序 |
1 |
(股款)繳納憑證 |
certificate of payment (for shares) |
2 |
一般公認會計原則 |
generally accepted accounting principles |
3 |
一般結算會員 |
general clearing member |
4 |
了結 |
liquidate [a position: FTL]; wind up and settle [a transaction: SEL] |
5 |
入帳憑證 |
account entry vouchers |
6 |
下限型認售權證 |
knock-out put warrant |
7 |
上市上櫃公司買回本公司股份辦法 |
Regulations Governing Share Repurchase by Listed and OTC Companies |
8 |
上市公司 |
listed company |
9 |
上市契約 |
listing contract |
10 |
上市費 |
listing fee |
11 |
上限型認購權證 |
knock-out call warrant |
12 |
上櫃公司 |
over-the-counter (OTC) company |
13 |
上櫃公司債名稱變更申請書 |
Application for Change of Name of OTC Corporate Bond |
14 |
上櫃股票 |
over-the-counter (OTC) stock |
15 |
上櫃股票或轉換公司債內容變更申請書 |
Application for Change of Contents of OTC Stock or Convertible Bond |
16 |
工作日誌 |
daily work log |
17 |
工作控制語言 |
task control language |
18 |
工作證 |
work permit |
19 |
已發行股份總數 |
total number of issued shares |
20 |
不予核准 |
deny approval |
21 |
不宜櫃檯買賣(上櫃)情事 |
circumstances under which OTC trading (or OTC listing) is inappropriate |
22 |
不特定多數人 |
changed from "unspecified persons" to "numerous others" |
23 |
不動產估價師 |
real estate appraiser |
24 |
中央登錄公債附條件交易憑證 |
certificate of central book-entry bond traded conditionally |
25 |
中央登錄公債清算銀行 |
central book-entry bond clearing bank |
26 |
內部作業辦法 |
internal operating regulations |
27 |
內部控制制度 |
internal control system |
28 |
內部控制制度聲明書 |
Internal Control System Statement |
29 |
內部稽核 |
internal audit |
30 |
內部稽核部門 |
internal audit department |
31 |
公司分割 |
company split |
32 |
公司制 |
company-type organization |
33 |
公司法 |
Company Law |
34 |
公司治理 |
corporate governance |
35 |
公司股票 |
company stock certificate |
36 |
公司執照影本 |
photocopy of the company license |
37 |
公司章程 |
articles of incorporation |
38 |
公司債 |
corporate bond |
39 |
公司債價款繳納憑證 |
certificate of payment for corporate bonds |
40 |
公司募集發行有價證券公開說明書應行記載事項準則 |
Criteria Governing Information to be Published in Public Offering and Issuance Prospectuses |
41 |
公告現值 |
announced current value |
42 |
公開申購 |
public subscription |
43 |
公開申購配售 |
public subscription |
44 |
公開收購 |
public tender offer |
45 |
公開收購公開發行公司有價證券管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Public Tender Offers for Securities of Public Companies |
46 |
公開收購說明書 |
Public Tender Offer Prospectus |
47 |
公開招募 |
public placement |
48 |
公開抽籤 |
public drawing of lots |
49 |
公開發行 |
public issue |
50 |
公開發行公司 |
public company |
51 |
公開發行公司公開財務預測資訊處理準則 |
Criteria Governing the Public Disclosure of Financial Forecast Information by Public Companies |
52 |
公開發行公司出席股東會使用委託書規則 |
Rules Governing the Use of Proxies for Attendance at Shareholder Meetings of Public Companies |
53 |
公開發行公司年報應行記載事項準則 |
Criteria Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Public Companies |
54 |
公開發行公司取得或處分資產處理準則 |
Criteria for Handling Acquisition and Disposal of Assets by Public Companies |
55 |
公開發行公司股東會議事規範 |
Rules Governing the Conduct of Shareholders Meetings by Public Companies |
56 |
公開發行公司建立內部控制制度處理準則 |
Criteria for Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies |
57 |
公開發行公司發行股票及公司債券簽證規則 |
Rules Governing Certification of Corporate Stock and Bond Issues by Public Companies |
58 |
公開發行公司董事、監察人股權成數及查核實施規則 |
Rules and Audit Procedures for Director and Supervisor Share Ownership Ratios at Public Companies |
59 |
公開發行公司資金貸與及保證處理準則 |
Criteria Governing Loans of Funds and Guarantees by Public Companies |
60 |
公開發行股票公司股務處理準則 |
Criteria Governing Handling of Stock Affairs by Public Stock Companies |
61 |
公開募集 |
public offering |
62 |
公開資訊觀測站 |
Market Observation Post |
63 |
公開說明書 |
prospectus |
64 |
公開銷售 |
public sale |
65 |
公開銷售說明書 |
public sale prospectus |
66 |
公債 |
government bond |
67 |
公營事業 |
public enterprise |
68 |
分支機構 |
branch office |
69 |
分級管理 |
hierarchical management |
70 |
分割 |
split |
71 |
升降幅度 |
fluctuation |
72 |
天然災害防護 |
natural disaster prevention |
73 |
手續費 |
processing fees |
74 |
文件驗證 |
authentication of documents |
75 |
日期 |
date |
76 |
主管機關 |
competent authority |
77 |
主機 |
host |
78 |
主機連線作業 |
connect-to-host procedure |
79 |
主辦會計 |
chief accountant |
80 |
主辦證券承銷商 |
lead securities underwriter |
81 |
以帳簿劃撥方式交付無實體有價證券之發行人 |
issuers of non-physical securities delivered through the book-entry system |
82 |
付款代理人合約書 |
Paying Agency Agreement |
83 |
代收價款行庫 |
bank authorized to collect payment |
84 |
代表人 |
representative |
85 |
代表人指派書 |
Letter of Appointment for Representative |
86 |
代表人授權書 |
Power of Attorney for Agent |
87 |
代表人辦事處 |
representative office |
88 |
代客買賣 |
trading for customer accounts |
89 |
代為處理徵求事務者 |
person engaged to handle proxy solicitation matters |
90 |
代理發言人 |
acting spokesperson |
91 |
代理證券商 |
agent securities firm [for margin loans and stock loans] |
92 |
代銷 |
on a best efforts basis [underwriting] |
93 |
出席股東會委託書 |
shareholder proxy form |
94 |
出席簽到卡 |
attendance card |
95 |
出席證 |
certificate of attendance |
96 |
出售證券利益-自營 |
gain on sale of securities - dealing |
97 |
出售證券利益-承銷 |
gain on sale of securities - underwriting |
98 |
出售證券利益-認購 (售) 權證 |
gain on sale of securities - call (put) warrants |
99 |
出售證券利益-避險 |
gain on sale of securities - hedging |
100 |
出售證券損失-自營 |
loss on sale of securities - dealing |
101 |
出售證券損失-承銷 |
loss on sale of securities - underwriting |
102 |
出售證券損失-認購 (售) 權證 |
loss on sale of securities - call (put) warrants |
103 |
出售證券損失-避險 |
loss on sale of securities - hedging |
104 |
出資額 |
membership contribution (for exchange membership) |
105 |
出質人 |
pledgor |
106 |
包銷 |
On a firm commitment basis (underwriting) |
107 |
可分離認股權 |
separable warrants |
108 |
