Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies 

Amended Date: 2024.04.22 
Article 37 CPAs retained to conduct special audits of the internal control systems of a company conducting initial public offering of stocks shall conduct such audits pursuant to Articles 25 through the preceding article.<br/>When conducting special audits under the preceding paragraph, CPAs shall focus on whether the company has meet the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, and, particularly, express opinions on the company's operational procedures such as for acquiring or disposing of assets, engaging in derivatives transactions, management of loans to others, management of endorsements or guarantees for others, management of related party transactions, management of the procedures for preparation of financial statements, and supervision and management of subsidiaries, and shall give an appropriate explanation thereof in a single separate paragraph in the audit report.<br/>Except as otherwise provided by the FSC, the time period covered by a special audit under paragraph 1 shall be the most recent fiscal year before the company filed its report for public issuance of its stock. If on the date of the report for public issuance eight months have already lapsed since the beginning of the fiscal year, the time period covered shall be the second half of the most recent fiscal year and the first half of the current fiscal year.

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