Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing Securities Firms Accepting Orders to Trade Foreign Securities 

Amended Date: 2024.05.08 (Articles 23 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2020.09.08 
Article 3     The terms "professional investor," "professional institutional investor," "high net worth juristic person investor," and "non-professional investor" as used herein shall be defined in accordance with Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Regulations Governing Offshore Structured Products.
    With the exception of professional institutional investors, any professional investor may apply for a change of status to non-professional investor; a non-professional investor, however, that does not yet comply with the preceding paragraph's eligibility requirements for professional investors may not apply for a change of status to professional investor.
    With respect to the eligibility requirements that shall be met by professional investors, the securities firm shall fulfill its responsibility for due diligence and shall obtain reasonable and credible supporting evidence from the principal. The securities firm shall incorporate its assessment of whether a professional investor possesses adequate professional knowledge and trading experience with respect to financial products into its know-your-customer system and shall submit it for adoption by the board of directors. In the case of a securities firm that is a foreign securities firm's branch within the Republic of China with no board of directors, it shall be submitted for approval by the responsible person within the Republic of China.

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