Article NO. Content


Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for Securities Firms 

Amended Date: 2023.02.08 (Articles 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 10-1, 18, 24, 27, 28-4, 37, 37-2, 37-3, 40, 51, 62, 63 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2021.05.04 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 60     In order to keep shareholders and stakeholders fully informed, it is advisable for a securities firm to take advantage of the convenience of the Internet and to set up a web site containing the information regarding the company's finance, operation and corporate governance. It is also advisable to contain the finance, corporate governance or other related information in English as well.
    To avoid misleading information, the aforesaid web site shall be maintained by specified personnel, and the recorded information shall be accurate, in detail and updated timely.