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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Companies with Listed Securities  CH

Amended Date: 2024.11.15 (Articles 4, 6, 11, 12 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2024.01.12 
Categories: Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure
   Chapter I General Principles
1    These Procedures are adopted pursuant to Article 2 of the Securities Listing Contract signed between the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) and R.O.C. public companies, and Article 3 of the Contract for the Listing of Foreign Stock and the Contract for the Listing of Taiwan Depositary Receipts signed between the TWSE and foreign issuers.
    These Procedures are specially adopted to ensure that public disclosure of related information will be promptly carried out following the occurrence of an event having a material effect on the shareholder equity or the price of securities of any TWSE listed company or TWSE secondary listed company.
2    The term "TWSE listed company" as used in these Procedures means any TWSE listed company, Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) listed company, TWSE primary listed company or TIB primary listed company as prescribed in Article 43 of the TWSE Operating Rules.The meanings of "parent" and "subsidiary" as used in these Procedures shall be determined in accordance with the regulations issued by the competent authority to govern the preparation of financial reports for the relevant industry.
    The term "major subsidiary" as used in these Procedures means a subsidiary that meets the conditions of Article 2-1 of the Regulations Governing Auditing and Attestation of Financial Statements by Certified Public Accountants or Article 5 of the Relevant Regulations Governing the Auditing and Attestation of Financial Statements of Financial Institutions by Engaged Certified Public Accountants.
    The term "net worth" as used in these Procedures means the equity attributable to owners of the parent on the balance sheet prepared pursuant to regulations governing the preparation of financial reports for the relevant industry issued by the competent authority.
    The term “halt of dealings” as used in these Procedures means the halt by TWSE of the exchange of listed securities by a TWSE listed company for a specific period with or without an application made by the TWSE listed company, for the TWSE listed company to disclose information publicly according to these Procedures.
    The term “resumption of exchange” as used in these Procedures means the resumption by TWSE of the exchange listed securities by a TWSE listed company with or without an application made by the TWSE listed company.ruby
3    A TWSE listed company shall establish internal operating procedures for the processing of material information, including systems pertaining to evaluation for the publication of material information, safekeeping of approval records, and actions to be taken on errors made, etc.
    No TWSE listed company or TWSE secondary listed company may disclose any information to the public prior to disclosure of the information pursuant to these Procedures, in order to ensure that the information is accurate and accessible to the general public.
    Material information published by a TWSE listed company or a TWSE secondary listed company shall fully describe the facts of the material event, its causes, the effects on company finances and business, an estimate of the monetary amount of the effects, and responsive measures. The required content shall be published in accordance with the TWSE reporting format. Any explanation by a company to the public and media of the material information that the company has published shall be consistent with the main contents of the material information and contain no exaggerating or advertisement- or promotion-like statements or provide no unconfirmed news or untrue data.
    When convening a press briefing concerning material information, a representative of a TWSE listed company shall give a detailed statement based on the preceding paragraph and prepare related written materials.
    With respect to material information already published by a TWSE listed or TWSE secondary listed company, if subsequent events result in further material changes, the company shall provide a timely update or supplementation of relevant information pursuant to the same provisions that governed reporting of the original information.