Article NO. Content


Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Remuneration Committee Charter 

Amended Date: 2020.06.03 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 8     (Convening and holding of meetings)
    Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least ______times a year. In convening a meeting of the Committee, a notice setting forth the subjects to be discussed at the meeting shall be given to each member at least 7 days in advance. In emergency circumstances, however, the meeting may be convened on shorter notice.
     One of the independent directors shall be elected by all members of the Committee as the convener and meeting chair. If the convener takes leave or is unable to convene a meeting for any reason, the convener shall appoint another independent director on the Committee to act in his or her place. If there is no other independent director on the Committee, the convener shall appoint another Committee member to act on his or her behalf. If the convener does not make such an appointment, a member of the Committee shall be elected by and from among the other members on the Committee to serve as convener.