Title:Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Enforcement Guidelines Governing Pre-Listing Performance Presentations for Initial Securities Listing(2017.02.14)
Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure

    These Guidelines are established to ensure full disclosure of the financial and business information about companies applying for initial stock listing or Taiwan depositary receipts (excluding companies whose shares are traded on the GreTai Securities Market) (hereinafter the "Applicant") for reference in making an investment decision.
    For purposes of these Guidelines, pre-listing performance presentations includes investor conferences, listing conferences, and any other gatherings where financial and business information about the Applicant is disclosed.
    The Applicant shall conduct at least one pre-listing performance presentation between receipt of the listing approval letter from the TWSE and filing of the book building or competitive auction agreement by the securities underwriter to the Taiwan Securities Association.
    The Applicant shall do the following three business days before a pre-listing performance presentation:
  1. Enter information about the time and place of the pre-listing performance presentation in the online information filing system designated by the TWSE;
  2. Send an invitation in writing or by email to the following entities and representative appointed by the TWSE, enclosed with information about the method or principle used in the determination, or calculation method, of the offer price, copies of which shall be available to the attendees at the place of the presentation:
    1. Securities Analysts Association, Chinese Taipei
    2. Securities & Futures Institute
    3. Taiwan Securities Association
    4. All securities investment trust enterprises
    5. All securities investment consulting enterprises
    6. All securities dealers
    7. Other entities deemed required by the TWSE
    At the pre-listing performance presentation, information about the Applicant's industrial development, financial and business status, future risks, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, key issues raised by the Securities Listing Review Committee and supplementary disclosures to be included in the prospectus and evaluation report requested by the TWSE shall be fully described. Reports or discussions shall be limited to the information contained in the Applicant's prospectus and particulars to be explained at the presentation as requested by the TWSE to be made by a person signing on the prospectus or his authorized person.
    The Applicant shall enter all the information disclosed at the pre-listing performance presentation in the online information filing system designated by the TWSE on the same day of the pre-listing performance presentation after the presentation.
    The Applicant shall video- and audio-record the pre-listing performance presentation from beginning to end, and upload the video clip file to the website of the Applicant after the meeting and before the start of the trading hours of the next business day, and include the proper hyperlink to the video clip file on the website of the securities underwriter and the online information filing system designated by the TWSE.
    Opinions and explanations on the calculation of the offer price given by the attendees at the pre-listing performance presentation shall be faithfully disclosed in the prospectus.
    In the event of the Applicant's failure to hold a pre-listing performance presentation according to these Guidelines, the Taiwan Securities Association will suspend the underwriting of its shares and the TWSE will also suspend the listing and trading of its shares and/or Taiwan depository receipts according to Article 34, paragraph 4, of the Operating Rules.
    These Guidelines shall take effect after having been submitted to and approved by the competent authority and . Subsequent amendments thereto shall be effected in the same manner