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Chapter Content


Regulations Governing Securities Firms  CH

Amended Date: 2024.03.06 
   Chapter VII Supplemental Provisions
      Section 1 (Deleted)
Article 59A securities firm, unless concurrently operated by a financial institution and subject to other acts or regulations, shall maintain an appropriate ratio between its regulatory capital and its overall risk equivalent, except as approved by the Commission.
The appropriate ratio referred to in the preceding paragraph is called the regulatory capital adequacy ratio and its calculation method is the net amount of eligible regulatory capital divided by the overall risk equivalent.
For those foreign securities firms having Taiwan branches, if their home-country head office have already calculated their regulatory capital adequacy ratio under their local laws with the overall risk of their Taiwan branch office already entered into the calculation, and have met the standard, they may send those documents and information relating to the said regulatory capital adequacy ratio which have met the standard to the Commission to apply for a waiver of application of the provisions in this Chapter. However, unless specifically approved by the Commission, a monthly report on the head offices' regulatory capital adequacy ratio shall still be reported according to Article 21, paragraph 4.
Article 59-1The calculation of the net amount of eligible regulatory capital and the overall risk equivalent of the regulatory capital adequacy ratio as referred to in paragraph 2 of the preceding article is categorized into a simple calculation method and an advanced calculation method.
The securities firms to which the advanced calculation method for the regulatory capital adequacy ratio under the preceding paragraph applies, and the implementation date, shall be prescribed by the FSC.