Article NO. Content


Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies 

Amended Date: 2022.12.23 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 7     The directors of a TWSE/TPEx listed company shall exercise the due care of good administrators to urge the company to perform its sustainable development initiatives, examine the results of the implementation thereof from time to time and continually make adjustments so as to ensure the thorough implementation of its sustainable development policies.
    The board of directors of a TWSE/TPEx listed company is advised to give full consideration to the interests of stakeholders, including the following matters, in the company's furtherance of its sustainable development objectives:
  1. Identifying the company's sustainable development mission or vision, and declaring its sustainable development policy, systems or relevant management guidelines;
  2. Making sustainable development the guiding principle of the company's operations and development, and ratifying concrete promotional plans for sustainable development initiatives; and
  3. Enhancing the timeliness and accuracy of the disclosure of sustainable development information.
    The board of directors shall appoint executive-level positions with responsibility for economic, environmental, and social issues resulting from the business operations of a TWSE/TPEx listed company, and to report the status of the handling to the board of directors. The handling procedures and the responsible person for each relevant issue shall be concrete and clear.