Article NO. Content


Guidelines for Depositing Funds for Securities Offered and Issued by Issuers into Specialized Accounts 

Amended Date: 2019.05.24 
5     The Consignment Contract for Collection of Proceeds shall stipulate the following (see Attachment 1 for a standard contract):
  1. After the bank consigned to collect the proceeds has received the proceeds, the issuer or the preparatory office of the company to be established through an offering shall not use such proceeds.
  2. Within five (5) business days after the deadline for payment, such proceeds shall be deposited into the bank of specialized deposit account by the bank consigned to collect proceeds.
  3. If the securities are not fully subscribed, after they are fully subscribed by specified persons, the proceeds paid shall still be deposited into the bank consigned to collect the proceeds. The bank consigned to collect proceeds shall deposit such proceeds into the bank of specialized deposit account on the business day following the date of full payment.