Article NO. Content


Operation Directions for the Control of Margin Purchase and Short Sale Limits Relative to the Net Worth of Securities Firms 

Repeal Date: 2016.12.30 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Margin Transaction
5     Where the net worth of a securities firm exceeds the limit prescribed by these Directions for more than thrice within a period of six months, the TWSE will immediately request it to cure and take action as follows against the responsible person of the department committing the violation; where the number of times of violation reaches four, the firm concerned will be requested to give a warning to the responsible person of the department concerned.
    Where the number of times of violation reaches five, the responsible person of the department concerned will be suspended from performing business for a month.
    In the event of an excessive number of times of violation or the violation is material, the TWSE may impose heavier punishment on the president, responsible person of the violating department, and the handling personnel.