Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Service Enterprises in Securities and Futures Markets 

Amended Date: 2024.04.22 
Article 27 The competent authority may, after having considered the size, business nature, and organizational characteristics of a securities firm, futures enterprise, securities finance enterprise, securities investment trust enterprise, securities investment consulting enterprise, credit rating agency, or any other service enterprise in the securities or futures market designated by the competent authority, order such an enterprise to establish a unit in a direct reporting line to the general manager, to be charged with the planning, management and execution of a compliance system.<br/>The board of directors shall designate a member of senior management as the chief compliance officer, to be responsible for overseeing compliance matters and submit a report to the board of directors and to each and all supervisors at least semi-annually. If a material violation is discovered or there is a rating downgrade by the competent authority, the chief compliance officer shall immediately report to the directors and supervisors, and report to the board of directors any matters relating to compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The report shall, at the least, include analysis of the cause of the event, the potential impact, and recommendations for improvement.<br/>Except as otherwise required by provisions governing securities or futures enterprises, the information on the compliance officer described in the preceding paragraph shall be filed with the competent authority for recordation, specifying the reason for such a designation and annexed with the minutes of the board of directors meeting, within 5 days from the date of passage by the board of directors.