可轉換公司債 |
convertible bond |
109 |
可轉讓之銀行定期存單 |
negotiable certificate of deposit |
110 |
台灣存託憑證 |
Taiwan Depositary Receipt |
111 |
外國人 |
foreign national |
112 |
外國有價證券 |
foreign securities |
113 |
外國有價證券審查準則 |
Criteria for Review of Foreign Securities |
114 |
外國事業 |
foreign enterprise |
115 |
外國股票 |
foreign stock |
116 |
外國股票流通情形月報表 |
Monthly Report on the Liquidity of Foreign Stock |
117 |
外國股票買賣辦法 |
Regulations Governing Trading of Foreign Stock |
118 |
外國股票櫃檯買賣契約 |
Contract for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trading of Foreign Stocks |
119 |
外國政府 |
foreign government |
120 |
外國專業投資機構 |
Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) |
121 |
外國期貨商在臺分支機構 |
Taiwan branch office of a foreign futures commission merchant |
122 |
外國發行人 |
foreign issuer |
123 |
外國發行人參與發行臺灣存託憑證申請書 |
Application for Sponsoring Issuance of Taiwan Depositary Receipts by Foreign Issuer |
124 |
外國發行人募集與發行有價證券處理準則 |
Criteria Governing the Offering and Issuance of Securities by Foreign Issuers |
125 |
外國發行人募集與發行債券申請書 |
Application for Offering and Issuance of Bonds by Foreign Issuer |
126 |
外國債券 |
foreign bonds |
127 |
外國債券櫃檯買賣契約 |
Contract for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trading of Foreign Bonds |
128 |
外匯業務主管機關 |
competent authority for foreign exchange business |
129 |
外幣存款帳戶 |
foreign currency deposit account |
130 |
市場監視 |
market surveillance |
131 |
市價升降幅度 |
price fluctuation limit |
132 |
市價委託 |
market order |
133 |
平衡型基金 |
balanced fund |
134 |
本息償還期限 |
term for repayment of principal and interest |
135 |
未分配盈餘 |
unappropriated retained earnings |
136 |
未沖銷部位 |
open position |
137 |
申報生效 |
effective registration |
138 |
申報書 |
registration form |
139 |
申報備查 |
file for recordation |
140 |
申請上櫃 |
apply for over-the-counter (OTC) listing |
141 |
申請加入 |
apply to join |
142 |
申請書 |
application |
143 |
申請核准 |
apply for approval |
144 |
申請設立審查表 |
Review Form for Application for Establishment [of a Securities Investment Trust Enterprise] |
145 |
申請登錄 |
Application for Registration |
146 |
申購 |
subscription |
147 |
交叉交易 |
cross trade |
148 |
交付清單 |
delivery statement |
149 |
交付無實體有價證券 |
delivery of non-physical [book-entry] securities |
150 |
交易 |
trade |
151 |
交易單位 |
trade unit |
152 |
交割 |
delivery; settlement |
153 |
交割方式 |
delivery method |
154 |
交割計算表 |
Calculation Table for Delivery |
155 |
交割期限 |
delivery date |
156 |
交割款項 |
settlement money |
157 |
交割結算基金 |
clearing and settlement fund |
158 |
交換公司債 |
exchangeable corporate bond |
159 |
仲裁 |
arbitration |
160 |
企業併購 |
enterprise mergers and acquisitions |
161 |
企業併購法 |
Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions Law |
162 |
全國期貨商業同業公會聯合會 |
National Futures Association |
163 |
全部完工法 |
completed-contract method |
164 |
全權委託 |
discretionary [account] |
165 |
全權委託投資帳戶 |
discretionary investment account |
166 |
全權委託投資業務 |
discretionary investment services |
167 |
全權委託帳戶 |
discretionary account |
168 |
共同取得人 |
joint acquisitor |
169 |
共同基金 |
mutual fund |
170 |
再行銷售 |
re-sale |
171 |
同種類有價證券發行人 |
issuer of securities of the same class |
172 |
合併 |
merger |
173 |
合併財務報告 |
consolidated financial report |
174 |
合併財務報表 |
consolidated financial statement |
175 |
合併發行新股 |
issue of new shares due to merger |
176 |
合格證書 |
certificate of qualification |
177 |
在職訓練 |
on-job training |
178 |
存出保證金 |
refundable deposit |
179 |
存託契約 |
deposit contract |
180 |
存託憑證 |
depositary receipt |
181 |
存託機構 |
depositary institution |
182 |
存款不足之退票 |
dishonor of negotiable instrument due to insufficient deposits |
183 |
存續公司 |
surviving company |
184 |
存續期間 |
duration |
185 |
安全存量 |
safety stock |
186 |
安全防護 |
security and protection |
187 |
安全維護措施 |
security and preservation measures |
188 |
年報 |
annual report |
189 |
扣押 |
attachment |
190 |
收市 |
close; closing |
191 |
收足價款證明 |
Certificate of Full Collection of Proceeds |
192 |
收益平準金 |
income equalization |
193 |
收盤價格 |
closing price |
194 |
收購 |
acquisition |
195 |
有價證券 |
securities |
196 |
有價證券上市審查準則 |
Criteria for Review of Securities Listings |
197 |
有價證券之募集與發行 |
offering and issuance of securities |
198 |
有價證券借貸 |
borrowing of securities |
199 |
有價證券得為融資融券標準 |
Standards Governing Margin Purchase and Short Sale of Securities |
200 |
有價證券集中保管帳簿劃撥作業辦法 |
Regulations Governing Book-Entry Operations for Centrally Deposited Securities |
201 |
有價證券融券餘額 |
balance of securities loans |
202 |
有價證券櫃檯買賣契約 |
Contract for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trading of Securities |
203 |
有價證券櫃檯買賣推薦契約 |
Contract for Recommending Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trading of Securities |
204 |
次順位公司債 |
subordinated corporate bonds |
205 |
次順位金融債 |
subordinated financial bonds |
206 |
自有保證金專戶 |
proprietary margin account |
207 |
自有結算保證金專戶 |
client clearing margin account |
208 |
自有資本適足比率 |
self-owned capital adequacy ratio |
209 |
自有資金 |
own funds |
210 |
自行買賣 |
proprietary trading; trading for [a dealer's] own account |
211 |
自行買賣有價證券 |
securities dealing |
212 |
自行撤回 |
withdrawal by applicant |
213 |
自行檢查 |
self-inspection |
214 |
自律公約 |
self-regulatory agreement |
215 |
自律組織 |
self-regulatory organization |
216 |
自律規則 |
self-regulatory rules |
217 |
自律機構 |
self-regulatory institution |
218 |
自然人 |
natural person |
219 |
自營商 |
dealer |
220 |
自營經手費支出 |
dealer handling fee expenditures |
221 |
估價報告 |
appraisal report |
222 |
作業要點 |
operational guidelines |
223 |
兌回 |
redeem |
224 |
利率 |
interest rate; coupon rate |
225 |
吸收合併 |
merger |
226 |
完工比例法 |
percentage-of-completion method |
227 |
完稅證明 |
tax payment certificate |
228 |
投票表決權 |
