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Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Public Offering and Issuance Prospectuses  CH

Amended Date: 2023.12.29 
   Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
      Section II Operation Summary
Article 19    The description of the "operation of the company" shall include the following items:
  1. Business content:
    1. Scope of business: Setting forth the main line(s) of business engaged in by the company and its percentage out of the entire company business, company's current products (services), and the new products (services) planned to be developed.
    2. Industry summary: Describing the industry's current condition and development, relations with industries upstream, downstream and at the same level, various trends of product development and competition status.
    3. Technology and research & development summary: Setting forth the technological arrangement in business operations, research & development, personnel involved in research & development and their educational background and employment history, along with their invested research costs each year for the last 5 years and any successfully developed technologies or products.
    4. Long and short term plans for business development.
  2. Summary of market and production/sales
    1. Market analysis: Analyzing the areas/regions of sales (supply) of the company's major products (services), market share, market's future supply/demand conditions and development potential, competitive niche, and the advantageous and disadvantageous factors for future development and policies for dealing with them.
    2. Important use and production process for the major products.
    3. Supply status of the major raw materials.
    4. Description of major gross profit margin changes by each department classification or major product classification for the most recent 2 years: When the gross profit margin fluctuates over 20 percent from the previous year's rate, analysis of the key factors causing the price/volume changes and their impact on the gross profit margin shall be made. For construction companies or companies with construction departments, setting forth an analysis on the estimated recognized income and gross profit for each construction project during the year of registration and the preceding year, and describing whether there are any unusual events involved in the gross profit margin of each construction project and the expected sales for projects that have been completed but not yet sold. (Tables 33, 34)
    5. List of principal suppliers and clients: Setting forth the names of any suppliers (clients) that have supplied (sold) 10 percent or more of the company's procurements (sales) in either of the preceding 2 fiscal years, and the monetary amount and the proportion of such procurements (sales) as a percentage of total procurements (sales), and explaining the reason for any change in the amount; provided however, that Where the company is prohibited by contract from revealing the name of a trading counterpart, or where a trading counterpart is an individual person who is not a related party, a code may be used in place of such trading counterpart's actual name. (Tables 35, 36)
    6. Production for the most recent 2 fiscal years: Setting forth production by volume, production by value, and production capacity for the most recent 2 fiscal years by each department classification or major product classification, and an analysis of any changes. (Table 37)
    7. The sales volume and value for the most recent 2 fiscal years: Setting forth the sales volume and sales value for the most recent 2 fiscal years by each department classification or major product classification, and an analysis of any changes. (Table 38)
  3. Number of employees for the most recent 2 fiscal years: Documenting the employees information for the past 2 fiscal years and up to the prospectus publication date of the current fiscal year. Such information shall be categorized by the nature of the works performed to include the statistics on the number of employees, average age, average years of service and the educational background breakdown. (Table 39)
  4. Information on environmental protection expenditures:
    1. According to laws and regulations if it is required to apply for a permit for installing anti-pollution facilities, or permit of pollution drainage, or to pay anti-pollution fees, or to organize and set up an exclusively responsible unit/office for environmental issues, the description of the status of such applications, payment or establishment shall be made.
    2. Setting forth the company's investment on the major anti-pollution facilities, the use purpose of such facilities and the possible effects to be produced. (Table 40)
    3. Describing the process undertaken by the company on environmental pollution improvement for the most recent 2 fiscal years and up to the prospectus publication date. If there had been any pollution dispute, its handling process shall also be described.
    4. Describing any losses suffered by the company in the most recent 2 fiscal years and up to the prospectus publication date due to environmental pollution incidents (including any compensation paid and any violations of environmental protection laws or regulations found in environmental protection inspection, specifying the disposition dates, disposition reference numbers, the articles of law violated, and the content of the dispositions), and disclosing an estimate of possible expenses that could be incurred currently and in the future and measures being or to be taken. If a reasonable estimate cannot be made, an explanation of the facts of why it cannot be made shall be provided.
    5. Explaining the current condition of pollution and the impact of its improvement to the profits, competitive position and capital expenditures of the company, as well as the projected major environment-related capital expenses to be made for the coming 2 fiscal years.
  5. Labor relations:
    1. Setting forth all employee benefits, continuing education, training, retirement systems, and the status of their implementation, as well as the status of agreements between labor and management, and all measures aimed at preserving the rights and interests of employees.
