Amended Article


Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors and Supervisors of TWSE Listed and TPEx Listed Companies 

Amended Date: 2024.01.19 (Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.12.23 
Categories: Corporate Governance
6     (Continuing Education System)
    A TWSE or TPEx listed company shall send their directors and supervisors to lectures, seminars, symposiums, and continuing education courses organized by the following institutions and in line with what is described under Article 5 "Continuing Education Scope" when arranging continuing education for directors and supervisors:
  1. The regulatory authority in charge of a relevant industry, the competent authority, the TWSE, TPEx, Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation.
  2. An institution recognized in accordance with the Principles for Review and Approval of Institution in Continuing Education System under Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors and Supervisors of TWSE Listed and TPEx Listed Companies.
  3. Seminars, symposiums, and internal training sessions organized by the TWSE or TPEx listed company or its affiliated enterprises, and in line with what is described in Article 5 "Continuing Education Scope", provided that the hours thereof that may be recognized for continuing education are limited to one-third of the minimum CPE hours that a person is advised to complete per year under these Directions.
  4. Special lectures, seminars, and symposiums organized by international organizations such as OECD or by major securities markets around the world, attended by directors or supervisors, where the topic is in line with what is described in Article 5 "Continuing Education Scope".