Article NO. Content


Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies 

Amended Date: 2022.12.23 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 37-2     (Establishment of an intellectual property regulatory system)
    The board of directors is advised to evaluate and monitor the following aspects of a TWSE/TPEx company’s direction of operation and performance in connection with intellectual properties, to ensure the company develops an intellectual property regulatory system in accordance with the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle:
  1. Formulate intellectual property regulatory policies, objectives and systems that are slightly associated with the operational strategies.
  2. Develop, implement and maintain on the basis of scale and form its regulatory systems governing the procurement, protection, maintenance and utilization of intellectual properties.
  3. Identify and provide the necessary resources sufficient to ensure effective implementation and maintenance of the intellectual property regulatory system.
  4. Observe internally and externally the risks and opportunities that intellectual property regulation may present and adopt corresponding measures.
  5. Plan for and implement a continuous improvement mechanism to ensure the operation and effects of the intellectual property regulatory regime meet the company’s expectations.