    2. Describing any losses suffered by the company in the most recent 2 fiscal years and up to the prospectus publication date due to labor disputes (including any violations of the Labor Standards Act found in labor inspection, specifying the disposition dates, disposition reference numbers, the articles of law violated, the substance of the legal violations, and the content of the dispositions), and disclosing an estimate of possible expenses that could be incurred currently and in the future and measures being or to be taken. If a reasonable estimate cannot be made, an explanation of the facts of why it cannot be made shall be provided.
  6. Cyber security management:
    1. Describe the cyber security risk management framework, cyber security policies, concrete management programs, and investments in resources for cyber security management.
    2. List any losses suffered by the company in the most recent 2 fiscal years and up to the annual report publication date due to significant cyber security incidents, the possible impacts therefrom, and measures being or to be taken. If a reasonable estimate cannot be made, an explanation of the facts of why it cannot be made shall be provided.
Article 20    For property, plant and equipment, other real properties, or right-of-use assets therein, the following items shall be recorded:
  1. Self-owned assets:
    1. Setting forth the names, quantities, acquisition dates, acquisition costs, revaluation gains and non-depreciated balance amount of the property, plant and equipment if the acquisition cost is 20 percent or more of the paid-in capital or NT$300 million or more. The use, insurance, encumbrances, and any other restriction of rights with respect to the property, plant and equipment shall also be disclosed. However, in the case of shares issued by a company with no par value or a par value other than NT$10 per share, the calculation of 20 percent of the paid-in capital shall be replaced by 10 percent of the equity attributable to owners of the parent. (Table 41)
    2. Setting forth the names, lot sizes, premises locations, acquisition dates, acquisition costs, revaluation gains, non-depreciated balance amount, published value or house/apartment's appraised value, fair value, and the proposed future disposition or development plans of the idle real properties and the real properties which have been held for 5 fiscal years or more for investment purposes.
    (Table 42)
  2. Right-of-use assets:
    Setting forth the name, quantity, lease period, lessor name, original book value, and balance not yet depreciated of any right-of-use asset underlying lease asset of an amount reaching 20 percent or more of the paid-in capital or NT$300 million or more, and also disclosing insurance information and important stipulations of the lease. (Table 43)
  3. Each factory's current condition and facility productivity ratio for most recent 2 fiscal years. (Tables 44, 45)
Article 21    The section on "investments in other companies" shall include the following items:
  1. A general description of companies that have been invested in, including: The names of the investees, their line(s) of business, the cost of investment associated with the company's investment in the other companies, book value, number of shares held, percentage of stake, net equity value, accounting practices, gain (loss) on investments for the most recent fiscal year, distributed cash dividends, and the number of the company's shares held by the companies in which it has invested. If there is market value available on the re-invested business, such market value information shall also be included. (Table 46)
  2. Consolidated stake: Setting forth the following information of each company invested in: the number of shares held by the company, the number of shares held by the company's directors, supervisors, the personnel whose positions are managerial or higher, and the number of shares invested in a single company which are held by the entities directly or indirectly controlled by the company, and calculating the consolidated shareholding percentage of the above categories. (Table 47)
  3. The status of those subsidiaries of companies listed on the TWSE or the TPEx who held or disposed of shares of this company during the most recent 2 fiscal years and up to the prospectus publication date and the status of the shares pledged, and setting forth the origin of capital and other influences on the company's financial performance and financial condition. (Table 48)
  4. Any occurrences of the situations of Article 185 of the Company Act, or transferring part of the business operation or results of the research and development to a subsidiary during the most recent 2 fiscal years and up to the prospectus publication date, the status of waiving subscription rights to the cash capital increase in the subsidiary company, the name of the subscribing counter party, and the relationship with the company, the directors, supervisors and shareholders who hold more than 10 percent of the outstanding shares, and the number of the subscribed shares shall be disclosed.
    The term "subsidiary," as used in the subparagraphs 3 and 4 of the preceding paragraph, shall be determined in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers.
Article 22    The section on "important contracts" shall include all supply/sales contracts, technologies cooperation contracts, construction contracts, long-term loan agreements, and all other important contracts which are likely to impact the investors' rights, whether they are currently effective or have expired in the most recent fiscal year, and shall include the parties, major content, restrictive provisions and the commencement and termination dates of the contracts. (Table 49)