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Securities and Exchange Act  CH

Amended Date: 2024.08.07 (Articles 14 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.06.28 

Title: Securities and Exchange Act(2012.01.04)
Article 4     The term "company" as used in this Act means a company limited by shares organized under the Company Act.
    The term “foreign company” as used in this Act means a company, for the purpose of profit making, organized and incorporated in accordance with the laws of a foreign country.
Article 14     The term "financial reports" as used in this Act means the financial reports prepared by issuers, securities firms, and stock exchanges that are to be filed periodically with the Competent Authority in compliance with Acts and regulations.
    Regulations governing the preparation of financial reports with respect to the content, scope, procedures, preparation, and other matters to be complied with for the financial reports referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority, and Chapters IV, VI, and VII of the Business Entity Accounting Act shall not apply to those financial reports.
    The financial reports referred to in paragraph 1 shall be signed or stamped with the seal of the chairperson, managerial officers, and accounting officers, who shall also produce a declaration that the report contains no misrepresentations or nondisclosures.
    The accounting officers referred to in the preceding paragraph shall possess certain qualifications and shall receive continuing professional education while holding the position. Regulations governing the qualifications of an accounting officer, the minimum hours of continuing education required, and the qualifications required of the institution offering the continuing education curriculum shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Article 22     With the exception of government bonds or other securities exempted by the Competent Authority, the public offering or issuing of securities without an effective registration with the Competent Authority shall be prohibited.
    An issuer under this Act shall be required to comply with the preceding paragraph when it issues new shares pursuant to the provisions of the Company Act, except where the issuance is handled under Article 43-6, paragraphs 1 and 2.
    The provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a holder of securities as defined in Article 6, paragraph 1, or certificates of payment therefor, or documents of title thereto, or stock warrant certificates, or certificates of entitlement to new shares, who publicly offers to resell the securities or certificates.
    Regulations governing the conditions, documents to be attached, review and approval procedures, and other matters for compliance with respect to the effective registrations under the preceding three paragraphs shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
    In formulating or amending provisions of the preceding paragraph's regulations relating to foreign exchange, the Competent Authority shall consult the Central Bank of China.
Article 36     Unless under special circumstances as otherwise provided by the Competent Authority, an issuer under this Act shall perform public announcement and registration with the Competent Authority as follows:
  1. within three months after the close of each fiscal year, publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority financial reports duly audited and attested by a certified public accountant, approved by the board of directors, and recognized by the supervisors.
  2. within 45 days after the end of the first, second, and third quarters of each fiscal year publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority financial reports duly reviewed by a certified public accountant and reported to the board of directors.
  3. within the first ten days of each calendar month publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority the operating status for the preceding month.
    Regulations governing the applicable scope of ?pecial circumstances??as referred to in the preceding paragraph, deadlines for public announcement and registration under such special circumstances, and other matters for compliance in connection therewith, shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
    Within two days from the date of occurrence of any of the following events, any company referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall publicly announce and register with the Competent Authority:
  1. the annual financial reports approved by the regular meeting of shareholders if such reports are inconsistent with the annual financial reports which have been announced to the public and filed with the Competent Authority.
  2. any event which has a material impact on shareholders' equity or securities prices.
    The companies referred to in paragraph 1 shall prepare an annual report and distribute it to all shareholders prior to or at the regular meeting of shareholders. The particulars to be covered in the annual report, principles for its preparation, and other matters for compliance shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
    Copies of the reports publicly announced and registered with the Competent Authority referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3, and the annual report referred to in the preceding paragraph shall, in case such securities are listed on the stock exchange, be sent to the stock exchange, or in the case of securities traded over-the-counter, sent to the agency (institution) designated by the Competent Authority, for review by the public.
    During the reorganization procedure of an issuer, matters to be ratified by the board of directors and the supervisors under paragraph 1 shall be ratified by the reorganizers or the reorganization supervisors of the issuer.
    The regular meeting of shareholders of a company whose stock is listed on the stock exchange or traded over-the-counter shall be held within six months after the close of each fiscal year, and the proviso of Article 170, paragraph 2 of the Company Act shall not apply.
    In a year in which expires the term of the directors and supervisors of a company whose stock is listed on the stock exchange or traded over-the-counter, if the board of directors does not convene the regular meeting of shareholders to elect directors and supervisors for the new term in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Competent Authority may ex officio set a deadline for the meeting to be held. If the meeting is not held by the deadline, the entire body of directors and supervisors shall ipso facto be dismissed from the time of expiration of the deadline.
Article 38-1     When the Competent Authority deems necessary, it may from time to time appoint a certified public accountant, lawyer, engineer, or any other professionals or technicians to examine the financial and business conditions and related documents, statements, and account books of the issuer, securities underwriter, or other related parties and to submit reports or opinions to the Competent Authority, at the expense of the examinee.
