Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Company-Type Stock Exchanges 

Amended Date: 2018.07.27 
Article 23     A company-type stock exchange preparing parent company only financial reports shall apply accounting treatment conforming to the requirements of Chapter II of these Regulations, except when it has control or significant influence over, or a joint venture interest in, an invested company, in which case it shall value the long-term equity investment using the equity method.
    The profit or loss during the period and other comprehensive income presented in parent company only financial reports shall be the same as the allocations of profit or loss during the period and of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent presented in the financial reports prepared on a consolidated basis, and the owners' equity presented in the parent company only financial reports shall be the same as the equity attributable to owners of the parent presented in the financial reports prepared on a consolidated basis.