Article NO. Content


Operation Directions for Applications by Overseas Chinese, Foreign Nationals, and Mainland Area Investors for Registration to Invest in Domestic Securities or Trade Domestic Futures 

Amended Date: 2024.01.09 (Articles 1, 2, 3, 5 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2021.03.19 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Trading > Securities Transaction
5     Supplemental registration for existing QFII sub-accounts
  1. The agent (or representative) for the original QFII sub-account should enter the F code in the TWSE system.
  2. The system will automatically produce a Form for Registration of an Existing QFII Sub-Account as a Master Account, Form 5-1, in which the F code of the existing sub-account and the Chinese and English names of the existing sub-account will be automatically produced, and the remaining information is to be filled in by the agent (or representative) of the offshore overseas Chinese or foreign national. Exhibit 5-1: Offshore Foreign Institutional Investor Registration Form (for Original QFII Sub-Account Registration as FINI)
  3. Process flow: the sub-account agent (or representative) should transmit the completely filled out supplemental registration application materials online via the Exchange's system. Once the materials are checked online through the system and no error is found, the agent can print out the completed Certificate of Completed Supplemental Registration, as shown in Form 5-2, online through the TWSE system. Form 5-2: Certificate of Completion of Supplemental Registration