voting rights (of shareholders) |
229 |
投資比例 |
investment percentage |
230 |
投資本金 |
investment capital |
231 |
投資收益 |
investment income |
232 |
投資研究部門 |
investment research department |
233 |
投資基本方針 |
basic investment policy |
234 |
投資控股公司 |
investment holding company |
235 |
投資額度 |
investment quota |
236 |
每日結算價 |
daily settlement price |
237 |
每受益權單位淨資產價值 |
net asset value per beneficiary unit |
238 |
每股淨值 |
net worth per share |
239 |
沖銷 |
offset |
240 |
私募 |
private placement |
241 |
私募有價證券 |
private placement of securities |
242 |
系統程式人員 |
system programmers |
243 |
系統程式檔案 |
system program files |
244 |
身分證明文件 |
documentary proof of identity |
245 |
依法律規定進行收購或分割發行新股 |
issuance of new shares due to acquisition or split conducted in accordance with law |
246 |
併購及受讓他公司股份 |
mergers |
247 |
受益人 |
beneficiary |
248 |
受益人大會 |
beneficiaries' meeting |
249 |
受益人名簿 |
register of beneficiaries |
250 |
受益憑證 |
beneficiary certificate |
251 |
受益憑證之買回 |
buyback of beneficiary certificates |
252 |
受益證券 |
beneficiary securities |
253 |
受託代理人 |
consigned agent |
254 |
受託合約書 |
trust deed |
255 |
受託契約 |
consignment contract |
256 |
受託買賣手續費收入 |
consignment trading handling fee revenue |
257 |
受託買賣外國有價證券契約 |
contract for consignment trading of foreign securities |
258 |
受託買賣有價證券 |
consignment trading of securities |
259 |
受託買賣契約 |
consignment trading contract |
260 |
受託機構 |
Trustee/ Trustee Organization |
261 |
受領贈與 |
donations accepted |
262 |
受讓 |
take assignment of; acquire |
263 |
受讓他公司股份發行新股 |
issuance of new shares due to acquisition of shares of another company |
264 |
委任契約 |
consignment agreement |
265 |
委任期貨商 |
consigning futures commission merchant |
266 |
委託人 |
principal |
267 |
委託書 |
proxy; consignment; letter of authorization |
268 |
委託書用紙 |
proxy form |
269 |
承受契約 |
succession contract |
270 |
承銷 |
underwrite |
271 |
承銷作業手續費支出 |
underwriting processing fee expenditures |
272 |
承銷契約 |
underwriting contract |
273 |
承銷商 |
underwriter |
274 |
承銷業務收入 |
revenue from underwriting business |
275 |
承銷認股融資 |
financing of underwriting and subscription |
276 |
承銷價格 |
offering price |
277 |
承銷融資 |
underwriting loan |
278 |
承購合約書 |
purchase agreement |
279 |
拒絕往來 |
refusal to transact |
280 |
拍賣 |
auction |
281 |
抵繳 |
offset |
282 |
法人 |
juristic person |
283 |
法定代理人 |
Statutory Repesentative |
284 |
法定盈餘公積 |
legal reserve |
285 |
法律意見書 |
legal opinion |
286 |
直轄市政府 |
special municipality government |
287 |
空白背書 |
blank endorsement |
288 |
糾紛調處 |
dispute mediation |
289 |
股市觀測站 |
Market Observation Post (MOP) |
290 |
股份有限公司 |
company limited by shares |
291 |
股份有限公司組織 |
organized as a company limited by shares |
292 |
股份轉換 |
share exchange |
293 |
股東戶號 |
shareholder account number |
294 |
股東名冊 |
shareholders' register |
295 |
股東常會 |
regular shareholders' meeting |
296 |
股東會 |
shareholders' meeting |
297 |
股東會紀念品 |
shareholders' meeting souvenirs |
298 |
股東會議事錄 |
shareholders' meeting minutes |
299 |
股東臨時會 |
special shareholders' meeting |
300 |
股東權益 |
shareholders' equity |
301 |
股東權益變動表 |
statement of changes in shareholders' equity |
302 |
股務代理機構 |
agent for stock affairs |
303 |
股票 |
stock certificate |
304 |
股票股利 |
stock dividend |
305 |
股票型基金 |
equity fund |
306 |
股票集中保管 |
centralized custody of shares |
307 |
股款繳納憑證 |
certificate of payment of shares |
308 |
股價指數 |
stock price index |
309 |
股權成數 |
equity percentage |
310 |
股權轉換 |
equity conversion |
311 |
表決權徵求 |
vote solicitation |
312 |
金融保險機構 |
financial and insurance institutions |
313 |
金融控股公司 |
financial holding company |
314 |
金融控股公司法 |
Financial Holding Company Law |
315 |
金融機構 |
financial institution |
316 |
金融機構合併法 |
Financial Institution Merger Law |
317 |
金融機關兼營證券業務 |
financial institution that concurrently operates securities business |
318 |
門禁管制 |
access control |
319 |
附買(賣)回條件之債券 |
bonds with repurchase (reverse repurchase) agreements |
320 |
附認股權公司債 |
corporate bonds with warrants |
321 |
附認股權特別股 |
preferred shares with warrants |
322 |
附屬機構 |
subsidiary; affiliate |
323 |
非特定人 |
unspecified persons |
324 |
非專職人員 |
non-professional personnel |
325 |
非屬徵求 |
non-solicitation |
326 |
信用交易 |
margin transaction |
327 |
信用帳戶 |
margin account |
328 |
信用評等 |
credit rating |
329 |
信用評等事業 |
credit rating enterprise |
330 |
信用評等事業管理規則 |
Rules Governing the Administration of Credit Rating Enterprises |
331 |
信用評等機構 |
credit rating institution |
332 |
信託投資公司 |
trust investment company |
333 |
信託事業 |
trust enterprise |
334 |
保本型基金 |
principal guaranteed fund |
335 |
保留盈餘 |
retained earnings |
336 |
保管 |
custody |
337 |
保管契約 |
Custodian agreement |
338 |
保管劃撥帳戶 |
custodial book-entry account |
339 |
保管銀行 |
custodian bank |
340 |
保管機構 |
custodian institution |
341 |
保管機構出具 |
issued by the custodian institution |
342 |
保險公司 |
insurance company |
343 |
保險資金 |
insurance funds |
344 |
保證人 |
guarantor |
345 |
保證金 |
margin; bond |
346 |
保證金追繳 |
margin call |
347 |
促進產業升級條例 |
Statute for Upgrading Industries |
348 |
契約到期交割月份 |
contract delivery month |
349 |
客戶存摺 |
customer's passbook |
350 |
客戶委任書 |
power of attorney from the customer |
351 |
客戶保證金專戶 |
customer margin account |
352 |
客戶帳簿 |
customer account book |
353 |
客戶結算保證金專戶 |
customer clearing margin account |
354 |
待交割部分為必要之記載 |
necessary record entries for sub-account pending settlement |
355 |
持有已發行股份總數百分之五以上之股東 |
shareholders holding 5 percent or more of the total number of outstanding shares |
356 |
持股成數 |
shareholding percentage |
357 |
指撥營運資金 |
designated operating funds |
358 |
指數股票式基金 |
exchange traded fund |
359 |
政府公報 |
government gazette |
360 |
政府債券 |
government bond |
