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Securities and Exchange Act  CH

Amended Date: 2024.08.07 (Articles 14 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.06.28 

Title: Securities and Exchange Act(2010.06.02)
Article 21-1 In order to further international cooperation between the competent securities authorities of the ROC government and foreign countries, the ROC government and agencies (or institutions) authorized by it may, based on the principle of reciprocity, enter into a cooperative treaty or agreement with a foreign government or agency (institution), or with an international organization, to facilitate matters such as information exchange, technical cooperation, and investigation assistance.
Unless such action otherwise conflicts with the interests of the state or the rights of the investing public, the Competent Authority may, in accordance with the treaty or agreement made pursuant to the preceding paragraph, require related authorities or related agencies (institutions), juristic persons, associations, or natural persons to provide necessary information in accordance with the treaty or agreement, and based on the principles of reciprocity and confidentiality, provide such information to the foreign government, agency (institution), or international organization which has executed the given treaty or agreement.
In order to further international cooperation in securities markets, in cases in which a foreign government has undertaken investigation, prosecution, or judicial procedure in connection with any suspected violation of foreign financial regulatory legislation, when the foreign government requests assistance with investigation in accordance with the treaty or agreement made pursuant to paragraph 1, the Competent Authority may require agencies (institutions), juristic persons, associations, or natural persons related to the securities trading to present relevant account books or documents or to appear at its offices to give explanations. When necessary, the Competent Authority may request the foreign government to send representatives to participate in its investigations.
A party who is required to appear at the offices of the Competent Authority to provide explanations under the preceding paragraph may select and retain, to appear with the party, a lawyer, certified public accountant, other agent, or other assisting personnel that the Competent Authority has given permission to accompany the party.
An agency (institution), juristic person, body, or natural person referred to in paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 may not evade, impede, or refuse any requirement by the Competent Authority to provide relevant account books or documents or to appear at its offices to give explanations.
Article 36 Unless otherwise approved by the Competent Authority, an issuer under this Act shall perform public announcement and registration with the Competent Authority as follows::
1. within three months after the close of each fiscal year, publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority financial reports duly audited and attested by a certified public accountant, approved by the board of directors, and recognized by the supervisors. 
2. within two months after the close of each fiscal half year, publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority financial reports duly audited and attested by a certified public accountant, approved by the board of directors, and recognized by the supervisors. 
3. within one month after the end of the first and third quarters of each fiscal year publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority financial reports duly reviewed by a certified public accountant. 
4. within the first ten days of each calendar month publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority the operating status for the preceding month. 
Within two days from the date of occurrence of any of the following events, any company referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Article shall publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority:
1.the annual financial reports approved by the regular meeting of shareholders if such reports are inconsistent with the annual financial reports which have been announced to the public and filed with the Competent Authority.
2.any event which has a material impact on shareholders' equity or securities prices.
The companies referred to in paragraph 1 shall prepare an annual report and distribute it to all shareholders prior to or at the regular meeting of shareholders. Particulars to be covered in the annual report shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Copies of the reports publicly announced and registered with the Competent Authority referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, and the annual report referred to in the preceding paragraph shall, in case such securities are listed on the stock exchange, be sent to the stock exchange, or in the case of securities traded over-the-counter, sent to the agency (institution) designated by the Competent Authority, for review by the public.
During the reorganization procedure of an issuer, matters to be ratified by the board of directors and the supervisors under paragraph 1 shall be ratified by the reorganizers or the reorganization supervisors of the issuer.
The regular meeting of shareholders of a company whose stock is listed on the stock exchange or traded over-the-counter shall be held within six months after the close of each fiscal year, and the proviso of Article 170, paragraph 2 of the Company Act shall not apply.
In a year in which expires the term of the directors and supervisors of a company whose stock is listed on the stock exchange or traded over-the-counter, if the board of directors does not convene the regular meeting of shareholders to elect directors and supervisors for the new term in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Competent Authority may ex officio set a deadline for the meeting to be held. If the meeting is not held by the deadline, the entire body of directors and supervisors shall ipso facto be dismissed from the time of expiration of the deadline.
Article 157-1 Upon actually knowing of any information that will have a material impact on the price of the securities of the issuing company, after the information is precise, and prior to the public disclosure of such information or within 18 hours after its public disclosure, the following persons shall not purchase or sell, in the person's own name or in the name of another, shares of the company that are listed on an exchange or an over-the-counter market, or any other equity-type security of the company:
1. a director, supervisor, and/or managerial officer of the company, and/or a natural person designated to exercise powers as representative pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 1 of the Company Act.
