Article NO. Content


Numerical Standards for and Exceptions to the Irregularity Standards in Article 4 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation's Directions for Announcement or Notice of Attention to Trading Information and Related Dispositions 

Amended Date: 2024.07.10 (Articles 12 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2021.07.26 
Categories: Market Supervision > Stock Market Surveillance
Article 14     For the purpose of Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 13 of the Directions, “day trading volume accounting for a significantly high percentage of the total volume of trade of the most recent period” with respect to a particular security means the security meets both the following circumstances on the business day prior to a given day:
  1. Day trading volume of the most recent 6 business days (starting from the business day prior to the given day) accounts for more than 60% of the total volume of trade of the most recent 6 business days (starting from the business day prior to the given day).
  2. Day trading volume of the business day prior to the give day accounts for more than 60% of the total volume of trade of the given day.
    Exceptions to the preceding paragraph are as follows:
  1. Day trading volume of common shares of primary listed stocks with no price fluctuation limit shall not be included in the calculation of the standards in the preceding paragraph.
  2. The standards in the preceding paragraph shall not apply to ETF beneficiary certificates.
  3. The standards in the preceding paragraph shall not apply if the security has one of the following circumstances on the business day prior to the given day:
    1. When turnover is less than 5%.
    2. When trading value is less than NT$500 million.
    3. When day trading volume is below 5,000 trading units.
  4. The standards under the preceding paragraph shall not apply when a particular security for which attention to trading information has been announced pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 13 of the Directions for the five business days prior to the given day within the most recent 6 business days (inclusive of the given day) has a day trading volume of the business day prior to the given day less than the day trading volume on each of the most recent 5 business days (from the second business day prior to the given day).

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