361 |
查核助理人員 |
audit assistant |
362 |
查核簽證 |
audit and attest |
363 |
活期存款帳戶 |
current account |
364 |
活期儲蓄存款帳戶 |
current savings account |
365 |
洽商銷售 |
negotiated sale |
366 |
科技事業 |
technology enterprise |
367 |
背書保證 |
endorsements and guarantees |
368 |
衍生性金融商品 |
derivative financial products |
369 |
衍生性商品 |
derivatives |
370 |
負面表列 |
negative list |
371 |
重大訊息 |
material information |
372 |
重大影響投資人權益之事項 |
matters materially affecting investor equity |
373 |
重提付訖 |
paid upon re-presentment |
374 |
重整 |
reorganization |
375 |
限制買賣 |
restricted to trade |
376 |
限價委託 |
limit order |
377 |
面額 |
par value; face value |
378 |
風險預告書 |
risk disclosure statement |
379 |
風險管理機構 |
risk management institution |
380 |
首次辦理股票公開發行 |
initial public offering |
381 |
個人資料保護法 |
Personal Information Protection Act |
382 |
個人資料檔案 |
personal data files |
383 |
個人資料檔案安全維護計畫 |
personal data file security maintenance plan |
384 |
個人資料檔案稽核制度 |
personal data file audit system |
385 |
個別結算會員 |
individual clearing member |
386 |
兼營期貨業務 |
concurrent operation of futures business |
387 |
原始保證金 |
initial margin |
388 |
員工認股權憑證 |
employee stock option certificates |
389 |
庫藏股 |
treasury stock |
390 |
時間優先原則 |
time priority principle |
391 |
案件檢查表 |
case review form |
392 |
消滅公司 |
extinguished company |
393 |
海外公司債 |
overseas corporate bond |
394 |
海外公司債異動情形月報表 |
Monthly Statement of Overseas Corporate Bonds Outstanding |
395 |
海外可轉換公司債 |
overseas convertible bond |
396 |
海外存託憑證 |
overseas depositary receipt |
397 |
海外存託憑證暨其所表彰有價證券流通餘額月報表 |
Monthly Statement of Outstanding Balance of Overseas Depositary Receipts and Securities Represented |
398 |
海外股票 |
overseas stock |
399 |
海外股票流通餘額月報表 |
Monthly Statement of Outstanding Balance of Overseas Stocks |
400 |
海外附認股權公司債 |
overseas corporate bond with warrants |
401 |
海外基金 |
overseas fund |
402 |
海外普通公司債 |
overseas ordinary corporate bond |
403 |
特別股 |
preferred share |
404 |
特別盈餘公積 |
special reserve; appropriated retained earnings |
405 |
特別結算會員 |
special clearing member |
406 |
特定人 |
specified persons |
407 |
留置 |
retain; subject to lien |
408 |
破產宣告 |
pronouncement of bankruptcy |
409 |
記名式受益憑證 |
registered beneficiary certificate |
410 |
財務報告 |
financial report |
411 |
財務報告之查核簽證 |
audit and attestation of financial statements |
412 |
財務報表 |
financial statement |
413 |
財務會計部門 |
finance and accounting department |
414 |
財務預測 |
financial forecast |
415 |
財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 |
Securities and Futures Institute |
416 |
財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心 |
GreTai Securities Market (formerly known as the ROC Over-the-Counter Securities Exchange [ROSE]) |
417 |
財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心審查準則 |
GreTai Securities Market Review Criteria |
418 |
財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心興櫃股票買賣辦法 |
Taipei Exchange Rules Governing the Trading of Emerging Stocks on the TPEx |
419 |
財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心證券商營業處所買賣有價證券審查準則 |
Taipei Exchange Rules Governing the Review of Securities for Trading on the TPEx |
420 |
財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心證券商營業處所買賣第二類股票審查準則 |
Criteria Governing Review of Class II Stocks Traded on Over-the-Counter Markets of the ROC Over-the-Counter Securities Exchange |
421 |
財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心證券商營業處所買賣興櫃股票審查準則 |
Taipei Exchange Rules Governing the Review of Emerging Stocks for Trading on the TPEx |
422 |
送存及領回 |
delivery and withdrawal |
423 |
退回 |
reject |
424 |
追索權 |
recourse |
425 |
配合交易 |
accommodation trade |
426 |
除名 |
expel |
427 |
除息日 |
ex-dividend date |
428 |
除息交易開始日 |
commencement date of ex-dividend trading |
429 |
除權日 |
ex-rights date |
430 |
除權交易開始日 |
commencement date of ex-rights trading |
431 |
除權判決 |
judgment of exclusion |
432 |
除權判決書 |
written judgment of exclusion |
433 |
高級業務員 |
senior associated persons |
434 |
停止買賣 |
suspension of trading |
435 |
停止過戶日 |
book closure date |
436 |
停止過戶申報書 |
book closure declaration |
437 |
停止櫃檯買賣 |
suspension of OTC trading |
438 |
停止變更股東名簿記載日 |
date of suspension of changes to entries in the shareholders' register |
439 |
假決議 |
tentative resolution |
440 |
假除權 |
preliminary ex-rights |
441 |
假處分 |
provisional injunction |
442 |
偵錯能力及回復措施 |
error detection capability and recovery measures |
443 |
參加人 |
participant |
444 |
參加人帳簿 |
participant's account book |
445 |
參考價 |
reference price |
446 |
參與發行 |
sponsor issuance |
447 |
參與發行海外存託憑證申請書 |
Application to Sponsor the Issuance of Overseas Depositary Receipts |
448 |
商業會計法 |
Commercial Accounting Law |
449 |
圈存準備金 |
earmark reserve |
450 |
國外期貨交易複委託業務 |
re-consigned foreign futures trading business |
451 |
國庫券 |
treasury bill |
452 |
國際知名信用評等機構 |
internationally renowned credit rating institution |
453 |
國際組織 |
international organization |
454 |
基金保管機構 |
custodian institution of a fund |
455 |
基金契約 |
fund contract |
456 |
基金特別管理委員會 |
special management committee of a fund |
457 |
基金資產 |
fund assets |
458 |
基金管理機構 |
fund management institution |
459 |
執照費 |
license fee |
460 |
專戶存儲 |
deposited in a dedicated account |
461 |
專戶存儲價款行庫 |
bank with which a dedicated account is opened for the deposit of price payments |
462 |
專責部門 |
dedicated department |
463 |
專業投資機構 |
qualified institutional investor |
464 |
帳簿劃撥 |
book-entry transfer |
465 |
帳簿劃撥方式 |
book entry-transfer method |
466 |
帳簿劃撥交割 |
delivery by book-entry transfer |
467 |
帳簿劃撥作業 |
book-entry transfer operations |
468 |
推介 |
recommend |
469 |
推薦證券商 |
recommending securities firm |
470 |
