
Title: Regulations Governing the Exercise of Powers by Audit Committees of Public Companies(2020.01.15)
Article 9       If an independent director member of the audit committee has a personal interest in any agenda item, the director shall explain the essential content of the interest. If the director's personal interest is likely to prejudice the interest of the company, the director member may not participate in discussion and voting, and shall recuse himself or herself from the discussion and voting, and also may not exercise voting rights as a proxy for any other independent director member.
    Where the spouse or a blood relative within the second degree of kinship of an independent director is an interested party with respect to an agenda item as described in the preceding paragraph, such director shall be deemed to be an interested party with respect to that agenda item.
    Where a matter is unable to be resolved at a committee meeting for the reason stated in paragraph 1, the fact shall be reported to the board of directors and the matter shall be resolved by the board instead.