2. shareholders holding more than ten percent of the shares of the company.
3. any person who has learned the information by reason of occupational or controlling relationship.
4. a person who, though no longer among those listed in [one of ] the preceding three subparagraphs, has only lost such status within the last six months.
5. any person who has learned the information from any of the persons named in the preceding four subparagraphs.
Upon actually knowing of any information that will have a material impact on the ability of the issuing company to pay principal or interest, after the information is precise, and prior to the public disclosure of such information or within 18 hours after its public disclosure, the persons listed in the preceding paragraph shall not sell, in the person's own name or in the name of another, the non-equity-type corporate bonds of such company that are listed on an exchange or an over-the-counter market:
Persons in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 or the preceding paragraph shall be held liable, to trading counterparts who on the day of the violation undertook the opposite-side trade with bona fide intent, for damages in the amount of the difference between the buy or sell price and the average closing price for ten business days after the date of public disclosure; the court may also, upon the request of the counterpart trading in good faith, treble the damages payable by the said violators should the violation be of a severe nature. The court may reduce the damages where the violation is minor.
The persons referred to in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 1 shall be held jointly and severally liable with the persons referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 4 of paragraph 1 who provided the information for the damages referred to in the preceding paragraph. However, where the persons referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 4 of paragraph 1 who provided the information had reasonable cause to believe the information had already been publicly disclosed, they shall not be liable for damages.
The phrase "information that will have a material impact on the price of the securities" in paragraph 1 shall mean information relating to the finances or businesses of the company, or the supply and demand of such securities on the market, or tender offer of such securities, the specific content of which will have a material impact on the price of the securities, or will have a material impact on the investment decision of a reasonably prudent investor. Regulations governing the scope of the information, the means of its disclosure and related matters shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Regulations governing the scope of information that will have a material impact on the ability of the issuing company to pay principal or interest as described in paragraph 2, the means of its disclosure, and related matters shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
The provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 22-2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 1 of this Article; the same shall apply with respect to those who have lost the identity [set out in those provisions] for a period of less than a full six months. The provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the trading counterpart referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Article 171 A person who has committed any of the following offenses shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than three years and not more than ten years, and in addition thereto, a fine of not less than NT$10 million and not more than NT$200 million may be imposed:
1. A person who has violated the provisions of paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Article 20, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Article 155, or paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 157-1.
2. A director, supervisor, managerial officer or employee of an issuer under this Act who, directly or indirectly, causes the company to conduct transactions to its disadvantage and not in the normal course of operation, thus causing substantial damage to the company.
3. A director, supervisor, or managerial officer of an issuer under this Act who, with intent to procure a benefit for himself/herself or for a third person, acts contrary to his/her duties or misappropriates company assets.
Where the amount gained by the commission of an offense under the preceding paragraph is NT$100 million or more, a sentence of imprisonment for not less than seven years shall be imposed, and in addition thereto a fine of not less than NT$25 million and not more than NT$500 million may be imposed.
A person who commits an offense under paragraph 1 or 2 and subsequently voluntarily surrenders himself/herself, if there is criminal gain and he/she voluntarily hands over the gained assets in full, shall have his/her punishment reduced or remitted. Where another principal offender or an accomplice is captured as a result, the punishment shall be remitted.
A person who commits an offense under paragraph 1 or 2 and confesses during the prosecutorial investigation, if there is criminal gain and he/she voluntarily hands over the gained assets in full, shall have his/her punishment reduced. Where another principal offender or an accomplice is captured as a result, the punishment shall be reduced by one-half.
Where the criminal benefit gained by a person through commission of an offense under paragraph 1 or 2 exceeds the maximum amount of the criminal fine, the fine may be increased within the scope of the benefit gained; if the stability of the securities market is harmed, the punishment shall be increased by one-half.
Any property or property interest obtained from the commission of a crime by an offender committing an offense under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, other than that which shall be returned to a victim or a third party or from which damages shall be borne, shall be confiscated within the extent that it belongs to the offender. If the whole or a part of such property or property interest cannot be confiscated, the value thereof shall be indemnified either by demanding a payment from the offender or by offsetting such value with the property of the offender.
Article 177 Any person who commits any of the following offenses shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year, detention, and/or a fine of not more than NT$1.2 million:
1. violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 31, Article 34, Article 40, paragraph 1 of Article 43-4, paragraph 1 of Article 43-8, Article 45, Article 46, paragraph 2 of Article 50, Article 119, Article 150 or Article 165.