授權書 |
letter of authorization; power of attorney |
471 |
清償贖回 |
settlement and redemption |
472 |
混合保管 |
fungible custody |
473 |
淨值 |
net value |
474 |
現金交割 |
cash delivery |
475 |
現金流量表 |
cash flow statement |
476 |
現金發行新股 |
cash issuance of new shares |
477 |
現金結算 |
cash settlement |
478 |
現金增資 |
cash capital increase |
479 |
現貨 |
spot |
480 |
現款現貨交易 |
cash-on-delivery transaction |
481 |
異地存放 |
store in a different place |
482 |
票券金融公司 |
bill finance company |
483 |
第一手股票 |
first-hand stock |
484 |
第二類股票 |
second board (TIGER Board) stocks |
485 |
第二類股票審查準則 |
Criteria Governing Review of Second Board (TIGER Board) Stocks |
486 |
組合式買賣申報 |
combination order price quote |
487 |
組織犯罪防制條例 |
Statue Governing the Prohibition of Organized Crime |
488 |
終止上市 |
delisting |
489 |
終止買賣 |
termination of trading |
490 |
終止櫃檯買賣 |
termination of OTC trading |
491 |
終端機 |
terminal |
492 |
被控股公司 |
holding company subsidiary |
493 |
規範說明 |
regulatory explanation |
494 |
許可證照 |
approval and certificate of license |
495 |
設定質權 |
creation of pledge |
496 |
設質交付 |
pledge and delivery |
497 |
設質標的 |
subject of a pledge |
498 |
貨幣型基金 |
money market fund |
499 |
通行卡 |
access card |
500 |
通行碼 |
access code |
501 |
通行證 |
access pass |
502 |
通信線路備份管制 |
communications line backup control |
503 |
連帶賠償責任 |
joint and several liability for compensation |
504 |
逐筆交割 |
trade-for-trade settlement |
505 |
部位限制 |
position limit |
506 |
備抵營業證券跌價損失 |
allowance for loss of operating securities due to price decline |
507 |
備抵營業證券跌價損失–自營部門 |
allowance for loss of operating securities due to price decline - dealing |
508 |
備抵營業證券跌價損失–承銷部門 |
allowance for loss of operating securities due to price decline - underwriting |
509 |
備抵營業證券跌價損失–認購(售)權證 |
allowance for loss of operating securities due to price decline - call (put) warrant |
510 |
備援制度 |
backup system |
511 |
最低實收資本額 |
minimum paid-in capital |
512 |
最後交易日 |
last trading day |
513 |
最後結算日 |
final settlement day |
514 |
最後結算價 |
final settlement price |
515 |
單位信託 |
unit trust |
516 |
場外沖銷 |
off-market offsetting |
517 |
報酬 |
compensation |
518 |
提存備付 |
deposit as provision for payment |
519 |
換股(債)作業計劃書 |
Plan for Exchange of Share (Bond) Certificates |
520 |
換股比例 |
share exchange ratio |
521 |
換發有價證券作業計劃 |
Plan for Exchange of Share (Bond) Certificates |
522 |
普通公司債 |
ordinary corporate bond |
523 |
普通股 |
common stock; common shares |
524 |
期次 |
series |
525 |
期貨市場 |
futures market |
526 |
期貨交易 |
futures trading |
527 |
期貨交易人 |
futures trader |
528 |
期貨交易人權益 |
futures traders' equity |
529 |
期貨交易分析人員 |
futures analysts |
530 |
期貨交易所 |
futures exchange |
531 |
期貨交易法 |
Futures Trading Law |
532 |
期貨交易契約 |
futures trading contract |
533 |
期貨交易契約規格內容 |
futures contract specifications |
534 |
期貨交易輔助人 |
futures introducing broker |
535 |
期貨自營商 |
futures proprietary merchant [futures dealer] |
536 |
期貨信託事業 |
futures trust enterprise |
537 |
期貨信託基金 |
futures trust fund |
538 |
期貨契約 |
futures contract |
539 |
期貨商 |
futures commission merchant |
540 |
期貨商分支機構 |
branch office of a futures commission merchant |
541 |
期貨商業同業公會 |
Futures Industry Associations |
542 |
期貨商業務員 |
associated persons of a futures commission merchant |
543 |
期貨商業務員資格測驗 |
qualification examination for associated persons of a futures commission merchant |
544 |
期貨結算所 |
futures clearing house |
545 |
期貨結算機構 |
Futures clearing house |
546 |
期貨業 |
futures enterprises |
547 |
期貨經紀商 |
futures brokerage merchant [futures broker] |
548 |
期貨經理事業 |
managed futures enterprise |
549 |
期貨選擇權契約 |
futures option contract |
550 |
期貨顧問事業 |
futures advisory enterprise |
551 |
期貨顧問事業分支機構 |
branch office of a futures advisory enterprise |
552 |
減少資本 |
reduce capital |
553 |
減資 |
capital reduction |
554 |
測試報告 |
testing report |
555 |
無保留意見 |
unqualified opinion |
556 |
無保留意見之財務報告 |
financial report on which an unqualified opinion has been issued |
557 |
無記名式受益憑證 |
bearer beneficiary certificates |
558 |
無瑕疵之有價證券 |
securities free of defect |
559 |
無實體有價證券登錄 |
registration of non-physical [book-entry] securities |
560 |
無實體發行之登錄 |
registration of non-physical [book-entry] issuance |
561 |
無擔保公司債 |
unsecured corporate bond |
562 |
無擔保海外公司債 |
unsecured overseas corporate bond |
563 |
無償配股 |
issuance of bonus shares |
564 |
無償配發新股 |
issuance of new bonus shares |
565 |
登記費 |
registration fee |
566 |
登錄 |
registration |
567 |
登錄處理費 |
registration processing fee |
568 |
登錄買賣 |
registered and traded |
569 |
發行 |
issue |
570 |
發行人 |
issuer |
571 |
發行人申請發行認購(售)權證處理準則 |
Criteria Governing Applications for Issuance of Call (Put) Warrants by Issuers |
572 |
發行人募集與發行有價證券處理準則 |
Criteria Governing the Offering and Issuance of Securities by Securities Issuers |
573 |
發行人募集與發行有價證券辦理專戶存儲應注意事項 |
Guidelines for Depositing Funds for Securities Offered and Issued by Issuers into Specialized Accoun |
574 |
發行人募集與發行海外有價證券處理準則 |
Criteria Governing the Offering and Issuance of Overseas Securities by Issuers |
575 |
發行公司債總括申報書 |
Shelf Registration Form for Issuing Corporate Bonds |
576 |
發行條件 |
terms and conditions of issuance |
577 |
發行認購 (售) 權證再買回 |
repurchase of issued call (put) warrants |
578 |
發行認購 (售) 權證負債 |
liabilities for issuance of call (put) warrants |
579 |
發行認購 (售) 權證費用 |
expenses for issuance of call (put) warrants |
580 |
發行價格 |
issue price |
581 |
發行總額 |
total amount issued |
582 |
發言人 |
spokesperson |
583 |
發言條 |
speaker's slip |
584 |
發起人 |
promoter |
585 |
發起人名冊 |
register of promoters |
586 |
發起人會議紀錄 |
promoters' meeting minutes |
587 |
程式 |
program |
588 |
程式指令 |
program instruction |
589 |
程式製作標準 |
