Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing Financial Statement Audit and Attestation Engagements of Certified Public Accountants 

Amended Date: 2024.02.02 
Article 20 If the audited entity changes an accounting policy, the auditor shall ascertain on an item-by-item basis whether an analysis of reasonableness, and specific evidence, have been provided for matters including pre-change analysis, estimation of the quantitative effect, and peer comparison. If the audited entity has any change in any matter among accounting estimates in relation to a change in the useful life or the depreciation or depletion method of depreciable or depletable assets, a change in the amortization period or amortization method of intangible assets, a change in the residual value of any such assets, or a change in a technique used to estimate the fair value thereof, the CPA also shall comply with the provisions specified above.<br/>If the audited entity changes to any new accounting policy, the CPA shall ascertain whether it has applied the change retrospectively; if it is impracticable, the CPA shall ascertain whether it complies with International Accounting Standards 8.