    When shareholders who have been continuously holding, for a period of 1 year or longer, 3 percent or more of the total number of the outstanding shares of a company whose stock is listed on the stock exchange or traded over-the-counter deem that a specific matter materially damages the interests of shareholders, they may apply to the Competent Authority with reasons, related evidence, and explanations of necessity, asking for inspection of the specific matter, related documents, and account books of the issuer. If the Competent Authority deems necessary, it will proceed pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
Article 141     A stock exchange shall enter into a contact for public listing of securities with the company listing the securities. The contents of the contract shall not contradict the provisions of the rules on contract for public listing, and such contracts shall be filed with the Competent Authority for recordation.
Article 142     Securities publicly issued by an issuer shall be traded on the centralized securities exchange market of a stock exchange only after the issuer and the stock exchange have entered into the contract for public listing.
Article 144     A stock exchange may, pursuant to acts and regulations, or the provisions of the contact for public listing, terminate the public listing of securities, and such termination shall be filed with the Competent Authority for recordation.
Article 145     An issuer of securities publicly listed on a stock exchange may, pursuant to the provisions of the contact for public listing, file an application with the stock exchange to terminate its listing.
    The stock exchange shall draft procedures for the handling of applications to terminate listings, and submit the procedures, and any subsequent amendments thereto, to the Competent Authority for approval.
Article 146     (Deleted)
Article 147     A stock exchange shall file a report with the Competent Authority for recordation in the event it suspends or reinstates the trading of listed securities pursuant to acts and regulations, the provisions of the contract for public listing, or for the protection of public interest.
Article 165-1     When stock issued by a foreign company has been approved for the first time by the stock exchange or over-the-counter securities exchange for listed trading on the stock exchange or over-the-counter market or for registration as emerging stock, if the issuer’s stock is not traded on a foreign securities exchange, then, unless otherwise provided by the Competent Authority, the provisions of Articles 5 to 8, Articles 13 to 14-1, Article 14-2, paragraphs 1 to 3, and 5, Article 14-3, Article 14-4, paragraphs 1, 2, 5, and 6, Article 14-5, Articles 19 to 21, Articles 22 to 25-1, Article 26-3, Article 27, Article 28-1, paragraphs 2 to 4, Article 28-2, Articles 28-4 to 32, Article 33, paragraphs 1, and 2, Articles 35 to 43-8, Article 61, Article 139, Articles 141 to 145, Article 147, Article 148, Article 150, and Articles 155 to 157-1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the management and supervision of the public offering, issuance, private placement, and trading of the securities.
Article 165-2     When stock or securities representing stock issued by a foreign company other than under the preceding article is already traded on a foreign securities exchange, or the securities of a branch unit of a foreign financial institution or subsidiary of a foreign company meeting the requirements prescribed by the Competent Authority have been approved by the stock exchange or over-the-counter securities exchange for listed trading on the stock exchange or over-the-counter market, then, unless otherwise provided by the Competent Authority, the provisions of Articles 5 to 8, Article 13, Article 14, paragraphs 1 and 3, Articles 19 to 21, Article 22, Article 23, Articles 29 to 32, Article 33, paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 35, Article 36, paragraphs 1 to 6, Articles 38 to 40, Article 42, Article 43, Article 43-1, paragraphs 2 to 4, Articles 43-2 to 43-5, Article 61, Article 139, Articles 141 to 145, Article 147, Article 148, Article 150, and Articles 155 to 157-1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the management and supervision of the public offering, issuance, and trading of the securities in the Republic of China.
Article 165-3     A foreign company shall designate a representative within the territory of the Republic of China to represent the company in litigious and non-litigious matters under this Act, and to serve as its responsible person under this Act in the Republic of China
    The representative under the preceding paragraph shall have a domicile or residence within the territory of the Republic of China.
    The foreign company shall file the name, domicile or residence, and power of attorney of the representative under paragraph 1 with the Competent Authority, and shall do the same in the event of any change thereto.
Article 166     Parties to any dispute arising under securities transactions executed pursuant to this Act may, pursuant to their agreement, resolve their disputes by arbitration. Any disputes arising between the stock exchange and securities firms, or between securities firms shall be resolved by arbitration regardless whether there is an agreement to arbitration between the parties.
    Unless otherwise provided under this Act, the arbitration referred to in the proceeding two paragraphs shall be governed by the Arbitration Act.
Article 169     Except where an action is commenced to set aside an arbitral award pursuant to Article 40 of the Arbitration Act, the Competent Authority may order the suspension of the business of a securities firm if the said securities firm fails to comply or delays in complying with the arbitral award or the settlement reached in accordance with Article 44 of the Arbitration Act.
Article 170     The securities dealers association and the stock exchange shall specify in its articles of association/incorporation or its bylaws provisions relating to arbitration. Such provisions shall not be in conflict with this Act and the Arbitration Act.
Article 171     A person who has committed any of the following offenses shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than three years and not more than ten years, and in addition thereto, a fine of not less than NT$10 million and not more than NT$200 million may be imposed:
  1. A person who has violated the provisions of paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Article 20, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Article 155, or paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 157-1.
