Article NO. Content


Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings 

Amended Date: 2023.03.17 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 6     (Preparation of documents such as the attendance book)
    This Corporation shall specify in its shareholders meeting notices the time during which attendance registrations for shareholders, solicitors and proxies (collectively “shareholders”) will be accepted, the place to register for attendance, and other matters for attention.
    The time during which shareholder attendance registrations will be accepted, as stated in the preceding paragraph, shall be at least 30 minutes prior to the time the meeting commences. The place at which attendance registrations are accepted shall be clearly marked and a sufficient number of suitable personnel assigned to handle the registrations. For virtual shareholders meetings, shareholders may begin to register on the virtual meeting platform 30 minutes before the meeting starts. Shareholders completing registration will be deemed as attend the shareholders meeting in person.
    Shareholders shall attend shareholders meetings based on attendance cards, sign-in cards, or other certificates of attendance. This Corporation may not arbitrarily add requirements for other documents beyond those showing eligibility to attend presented by shareholders. Solicitors soliciting proxy forms shall also bring identification documents for verification.
    This Corporation shall furnish the attending shareholders with an attendance book to sign, or attending shareholders may hand in a sign-in card in lieu of signing in.
    This Corporation shall furnish attending shareholders with the meeting agenda book, annual report, attendance card, speaker's slips, voting slips, and other meeting materials. Where there is an election of directors or supervisors, pre-printed ballots shall also be furnished.
    When the government or a juristic person is a shareholder, it may be represented by more than one representative at a shareholders meeting. When a juristic person is appointed to attend as proxy, it may designate only one person to represent it in the meeting.
    In the event of a virtual shareholders meeting, shareholders wishing to attend the meeting online shall register with this Corporation two days before the meeting date.
    In the event of a virtual shareholders meeting, this Corporation shall upload the meeting agenda book, annual report and other meeting materials to the virtual meeting platform at least 30 minutes before the meeting starts, and keep this information disclosed until the end of the meeting.