programming standards |
590 |
程式變更申請單 |
programming change application form |
591 |
稅前純益 |
income before tax |
592 |
稅務代理人 |
tax agent |
593 |
等殖成交 |
Electronic Bond Trading System (EBTS) |
594 |
等價成交系統 |
automated trade matching system |
595 |
策略 |
strategy |
596 |
結算交割契約 |
clearing and settlement contract |
597 |
結算保證金 |
clearing margin |
598 |
結算保證金專戶 |
clearing margin account |
599 |
結算期 |
settlement period |
600 |
結算會員 |
clearing member |
601 |
結算銀行 |
settlement bank |
602 |
給付結算 |
payment/settlement |
603 |
給付結算計算表 |
Calculation Table for Settlement |
604 |
給付結算基金 |
settlement fund |
605 |
給付結算基金管理委員會 |
settlement fund management committee |
606 |
給付結算清單 |
List for Payment Settlement |
607 |
善良管理人之注意 |
due care of a good administrator |
608 |
華僑 |
overseas Chinese |
609 |
華僑及外國人投資證券管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Investment in Securities by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals |
610 |
裁定 |
ruling |
611 |
註銷帳戶 |
canceled account |
612 |
評估報告總結意見 |
concluding opinion of the evaluation report |
613 |
訴訟管轄法院 |
court with jurisdiction over an action |
614 |
買入選擇權–避險 |
call option - hedging |
615 |
買賣交割 |
trade settlement |
616 |
買賣成交單 |
trade confirmation slip |
617 |
買賣委託書 |
consignment order |
618 |
買賣報告書 |
trade confirmation statement (Taifex); trading report (TSE/GreTai) |
619 |
買賣損失準備 |
reserve for trading losses |
620 |
越權交易 |
unauthorized transaction |
621 |
週邊設備 |
peripheral equipment |
622 |
開戶契約 |
account opening contract |
623 |
開市 |
opening |
624 |
開始櫃檯買賣 |
begin over-the-counter (OTC) trading |
625 |
開會通知書 |
meeting notice |
626 |
開盤價格 |
opening price |
627 |
開盤競價基準 |
auction reference price at market opening |
628 |
集中交易市場 |
centralized securities exchange market |
629 |
集中交易市場使用契約 |
contract for use of the centralized securities exchange market |
630 |
集中保管 |
central custody |
631 |
集合競價 |
aggregate auction |
632 |
集團企業 |
consortium |
633 |
債券 |
bond |
634 |
債券存褶 |
bond certificate |
635 |
債券附條件交易 |
Repurchase Agreement/Reverse Repurchase Agreement of bonds;Repo (RP/RS) trade |
636 |
債券附條件買賣期間 |
Repurchase Agreement/Reverse Repurchase Agreement period of bonds; Repo (RP/RS) period |
637 |
債券型基金 |
bond fund |
638 |
債券流通情形月報表 |
Report on the Liquidity of the Bonds for the preceding month |
639 |
債券換股權利證書 |
Certificate of Entitlement to New Shares form Convertible Bond |
640 |
債券等殖成交系統 |
Electronic Bond Trading System (EBTS) |
641 |
債券等殖成交系統買賣辦法 |
GTSM Regulations Governing the Electronic Bond Trading System |
642 |
債券給付結算準備金 |
bond settlement reserve |
643 |
債信評等機構 |
credit rating institution |
644 |
傳輸日記 |
transmission log |
645 |
募集 |
offering |
646 |
募集或追加募集發行計畫 |
offering plan or additional offering plan |
647 |
募集海外公司債申請書 |
Application for Offering of Overseas Corporate Bonds |
648 |
募集設立 |
establishment by offering |
649 |
募集與發行 |
offering and issuance |
650 |
意外災害防護 |
disaster prevention |
651 |
損害賠償 |
damages |
652 |
損益表 |
income statement |
653 |
新台幣帳戶 |
New Taiwan Dollar account |
654 |
新股認購權利證書 |
stock warrant certificate |
655 |
新股權利證書 |
certificate of entitlement to new shares |
656 |
會計估計變動 |
changes in accounting estimate |
657 |
會計制度 |
accounting system |
658 |
會計原則變動 |
changes in accounting principles |
659 |
會計師 |
certified public accountant |
660 |
會計師公會 |
certified public accountants association |
661 |
會計師考試 |
certified public accountant examination |
662 |
會計師法 |
Certified Public Accountant Law |
663 |
會計師專案審查 |
project audit by a certified public accountant |
664 |
會計師辦理公開發行公司財務報告查核簽證核准準則 |
Criteria Governing Approval for Auditing and Certification of Financial Reports of Public Companies |
665 |
會計師證書 |
certified public accountant certificate |
666 |
會員制 |
membership organization |
667 |
業務人員 |
associated person |
668 |
業務服務費 |
business service fee |
669 |
業務員 |
associated person |
670 |
業務規則 |
operating rules |
671 |
業務經營原則 |
operational principles |
672 |
經手費 |
transaction charges |
673 |
經紀手續費收入 |
brokerage fee revenue |
674 |
經紀商 |
broker |
675 |
經紀經手費支出 |
brokerage fee expenses |
676 |
經理人 |
managers |
677 |
經濟部 |
Ministry of Economic Affairs |
678 |
經濟部投資審議委員會 |
Investment Commission |
679 |
經營櫃檯買賣有價證券契約 |
Contract for Trading Securities on the Over-the-Counter Market |
680 |
董事 |
director |
681 |
董事會 |
board of directors |
682 |
董事會議事錄 |
board of directors meeting minutes |
683 |
補正改善 |
supplementation or correction |
684 |
補辦公開發行 |
supplemental public issuance |
685 |
誠信原則 |
principle of good faith |
686 |
誠實及信用原則 |
principle of good faith |
687 |
詢價 |
price inquiry |
688 |
詢價圈購 |
book building |
689 |
資本公積 |
capital reserve |
690 |
資本利得 |
capital gain |
691 |
資本適足 |
capital adequacy |
692 |
資券相抵交易 |
offset of margin purchasing and short selling |
693 |
資金貸與 |
loan of funds |
694 |
資料存取控制 |
data access control |
695 |
資訊作業人員 |
information operators |
696 |
資訊保密 |
information confidentiality |
697 |
資產負債表 |
balance sheet |
698 |
資產負債報告書 |
balance sheet report |
699 |
資產基礎證券 |
asset-based securities |
700 |
違約 |
breach of contract; default |
701 |
違約金 |
breach penalty |
702 |
違約損失準備 |
reserve for breach of contract losses |
703 |
違背交割義務 |
breach of settlement obligations |
704 |
過戶申請書 |
Application for Transfer |
705 |
過怠金 |
delinquency fine |
706 |
鉅額交易 |
block trade |
707 |
鉅額交易系統 |
block trading system |
708 |
鉅額受益憑證之買回 |
block buyback of beneficiary certificates |
709 |
電子式交易型態 |
trading through electronic media |
710 |
電信法令 |
telecommunications laws and regulations |
711 |
電信機構 |
telecommunications institutions |
712 |
電腦開關紀錄 |
computer log-on and log-off record |
713 |
電腦機房 |
computer room |
