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Directions for the Internal Control of Securities Borrowing and Lending Transactions by Securities Firms  CH

Announced Date: 2003.12.10
Amended Date: 2006.03.21 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Borrowing of Securities
Content Article In Change3.All 11 articles and title amended per 21 March 2006, Public Announcement No. 2006-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-Audit-0950005819 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation (original title: Directions for the Internal Control of Trading Requirements and Securities Borrowing of Securities Firms).
Approved for recordation per 17 March 2006, Letter No. 2006 -Taiwan-Finance Securities-2-0950107776 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, and per 10 March 2006, Letter No. 2006-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-Trading-0950004049 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation.
2.All 10 articles and title amended per 3 August 2005, Public Announcement No. 2005-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-audit-0940021792 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of announcement (original title: Directions for the Internal Control of Securities Borrowing out of Strategic Transactions by Securities Firms).
Approved for recordation per 28 July 2005, Letter No. 2005 -Taiwan-Finance Securities-2-0940131587 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan.
1.All 11 articles promulgated in full on 10 December 2003, per Public Announcement No. 2003-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-Audit-0920031054 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation. For implementation from the date of announcement.
Approved for recordation per 8 December 2003, Letter No. 2003-Taiwan-Finance Securities-2-0920156287 of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Ministry of Finance.