1. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings
2. Supplementary Provisions to the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Review of Securities Listings
3. Guidelines Governing the Identification of Foreign Investment Holding Companies in Articles 26 and 27 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings
4. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Securities Listings
5. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings
6. Rules Governing Rating of Issuers of Call (Put) Warrants
7. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings
8. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in a Public Offering Prospectus for Call (Put) Warrants
9. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Listing of Exchange Traded Notes
10. Procedures for Review of Listing of Exchange Traded Notes
11. Exchange Traded Notes Prospectus and Simplified Prospectus Template
12. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of the Listing of REIT and REAT Beneficial Securities
13. Operational Procedures for the Review of Foreign Securities for Listing by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
14. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Handling the Registration of Offering and Issuance of Securities by Domestic and Foreign Issuers
15. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Review of Listing of Beneficiary Securities and Asset-Backed Securities
16. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for the Review of Issuance of Overseas Depositary Receipts in a Foreign Over-the-Counter Market
17. Sample Deposit Agreement for Taiwan Depositary Receipts
18. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in Prospectuses for Initial Securities Listing Applications
19. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing Presentations Given by Companies Applying for Initial Stock Listing at the Securities Listing Review Committee
20. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in the Securities Underwriter's Assessment Report
21. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Collection of Securities Listing Application Review Fees
22. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Matters for Joint Compliance by Securities Listing Review Committee Members
23. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation "Securities Listing Review Committee Charter"
24. Directions for Securities Listing Review Committee Meeting Agendas
25. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing the Selection and Appointment of External Reviewers of the Securities Listing Review Committee
26. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation ("TWSE") Procedures for the Review of Internal Control System Reports Issued by Certified Public Accountants
27. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Directions for Compliance withthe Establishment of Board of Directors by TWSE Listed Companies and the Board's Exercise of Powers
28. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Key Points for Classifying and Adjusting Categories of Industries of Listed Companies
29. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation's (the "TWSE") Rules Governing the Reporting of Basic Information of Advisory Client Companies by Securities Underwriters
30. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Assessment and Auditing Procedures for Securities Underwriter Handling Initial Listing Applications
31. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations for Handling Deficiencies in Evaluation Reports or Other Related Information Submitted by a Securities Underwriter
32. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation "Guidelines for Presentations, Evaluations and Explanations Given by Companies Applying for Initial Stock Listing and Relevant Staff at the Securities Listing Review Committee"
33. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Principles for Time and Agenda Arrangements for Meetings of the Review Committee Concerning Companies' Initial Stock Listing Applications