714 |
零股交易 |
odd-lot trading |
715 |
零股交易系統 |
odd-lot trading system |
716 |
預收款券 |
advance collection of funds and securities |
717 |
境外華僑及外國人 |
offshore overseas Chinese and foreign nationals |
718 |
實收資本總額 |
total paid-in capital |
719 |
實收資本額 |
paid-in capital |
720 |
實物交割 |
physical delivery |
721 |
對帳單 |
reconciliation statement |
722 |
對敲買賣 |
bucketing |
723 |
撤銷 |
voidance |
724 |
槓桿交易商 |
leverage transaction merchant |
725 |
槓桿保證金契約 |
leverage contract |
726 |
監視 |
surveillance |
727 |
監察人 |
supervisor |
728 |
磁帶 |
magnetic tape |
729 |
磁碟 |
magnetic disk |
730 |
管理人員 |
management personnel |
731 |
管理外匯條例 |
Statute for Regulation of Foreign Exchange |
732 |
管理股票 |
managed stock |
733 |
綜合持股 |
consolidated shareholding |
734 |
維持保證金 |
maintenance margin |
735 |
臺灣存託憑證 |
Taiwan Depositary Receipt |
736 |
臺灣存託憑證流通及兌回情形月報表 |
Monthly Report on the Liquidity and Redemption of Taiwan Depositary Receipts |
737 |
臺灣期貨交所股份有限公司結算會員資格標準 |
Taiwan Futures Exchange Corporation Criteria for Clearing Membership |
738 |
認股人 |
subscriber |
739 |
認股融資 |
subscription loan |
740 |
認股權股款繳納憑證 |
certificate of payment of shares for exercise of warrant |
741 |
認股權憑證 |
stock warrant |
742 |
認售權證 |
put warrant |
743 |
認購 |
subscription |
744 |
認購 (售) 權證發行利益 |
gain on issuance of call (put) warrants |
745 |
認購 (售) 權證發行損失 |
loss on issuance of call (put) warrant |
746 |
認購(售)權證 |
call (put) warrant |
747 |
認購權證 |
call warrant |
748 |
遞延認購 (售) 權證損失 |
deferred loss on call (put) warrants |
749 |
銀行法 |
Banking Law |
750 |
價格優先原則 |
price priority principle |
751 |
價款繳納憑證 |
certificate of payment |
752 |
增資 |
capital increase |
753 |
審查彙總意見書 |
summary opinion on the application review form |
754 |
審查準則 |
review criteria |
755 |
審核程序 |
review procedures |
756 |
履約價格 |
strike price |
757 |
廢止 |
revocation |
758 |
廣告 |
advertising |
759 |
徵求 |
solicitation |
760 |
徵信 |
credit checking |
761 |
撮合 |
matching |
762 |
暫停交易 |
suspend transactions |
763 |
暫停執行業務 |
suspend from engaging in operations |
764 |
暫停買賣 |
suspend trading |
765 |
標的證券 |
underlying securities |
766 |
標借 |
lending auction |
767 |
標購 |
tender offer |
768 |
盤後定價交易 |
after-market fixed-price trading |
769 |
盤後定價交易系統 |
after-market fixed-price trading system |
770 |
確定報價 |
firm quote |
771 |
確認成交日 |
transaction confirmation date |
772 |
稽核人員 |
audit personnel |
773 |
複受託證券商 |
agent of the securities firm in a depositary |
774 |
複委(受)託 |
re-consignment |
775 |
複委託契約 |
re-consignment contract |
776 |
複委託買賣業務 |
re-consigned trading business |
777 |
調整後淨資本額 |
adjusted net capital |
778 |
賠償準備金 |
compensation reserve |
779 |
餘額交割 |
netting |
780 |
擅為交易相對人 |
taking the opposite side of a customer's order |
781 |
擔保 |
secure |
782 |
擔保品 |
security; collateral |
783 |
擔保品追繳 |
margin call for collateral |
784 |
擔保維持率 |
collateral maintenance ratio |
785 |
整戶擔保維持率 |
account collateral maintenance ratio |
786 |
獨立董事 |
independent director |
787 |
獨立監察人 |
independent supervisor |
788 |
興櫃股票 |
emerging stock |
789 |
興櫃股票公司 |
emerging stock company |
790 |
興櫃股票代辦費用 |
emerging stock handling fee |
791 |
興櫃股票風險預告書 |
emerging stock risk disclosure statement |
792 |
興櫃股票報價系統 |
emerging stock quotation system |
793 |
興櫃股票議價買賣授權書 |
authorization letter for trading of emerging stock by price negotiation |
794 |
融券 |
short sale |
795 |
融券戶 |
short account |
796 |
融券手續費 |
short sale handling fee |
797 |
融券回補 |
short covering |
798 |
融券保證金 |
short margin |
799 |
融券保證金成數 |
margin percentage for short sale |
800 |
融券限額 |
short position limit |
801 |
融券標的證券市值 |
securities market value of the underlying of a short sale |
802 |
融資 |
margin purchase |
803 |
融資比率 |
margin purchase ratio |
804 |
融資自備款 |
margin for margin purchase |
805 |
融資利率 |
interest rate on margin loan |
806 |
融資限額 |
margin loan position limit |
807 |
融資擔保品證券市值 |
securities market value of the margin collateral |
808 |
融資融券 |
margin purchase and short sale |
809 |
融資融券期限 |
time limits for margin purchase and short sale |
810 |
融資融券額度 |
amount limit for margin purchase and short sale |
811 |
選擇權交易利益-避險 |
gain from trading options - hedging |
812 |
選擇權交易損失-避險 |
loss from trading options - hedging |
813 |
選擇權契約 |
option contract |
814 |
遺失 |
loss |
815 |
錯帳 |
error account |
816 |
優先受償 |
preferential claim |
817 |
優先認購權 |
preemptive subscription rights |
818 |
應用程式檔案 |
application program files |
819 |
應收(付)淨額 |
net receivables (payables) |
820 |
應募人 |
offeree |
821 |
擬制性財務報表 |
pro forma financial statements |
822 |
檔案管制制度 |
file control system |
823 |
營業日 |
business day |
824 |
營業利益 |
operating income |
825 |
營業保證金 |
operating bond |
826 |
營業計畫書 |
business plan |
827 |
營業執照 |
business license |
828 |
營業細則 |
operating rules |
829 |
營業證券–自營部門 |
operating securities - dealing department |
830 |
營業證券–承銷部門 |
operating securities - underwriting department |
831 |
營業證券–認購 (售) 權證 |
operating securities - call (put) warrant |
832 |
營業證券–避險 |
operating securities - hedging |
833 |
營業讓與 |
assignment of business |
834 |
獲利能力 |
profitability |
835 |
聯合會計師事務所 |
joint accounting firm |
836 |
臨時動議 |
extemporary motion |
837 |
避險 |
hedging |
838 |
避險操作 |
hedging operations |
839 |
櫃檯買賣 |
over-the-counter (OTC) trading |
840 |
櫃檯買賣中心 |
over-the-counter securities exchange; GreTai Securities Market; Taipei Exchange |
841 |
櫃檯買賣有價證券給付結算 |
payment settlement operations of securities traded over the counter |
842 |
櫃檯買賣第二類股票上櫃契約 |
OTC Listing Contract for OTC Trading of Second (TIGER) Board Stock |
843 |
櫃檯買賣費用 |
over-the-counter (OTC) trading fees |
844 |
櫃檯買賣證券商 |
securities firm trading over the counter |
845 |
