Article NO. Content


Regulations on the Notification and Response of Cyber Security Incident 

Amended Date: 2021.08.23 
Article 6 Upon awareness of the cyber security incident, the government agency shall complete the damage control or recovery operation within the following timeframes, and shall conduct the notification in the manner and to the objects as designated by the competent authority:<br/>1. Within seventy-two hours of the awareness of a level-1 or level-2 cyber security incident;<br/>2. Within thirty-six hours of the awareness of a level-3 or level-4 cyber security incident.<br/>After completion of the damage control or recovery operation under the preceding paragraph, the government agency shall continue the investigation and management of the cyber security incident, and shall submit the investigation, management and improvement report within one month in the manner designated by the competent authority.<br/>The timeframe of submission of the investigation, management, and improvement reports under the preceding paragraph may be extended with the consent of the superior or supervisory authority and the competent authority.<br/>If the superior or supervisory authority or the competent authority deem necessary or deem there is any non-compliance with the regulatory requirement, improper matters or other matters to be improved in respect of the damage control or recovery operation under Paragraph 1 and the report submitted under Paragraph 2, they may require the government agency to give explanations and make adjustments.