Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Overseas Securities by Issuers 

Amended Date: 2021.03.29 
Article 34     When an overseas stock issue has been effectively registered, the issuer shall post the following particulars to the information reporting website specified by the FSC within the designated time limit:
  1. Where the offering is to raise funds, a public announcement of the following particulars shall be made within 2 days after the issue pricing:
    1. Number of shares issued, issue price per share, total issue size, and projected date of issuance.
    2. Place of issuance and transaction.
    3. If the statement of issuance methods provides that a portion of the depositary receipts shall be subscribed to by a specific person or persons, then the announcement shall state the purpose for subscription by the specific person or persons through negotiation, the total number of shares subscribed to by the specific person or persons, the total dollar amount, and the relationship between the specific person or persons and the issuer.
    4. The funds utilization plan and the expected benefits thereof (in the case of cash capital increase through a new share issue).
    5. The main impact on shareholders' equity (such as expenses incurred through issuance of overseas stocks, or impact on shareholding structure).
  2. Where the offering is not for the purpose of raising funds, a public announcement of the following particulars shall be made within 2 days after listing:
    1. Number of shares listed, listed price per share, and total size of listing.
    2. Place of listing.
    3. The main impact on shareholders' equity (such as expenses incurred through issuance, or impact on shareholding structure).
    Should there be any change after the announcement or reporting of items referred to in subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, a public announcement of such change shall be made and a report shall be filed with the FSC within 2 days after the closing of the offering.