Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Public Banks 

Announced Date: 2024.01.16 (Articles 12 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2003.06.02 
Article 24     A Bank shall review its financial condition, operating results, and cash flows and analyze the cause of change. The content shall at least cover the following matters, and review may be conducted on a departmental basis depending on actual need:
  1. Financial condition: the principal reasons for material changes in assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity in the last two years and their effects. Shall include an explanation of planned future responsive measures when the effect is material (Form 18).
  2. Significant capital expenditure and the source of funds: Give an explanation on significant capital expenditure invested or committed in the last two years, and the nature, expected benefit, and the actual or expected sources of funds of the capital expenditure to be invested in the coming five years. If material change is expected in the corresponding cost of capital of future borrowings and capital increase or in the policy of borrowing and capital increase, an explanation shall be provided (Form 19).
  3. Liquidity: Analyze liquidity in the last two years and the reasons for any increase or decrease therein, and explain the circumstances of any changes in future working capital demand, the working capital amount to be generated from operations, and working capital requirements, or amounts obtainable from other parties, based on operational trends, capital demand, and other material commitments, transactions, or non-transaction matters. If it is discovered that the liquidity has been or will be materially insufficient, the remedial measures that have been or will be taken shall be indicated (Form 20).
  4. Operating results: Analyze the constituent items of the income or loss from continuing operations for the last two years, and the significant transactions, non-transactions, or changes in the economic environment that affect the increase/decrease of such items. When there is significant increase/decrease in the revenues or expenses, the cause of such change shall be explained. If material change has occurred or is expected to occur in the operating policy, market situation, or any other internal or external elements, thus resulting in material increase or decrease in the revenue or expense of the continuing operations, an explanation of such fact and the impact shall be given (Form 21).