Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Overseas Securities by Issuers 

Amended Date: 2021.03.29 
Article 12     An issuer registering to use either (i) a capital increase through a new share issue or (ii) outstanding shares, to sponsor issuance of overseas depositary receipts in a foreign exchange market by a depositary institution, shall, depending on the nature of the issue, file [one of ten different types of] Registration to Sponsor Issuance of Overseas Depositary Receipts (Tables 1 to 5), specifying therein the required particulars, together with the required supporting documents, and may proceed to the issuance only after the registration filed with the FSC has become effective.
    An issuer registering to use a capital increase through a new share issue to sponsor issuance of overseas depositary receipts shall state the basis for setting the issue price, the legitimacy thereof, and any effects on shareholders' equity and refer the same to a shareholders meeting for approval by resolution.
