Article NO. Content


Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Remuneration Committee Charter 

Amended Date: 2020.06.03 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 9     (Drafting of meeting agendas)
    The Committee’s meeting agenda shall be drafted by the convener. Other members may submit motions to the Committee for discussion.
    Meeting agendas shall be forwarded to the Committee members in advance.
    When a meeting of the Committee is held, an attendance book shall be made available for sign-in by the Committee members in attendance and thereafter made available for reference.
    The Committee members shall attend the meeting in person. If a member is unable to attend the meeting in person, the member may appoint another member to attend as his or her proxy. Attending a meeting via telecommunications will be deemed attendance in person.
    A member of the Committee that appoints another member as proxy to attend a meeting shall in each instance issue a written proxy stating the scope of authorization with respect to the items on the meeting agenda.
    The proxy under paragraph 3 may accept a proxy from one person only.