Article NO. Content


Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings 

Amended Date: 2023.03.17 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 17     (Maintaining order at the meeting place)
    Staff handling administrative affairs of a shareholders meeting shall wear identification cards or arm bands.
    The chair may direct the proctors or security personnel to help maintain order at the meeting place. When proctors or security personnel help maintain order at the meeting place, they shall wear an identification card or armband bearing the word "Proctor."
    At the place of a shareholders meeting, if a shareholder attempts to speak through any device other than the public address equipment set up by this Corporation, the chair may prevent the shareholder from so doing.
    When a shareholder violates the rules of procedure and defies the chair's correction, obstructing the proceedings and refusing to heed calls to stop, the chair may direct the proctors or security personnel to escort the shareholder from the meeting.