Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Financial Holding Companies 

Amended Date: 2022.12.30 (Articles 4, 6, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 32 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2006.01.24 
Article 12     The classification of asset accounts in the consolidated balance sheet, content of account entries, and matters to be noted are as follows:
  1. Cash and cash equivalents: Means cash on hand, notes held for exchange, petty cash revolving funds, and funds on deposit at other financial institutions. Items earmarked for a designated purpose or subject to use restrictions may not be entered under this account.
  2. Central Bank deposits and interbank loans: Means Central Bank deposits and reserves, interbank loans, and interbank overdrafts.
  3. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: Means financial assets held for trading; financial assets, except those designated as hedged items in hedge accounting relationships, which at the time of initial recognition were designated as assets to be measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in earnings. If financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are to be used for repo transactions or are otherwise subject to any restriction or limitation, such shall be noted.
  4. Bill and bond reverse repurchase investments: Means the dollar amount actually paid to the counterparty when engaging in bill and bond reverse repurchase transactions
  5. Available-for-sale financial assets: Means any non-derivative financial asset that meets one of the following conditions:
    1. Is designated as available-for-sale.
    2. Is not a financial asset designated at fair value through profit or loss, a financial asset held to maturity, a financial asset measured at cost, a bond portfolio with no active market, a loan, or a receivable.
  6. Receivables: Means various types of receivables, regardless whether originated by the entity, including accounts receivable, notes receivable, interest receivable, acceptances receivable, securities margin loans receivable, refinancing collateral receivable, insurance premiums receivable, claims and benefits recoverable from reinsurers, unaccrued amounts payable on reinsurance, accrued amounts payable on reinsurance, and other receivables.
  7. Loans: Means documentary credits, discounts on notes, loans, life insurance loans, insurance premium loans, and loans reclassified as non-accrual loans.
  8. Held-to-maturity financial assets: Means non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that the company has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity.
  9. Equity investments using the equity method: Means a long-term equity investment using the equity method. If it is encumbered by a pledge or is otherwise subject to any restriction or limitation, this fact shall be reported in a footnote.
  10. Real estate investments: Means investments made by any subsidiary (in the course of its conduct of a registered line of business and in accordance with applicable laws and/or regulations) in real estate not intended for its own use.
  11. Fixed assets: Means tangible assets for use in conduct of business, and not intended for sale. If a fixed asset is provided as a guarantee, or has a mortgage or lien against it, that fact shall be noted.
  12. Goodwill and intangible assets: Means assets which are nonphysical but have economic value, including goodwill, franchises, patents, concessions, trademarks, computer software costs, deferred pension costs, specialized expertise, leaseholds, and other intangible assets.
  13. Other financial assets: Financial assets not recorded individually on the balance sheet shall be classified as "other financial assets," and include derivative financial assets for hedging, financial assets measured at cost, equity investments held for disposal, bond portfolios with no active market, non-accrual loans other than those reclassified from loans, insurance product assets held in segregated custody accounts, and other miscellaneous financial assets. When the amount of "other financial assets" exceeds 5 percent of the total amount of assets, the account for each such "other asset" shall be recorded separately.
  14. Other assets: Means assets not falling within the above categories, including foreclosed collateral, funds held by ceding companies, and other miscellaneous assets. When "other assets" account for more than 5 percent of the total amount of assets, the account for each such "other asset" shall be recorded separately.