Title:Taiwan Stock Exchange Registration Form for Press Conferences Regarding Material Information of Companies(2000.05.19)
Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure

    Taiwan Stock Exchange Registration Form for Press Conferences Regarding Material Information of Companies
│Information │I.Date of occurrence:      (Month/ Date/ Year)│
│Content     │II.Information content:                       │
│            │1.Conforms to the circumstance in             │
│            │  Item_________, Article 11 of the "Procedures│
│            │  for Verification and Disclosure of Material │
│            │  Information of Companies with Listed        │
│            │  Securities"                                 │
│            │2.Summary:____________________________________│
│            │  ____________________________________________│
│Notification│I.Attendees                                   │
│Matters for │1.Speakers (title, name):                     │
│the Press   │2.Others (title, name)                        │
│Conference  │II.Date and time of the press conference to   │
│            │be held                                       │
│            │1.From____________ to ____________ (Month/    │
│            │  Date/) (9 A.M. to 12 P.M., 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.)│
│            │2.Others (applicable only to an emergency)    │
│            │III.Location of the press conference to be    │
│            │held: □ TWSE    □Others                     │
│            │IV.Have prepared 30 copies of the related     │
│            │data ( and one copy of the formal┌────┐ │
│            │document)                        │        │ │
│            │                                 │        │ │
│            │                                 │        │ │
│            │                                 └────┘ │ 
│            │V.Reasons for the speaker's unavailability    │
│            │  for the conference:                         │
│            │                     _________________Co.,Ltd.│
│            │                     Responsible person:______│
│            │                           or                 │
│            │                       Manager:_______________│
│            │                                              │
│            │                                              │
│            │                           (Month/ Date/ Year)│
  1. If a listed company fails to register or hold on its own initiative within the required period, or refuses to register or hold, a press conference regarding material information of a listed company in accordance with the regulations, or the information it publishes is false and untrue, the TWSE may take action in accordance with Article 15 of the "Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Companies with Listed Securities."
  2. A listed company shall fill in true information and stamp its chop as well as the chop of its responsible person or manager to indicate its responsibility.
  3. Before holding a press conference regarding material information, a listed company shall not publish any information privately, so as to ensure the correctness and availability of information. Where the reason for holding the conference has a material impact on the company's finance and business, it is suggested that the conference be held after 2:30 P.M.
  4. Please fax this list to the Listing Department 1 and 2 of the TWSE (FAX NO:(02)8101-3602/(02)8101-3601) 1.5 hours before the press conference is held.
  5. If a listed company suddenly decides to hold a press conference during non-office hours, in the event of failure to contact personnel of the Department, please send the related information g to the special business number (0978-917-167) for "press conference at non-office time."