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Principles for Assignment of Ticker Symbols in the Republic of China Securities Markets  CH

Amended Date: 2024.08.21 (Articles 1 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.11.29 
Categories: Basic Laws and Regulations

Title: Principles for Assignment of Stock Codes in the ROC Securities Markets(2006.03.29)
1 The scope of the Principles for Assignment of Stock Codes in the ROC Securities Markets includes all securities: shares of public companies, emerging stocks, and exchange-listed and OTC-listed securities. Newly introduced securities will be assigned a uniform code by the Taiwan Stock Exchange in accordance with the following principles:
1. Stocks of non-public companies: If the given company has issued stocks for trading through the GTSM trading system or products for OTC negotiated trading, it will be assigned a four-digit ticker symbol in accordance with the Principles for Assigning Stock Codes to Public Companies.
2. Stocks of public companies: The principle is to assign a four-digit ticker symbol. Upon initial application, the symbol will be assigned according to stock type, in proper numerical sequence among other listed stocks of the same type. After assignable codes for listed stocks of the same type have all been used, a code will be assigned from the codes for OTC-listed stocks of the same type. Based on the principle of consistent use of a single code, the company's symbol will remain unchanged despite any change in the stock's industry or market subsequent to the initial assignment of its ticker symbol.
3. Exchange-listed and OTC-listed stocks: In accordance with the principle of consistent use of a single code, the symbol assigned at the time of public issuance will continue to be used after the stock becomes an exchange-listed or OTC-listed stock.
4. Emerging stocks: In accordance with the principle of consistent use of a single code, the symbol assigned at the time of public issuance will continue to be used after the stock becomes an emerging stock.
5. Convertible corporate bonds: A single digit, from 0-9, is added following the four-digit ticker symbol, in accordance with the bond issue's relative order of issuance.
6. Exchangeable corporate bonds and exchangeable financial bonds: A double-digit flow number, from 01-50, is added following the four-digit ticker code, in accordance with the bond issue's relative order of issuance.
7. Certificates of payment for shares, certificates of entitlement to new shares, certificates of entitlement to new shares from convertible bonds: A single English letter, from L-Z, is added following the four-digit ticker symbol.
8. Preferred stocks: An English letter, from A-E, is added following the four-digit ticker symbol.
9. Securities with warrants: The English letter "G" is added following the four-digit ticker symbol.
10. Preferred stocks with warrants: The English letter "G" is added following the four-digit ticker symbol, followed by an English letter, from A-C, as the sixth code digit.
11. Corporate bonds with warrants: The English letter "G" is added following the four-digit ticker symbol, followed by an English letter, from D-L, as the sixth code digit.
12. Certificates of payment for shares with warrants: The English letter "G" will be added following the four-digit ticker symbol, followed by an English letter, from X-Z, as the sixth code digit.
13. Corporate bonds, post exercise of warrants: The English letter "F" will be added following the four-digit ticker symbol, followed by a digit, from 1-9, as the sixth code digit.
14. Call (put) warrants: The principle for call warrants is an initial two-digit numeric code followed by a three-digit flow number. For put warrants, the five-digit code is followed by the English letter "P". Numbers will be recycled.
15. Certificates of beneficial interest (closed-end funds), depositary receipts, and ETF and other derivatives: The principle is assignment of a four-digit flow number.
16. Financial asset securitization beneficial interest securities and asset-backed securities: An initial two-digit numeric code is followed by a three-digit flow number, followed by the English letter "S" as the sixth code digit.
17. Real-estate asset trust beneficial interest securities: An initial two-digit numeric code is followed by a three-digit flow number, followed by the English letter "P" as the sixth code digit.
18. Real-estate investment trust beneficial interest securities: An initial two-digit numeric code is followed by a three-digit flow number, followed by the English letter "T" as the sixth code digit.
19. Straight corporate bonds and stripped corporate bonds: The English letter "B" is followed by a five-digit alpha-numeric sequence. The five-digit alpha-numeric sequence for straight corporate bonds consists of a one-digit industry designator + a two digit company designator + a two-digit securities designator; the five-digit alpha-numeric sequence for stripped corporate bonds consists of a two-digit company designator + a two-digit securities designator + a one-digit designator of principal or interest.
20. Government bonds, exchangeable government bonds, and stripped government bonds: For government bonds and exchangeable government bonds: An English letter ("A" for central government bonds; "C" for Taipei City government bonds; "D" for Kaohsiung City government bonds) is followed by a five-digit numerical code (a two-digit year designator + a one-digit bond designator + a two-digit issue designator). For stripped government bonds: A one-digit securities identifier (the English letter "P" for principal-only (PO) stripped government bonds; the English letter "I" for interest-only (IO) stripped government bonds) + a two-digit year-of-maturity code (years expressed according to ROC calendar) + a one-digit month-of-maturity code + a two digit day-of-maturity code.
21. Financial bonds and stripped financial bonds: An English letter "G" is followed by a five-digit alpha-numeric sequence. The five-place alpha-numeric sequence for financial bonds consists of a one-digit industry designator + a two-digit company designator + a two digit securities designator; the five-place alpha-numeric sequence for stripped financial bonds consists of a two-digit company designator + a two digit securities designator + a one-digit designator of principal or interest.
22. Foreign bonds: The English letter "F" is followed by a five-digit alpha-numeric sequence (a one-digit company designator + a two-digit year designator + a two-digit securities designator).
23. Foreign-currency denominated bonds
1. Foreign-currency denominated convertible corporate bonds and foreign-currency denominated overseas convertible bonds: The English letter "E" is followed by a four-digit ticker code, followed by one English letter, from A-Z, based on the bond issue's relative issuance order.
2. Foreign-currency denominated corporate bonds with warrants and foreign-currency denominated overseas corporate bonds with warrants: The English letter "W" is followed by a four-digit ticker code, followed by one English letter (from A-Z) based on the bond issue's relative issuance order.
3. Foreign-currency denominated corporate bonds with warrants and foreign-currency denominated overseas straight corporate bonds, post exercise of warrants: The English letter "W" is followed by a four-digit ticker code, followed by a one-digit numeral from 0-9.