職前訓練 |
pre-job training |
846 |
轉投資 |
equity investment |
847 |
轉帳作業 |
transfer operations |
848 |
轉換公司債 |
convertible bond |
849 |
轉換價格 |
conversion price |
850 |
轉融通 |
refinancing |
851 |
轉融通帳戶 |
refinancing account |
852 |
轉讓過戶申請書 |
transfer application form |
853 |
轉讓辦法 |
Rules for Transfer of Shares |
854 |
簽到卡 |
card |
855 |
簽證會計師 |
certifying certified public accountant |
856 |
識別碼 |
identification code |
857 |
證券子公司 |
securities subsidiary |
858 |
證券及其相關商品 |
securities and related products |
859 |
證券支付憑單 |
securities delivery voucher |
860 |
證券市場監視制度 |
securities market surveillance system |
861 |
證券交付清單 |
securities delivery statement |
862 |
證券交易手續費 |
securities transaction fee |
863 |
證券交易所 |
securities exchange |
864 |
證券交易所管理規則 |
Regulations Governing Stock Exchanges |
865 |
證券交易法 |
Securities and Exchange Law |
866 |
證券自營商 |
securities dealer |
867 |
證券投資分析人員 |
securities investment analysts |
868 |
證券投資信託及顧問事業之業務員 |
associated persons of securities investment trust and consulting enterprises |
869 |
證券投資信託事業 |
securities investment trust enterprise |
870 |
證券投資信託事業管理規則 |
Rules Governing Securities Investment Trust Enterprises |
871 |
證券投資信託股份有限公司 |
securities investment trust companies |
872 |
證券投資信託基金 |
securities investment trust fund |
873 |
證券投資信託基金之清算 |
liquidation of a securities investment trust fund |
874 |
證券投資信託基金之淨資產價值 |
net asset value of a securities investment trust fund |
875 |
證券投資信託基金受益憑證 |
securities investment trust fund beneficiary certificate |
876 |
證券投資信託基金經理人 |
securities investment trust fund manager |
877 |
證券投資信託基金管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Securities Investment Trust Funds |
878 |
證券投資信託基金審查表 |
Securities Investment Trust Fund Report |
879 |
證券投資顧問事業 |
Securities Investment Consulting Enterprise |
880 |
證券投資顧問事業管理規則 |
Rules Governing Securities Investment Consulting Enterprises |
881 |
證券投資顧問事業證券投資信託事業經營全權委託投資業務管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Operation of Discretionary Investment Services by Securities Investment Co |
882 |
證券承銷商 |
securities underwriter |
883 |
證券服務事業 |
securities services enterprises |
884 |
證券金融事業 |
securities finance enterprises |
885 |
證券金融事業管理規則 |
Rules Governing Securities Finance Enterprises |
886 |
證券信用交易 |
securities margin transactions |
887 |
證券商 |
securities firm |
888 |
證券商同業公會業務管理規則 |
Rules Governing Securities Dealers Associations |
889 |
證券商自有資本適足比率 |
self-owned capital adequacy ratio of a securities firm |
890 |
證券商受託買賣外國有價證券管理規則 |
Rules Governing Securities Firms Engaging in Consigned Trading of Foreign Securities |
891 |
證券商負責人 |
responsible person of a securities firm |
892 |
證券商負責人與業務人員管理規則 |
Rules Governing Responsible Persons and Associated Persons of Securities Firms |
893 |
證券商兼營證券相關 |
securities firm concurrently engaged in securities-related [futures business] |
894 |
證券商財務報告編製準則 |
Criteria Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Firms |
895 |
證券商高級業務員 |
senior associated persons of securities firms |
896 |
證券商專案檢查與輔導辦法 |
Regulations Governing Special Inspection of and Guidance to Securities Firms |
897 |
證券商帳表憑證保存年限表 |
Required Periods for Preservation of Accounting Statements and Vouchers by Securities Firms |
898 |
證券商設置標準 |
Standards Governing the Establishment of Securities Firms |
899 |
證券商業同業公會 |
Taiwan Securities Association |
900 |
證券商業務員測驗 |
Examination for Associated Persons of Securities Firms |
901 |
證券商經營櫃檯買賣有價證券契約 |
Contract for Trading of Securities on the Over-the-Counter Market by a Securities Firm |
902 |
證券商管理規則 |
Rules Governing Securities Firms |
903 |
證券商辦理有價證券買賣融資融券業務操作辦法 |
Operating Rules for Securities Firms Dealing with Margin Purchases and Short Sales |
904 |
證券商辦理有價證券買賣融資融券管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Margin Purchase and Short Sale of Securities by Securities Firms |
905 |
證券商營業處所 |
places of business of securities firms; over-the-counter market |
906 |
證券商營業處所買賣有價證券 |
securities trading at the places of business of securities firms; securities trading on the over-the |
907 |
證券商營業處所買賣有價證券審查準則 |
ROC Over-the-Counter Securities Exchange Criteria Governing Review of Securities Traded on Over-the- |
908 |
證券商營業處所議價 |
[securities trading] by price negotiation at the places of business of securities firms on the OTC |
909 |
證券集中保管 |
central custody of securities |
910 |
證券集中保管事業 |
centralized securities depository enterprise |
911 |
證券集中保管事業管理規則 |
Rules Governing Centralized Securities Depository Enterprises |
912 |
證券業 |
securities enterprises |
913 |
證券經紀商 |
securities broker |
914 |
證券暨期貨主管機關 |
competent authority for securities and futures |
915 |
證券暨期貨市場各服務事業建立內部控制制度處理準則 |
Criteria for Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Securities and Futures Service Enterprises |
916 |
證券管理法令 |
securities laws and regulations |
917 |
證照費 |
licensing fee |
918 |
關係人 |
affiliated person |
919 |
關係企業 |
affiliated enterprise |
920 |
關係企業三書表 |
Three Forms for Affiliates (Affiliation Report |
921 |
關係企業合併財務報表 |
Consolidated Financial Statements of Affiliates |
922 |
關係企業合併營業報告書 |
Consolidated Business Report of Affiliates |
923 |
關係報告書 |
Affiliation Report |
924 |
勸誘 |
inducement |
925 |
競價拍賣 |
competitive auction |
926 |
競價買賣 |
trading through competitive auction |
927 |
議事手冊 |
meeting handbook |
928 |
議借 |
lending negotiation |
929 |
議價 |
price negotiation |
930 |
警告 |
warning |
931 |
躉批買賣 |
wholesale trade |
932 |
權利金 |
premium |
933 |
權利瑕疵 |
defect in rights |
934 |
權值新股 |
rights offering shares |
935 |
變更交易方法 |
altered trading method |
936 |
變更報告 |
report of change |