2. violation of regulations prescribed by the Competent Authority pursuant to Article 61.
Article 178 Any person who commits any of the following offenses shall be punished with an administrative fine of not less than NT$240,000 and not more than NT$2.4 million:
1. Violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Article 22-2, Article 26-1, Article 141, Article 144, paragraph 2 of Article 145, Article 147, or Article 152.
2. Violation of the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 14, paragraph 1 or paragraph 3 of Article 14-1, paragraph 1 or paragraph 5 of Article 14-2, Article 14-3, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Article 14-4, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Article 14-5, paragraph 5 of Article 21-1, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 or paragraph 4 of Article 25, paragraph 1 or paragraph 7 of Article 26-3, paragraph 4 or paragraph 6 of Article 36, Article 41, paragraph 1 of Article 43-1, paragraphs 5 through 7 of Article 43-6, Article 58, paragraph 1 of Article 69 Article 79, or Article 159.
3. An issuer or public tender offeror or a related party thereof, a securities firm or a principal thereof, a securities dealers association, a stock exchange, or any other enterprise referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 18 fails to submit account books, forms/statements, documents, or other reference or report materials within the time period specified in this Act or in an order issued by the Competent Authority pursuant to this Act, or any of the above parties refuses, impedes, or evades an examination carried out by the Competent Authority.
4. If any issuer, public tender offeror, securities firm, securities dealers association, stock exchange, or any other enterprise referred to in Article 18, paragraph 1 fails to comply with relevant rules in the preparation, submission, public announcement, maintenance, or storage of the account books, forms/statements, vouchers, financial reports or other relevant business documents as required by this Act, or as required by orders issued by the Competent Authority pursuant to this Act.
5. Violation of rules prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with Article 25-1 regarding the qualifications of proxy solicitors, proxy agents, or those handling proxy solicitation matters, the methods of solicitation or acquisition of proxy forms, corporate compliance matters in connection with the convening of shareholder meetings, or refusal to comply with a requirement by the Competent Authority for provision of information.
6. Violation of the shareholding percentage requirements of directors and supervisors of publicly issued companies prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 26, and provisions regarding notifications and auditing in the enforcement rules for auditing the shareholdings thereto.
7. Violation of the provisions of Article 26-3, paragraph 8 by failing to formulate rules for the conduct of directors meetings, or violating the regulations prescribed by the Competent Authority pursuant to the same article and paragraph governing the content of deliberations, procedures, matters to be recorded in the meeting minutes, and public announcement, or violation of the rules issued by the Competent Authority pursuant to Article 36-1 regarding the scope, working procedures, required public announcements, and required filings for financial or operational actions of material significance, such as acquisition or disposal of assets, derivatives trading, extension of monetary loans to others, endorsements or guarantees for others, and disclosure of financial forecast information. 
8. Violation of the provisions of paragraph 2 or paragraph 4 through 7 of Article 28-2, or the matters prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 28-2 regarding procedures, prices, volumes, methods, methods of transfer, and matters that must be filed and publicly announced in relation to repurchase of shares.
9. Violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 43-2, paragraph 1 of Article 43-3, paragraph 1 of Article 43-5, or regulations prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 43-1 regarding the scope, conditions, period, related parties, and particulars for filing and public announcement in connection with purchases of securities.
Where any person who has committed any of the offenses referred to in subparagraphs 2 through 7 of the preceding paragraph, the Competent Authority shall, in addition to imposing an administrative fine, order the person to comply within a prescribed time period; where the person fails to comply within the specified period, the Competent Authority may order a new period for compliance and impose additional administrative fines of not less than NT$480,000 and not more than NT$4.8 million for each successive failure to comply until corrective action has been taken.
A reward shall be offered for the report of a violation of Article 25-1 that leads to successful discovery of a violation; regulations governing such reward shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Article 183 This Act shall be enforced from the date of promulgation, with the exception of Article 54, Article 95, and Article 128, which were amended and promulgated on 19 July 2000 and enforced from 15 January 2001, Articles 14-2 through 14-5 and Article 26-3, which were amended on 20 December 2005 and enforced from 1 January 2007, the articles amended on 5 May 2006, which are enforced from 1 July 2006, the articles amended on 26 May 2009, which are enforced from 23 November 2009, and Article 36 amended on 4 May 2010, which is enforced from 1 January 2012.