
Title: Operation Directions for Applications by Overseas Chinese, Foreign Nationals, and Mainland China Area Investors for Registration to Invest in Domestic Securities or Trade Domestic Futures(2009.07.28)
2   Ⅱ. Registration Application for Onshore Overseas Chinese and Foreign nationals
1.New addition
(1) Basis:
Article 10 of the Regulations, Article 77-4 of the Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation, and Article 44-4 of the Operating Rules of the Taiwan Futures Exchange Corporation.
(2) Qualifications:
The term "onshore overseas Chinese and foreign nationals" means overseas Chinese, foreign natural persons and foreign institutional investors inside the territory of the ROC.
1. Onshore Overseas Chinese and Foreign natural persons: Persons at least 20 years old, residing in the territory of the ROC with an overseas Chinese identification certificate or alien resident certificate.
2. Onshore Foreign Institutional Investors: Foreign juristic person which sets up a branch office in the territory of the ROC.
(3) Application Documents
1. Registration Form: The onshore overseas Chinese or foreign national should fill out the "Registration Form for Onshore Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals to Invest in ROC Securities or to Trade ROC Futures," Form 2-1.
2. Documents Enclosed: The onshore overseas Chinese or foreign national applying for registration should prepare the following documents:
2.1 Onshore Overseas Chinese and Foreign Natural Persons: passport and alien resident certificate or overseas Chinese identification certificate.
2.2 Onshore Foreign Institutional Investors: The Recognition Certificate from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, company registration certificate, the identification certificate or the alien resident certificate or passport of the responsible person.
(4) Flow of Processing
1. The onshore overseas Chinese or foreign national applying for registration should prepare the documents listed under II.1.(3), item 2 above and entrust the securities brokerage firm or futures commission merchant to apply to the TWSE.
2. Review of Registration Form: Once the securities brokerage firm or futures commission merchant transmits the registration form filled out online through the TWSE system, the TWSE will immediately review each item of the transmitted material and provide the result of the registration application online, which is classified as follows:
2.1 Registration Completed: If each item of the transmitted material has been reviewed through computer and the nationality is not of mainland China, the process of registration application to the TWSE is complete. After the securities firm or futures commission merchant prints out the registration application form and hands it over for personal signature of the onshore overseas Chinese or foreign national, and prints out the Certificate of Completed Registration for Onshore Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals, Form 2-2, they can handle the account opening. After completing the registration, the securities company or futures commission merchant does not need to deliver to the TWSE the relevant documents and material of the onshore overseas Chinese or foreign national. The securities company should keep copies of the documents mentioned in (3), Application Documents, the registration application form signed by the applicant, and the Certificate of Registration Completion.
2.2 Duplicate Registration: The material transmitted is exactly the same as the English name, nationality, and date of birth as another foreign investor already approved or completing registration.
3. Denial of registration: The TWSE or TAIFEX may deny the registration if any of the following circumstances applies to the onshore overseas Chinese or foreign national applying for registration:
3.1 The contents or items of the registration documents are found to be fraudulent or untrue;
3.2 An incomplete set of registration documents is submitted or they have not been fully filled out; or
3.3 There is a serious violation of the Regulations Governing Investment in Securities by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals or the laws and regulations concerning securities or futures administration.
2. Amendment and Cancellation
If the contents of the registration items of the Onshore Overseas Chinese or foreign national have been changed or there have cancellation application, the securities firm or futures commission merchant should submit an application to the TWSE with the following documents:
(1) Onshore overseas Chinese and foreign natural persons: their passport and alien resident certificate or overseas Chinese identification certificate.
(2) Onshore Foreign Institutional Investors: The Recognition Certificate from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, company registration certificate, the identification certificate, or the alien resident certificate or passport of the responsible person.