Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Review of Professional Development Institutions for Principal Accounting Officers of Issuers, Securities Firms, and Securities Exchanges 

Announced Date: 2006.06.08 
Article 7     After being recognized as a professional development institution for principal accounting officers, the institution shall provide documentation to the competent authority on the names of its courses, course outlines, course offering dates, course hours, and academic qualifications and experience of instructors for the following year before the end of October each year.
    When the documentary information provided to the competent authority by the professional development institution for principal accounting officers pursuant to the preceding paragraph differs from the content of actual course offerings, the institution shall provide the competent authority with amended documentation before the courses begin.
    When the documentary information provided pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs does not comply with these Regulations, the competent authority may revoke its recognition of the institution as a professional development institution for principal accounting officers.