lottery winner resulting from problems in service of the lottery winner announcement; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply where the securities firm was not negligent.
The procedures related to the allocation of securities by public subscription by securities firms as prescribed by paragraph 1 shall be separately prescribed by the Taiwan Securities Association. If the number of units subscribed does not exceed the number of units to be sold, all qualified subscribers shall be deemed lottery winners, and a public drawing of lots shall be unnecessary.
After the subscriber has commissioned subscription with a broker, the subscription form shall not be withdrawn or changed.
Article 59   After being consigned to undertake subscription, a broker shall, on a daily basis, input data from the subscription forms into the TSEC's computer system by batch file transmission or terminal key-in. Before the drawing, data from subscriptions where the processing fee, subscription payment, or postage expense for lottery winner notification cannot be deducted on schedule due to insufficient bank funds and data from duplicated subscriptions shall be excluded, and fees already deducted shall not be returned.
On the date of the public drawing of lots, a list of qualified and unqualified subscribers as set forth under the preceding paragraph shall be made available by the TSEC for review at the TSEC and the business premises of the lead underwriter and brokers (the list at each broker's place of business shall include only the names of subscribers who have subscribed through that particular broker).
Where there has been duplicated subscription as set forth under paragraph 1, the subscriber shall be notified by the underwriter by registered letter within one week of the closure of the offering period.