  2. A director, supervisor, managerial officer or employee of an issuer under this Act who, directly or indirectly, causes the company to conduct transactions to its disadvantage and not in the normal course of operation, thus causing substantial damage to the company.
  3. A director, supervisor, or managerial officer of an issuer under this Act who, with intent to procure a benefit for himself/herself or for a third person, acts contrary to his/her duties or misappropriates company assets, thus causing damage of NT$5 million or more to the company.
    Where the amount gained by the commission of an offense under the preceding paragraph is NT$100 million or more, a sentence of imprisonment for not less than seven years shall be imposed, and in addition thereto a fine of not less than NT$25 million and not more than NT$500 million may be imposed.
    A person who commits an offense under paragraph 1, subparagraph 3, causing damage of less than NT$5 million to the company, shall be punished under Articles 336 and 342 of the Criminal Code.
    A person who commits an offense under the preceding 3 paragraphs and subsequently voluntarily surrenders himself/herself, if there is criminal gain and he/she voluntarily hands over the gained assets in full, shall have his/her punishment reduced or remitted. Where another principal offender or an accomplice is captured as a result, the punishment shall be remitted.
    A person who commits an offense under paragraphs 1 to 3 and confesses during the prosecutorial investigation, if there is criminal gain and he/she voluntarily hands over the gained assets in full, shall have his/her punishment reduced. Where another principal offender or an accomplice is captured as a result, the punishment shall be reduced by one-half.
    Where the criminal benefit gained by a person through commission of an offense under paragraph 1 or 2 exceeds the maximum amount of the criminal fine, the fine may be increased within the scope of the benefit gained; if the stability of the securities market is harmed, the punishment shall be increased by one-half.
    Any property or property interest obtained from the commission of a crime by an offender committing an offense under paragraphs 1 to 3, other than that which shall be returned to a victim or a third party or from which damages shall be borne, shall be confiscated within the extent that it belongs to the offender. If the whole or a part of such property or property interest cannot be confiscated, the value thereof shall be indemnified either by demanding a payment from the offender or by offsetting such value with the property of the offender.
    A person who violates Article 20, paragraph 1 or 2, Article 155, paragraph 1 or 2, or Article 157-1, paragraph 1 or 2, as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2, shall be punished under the provisions of paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, and of paragraph 2 to the preceding paragraph.
    The provisions of paragraph 1, subparagraphs 2 and 3, and paragraphs 2 to 7 shall apply to the directors, supervisors, managerial officers, or employees of a foreign company.
Article 174     A person who commits any of the following offenses shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than seven years and in addition thereto a fine of not more than NT$20 million may be imposed:
  1. the making of false statements on the application materials required under Article 30, Article 44, paragraphs 1 to 3, or Article 93, or Article 30 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2, of this Act.
  2. the making and dissemination to the public of false information with regard to the market value of securities, or with regard to the material aspects of the approved public offering.
  3. the violation of paragraph 1 of Article 32 by an issuer, its responsible persons or employees, and the provision of paragraph 2 of the same Article does not apply.
  4. the making of false statements on the account books, forms/statements, documents, or other reference or report materials produced by any issuer or public tender offeror or related party thereof, securities firm or its principals, securities dealers association, stock exchange, or any other enterprises referred to in Article 18 pursuant to an order of the Competent Authority to produce such materials.
  5. the making of false statements on the account books, forms/statements, vouchers, financial reports or any other business documents by any issuer, public tender offeror, securities firm, securities dealers association, stock exchange, or any other enterprises referred to in Article 18, as required to be produced in compliance with acts or regulations, or orders prescribed by the Competent Authority pursuant thereto.
  6. the making of false statements in the content of a financial report under the preceding subparagraph by a managerial officer or accounting officer who signs or chops the financial report; provided, the punishment may be reduced or remitted if the person has submitted a corrective opinion and provided evidence in a report to the Competent Authority before the Competent Authority or a judicial agency has commenced an investigation [ex officio or] upon a complaint filed by another person.
  7. the making of any investment advice relating to an issuer or specific securities transactions which was based on false information and disseminating the said advice on any newspapers and magazines, written materials, broadcasts, films or by other means.
  8. the loaning of company funds to another person, using company assets to provide security or a guarantee for another person, or endorsing of a negotiable instrument by a director, managerial officer, or employee of an issuer in violation of an act or regulation, or the articles of incorporation, or beyond the scope authorized by the board of directors, causing substantial damage to the company.
  9. counterfeiting, altering, destroying, concealing, or obscuring working papers or relevant records or documents with intent to impede inspection by the Competent Authority or investigation by a judicial agency.
    A person who commits any of the following offenses shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years, or a fine of not more than NT$15 million may be imposed [in lieu thereof] or in addition thereto:
  1. issuance of a false or untrue opinion by a lawyer regarding any contract, report, or document of the company or foreign company related to securities offering, issuance, or trading.
  2. failure by a certified public account to faithfully fulfill his or her audit duties and issue a report or opinion with respect to any material falsehood or error in a financial report, document, or information reported or published by a company or foreign company; or failure by a certified public accountant to expressly state a material falsehood or error in a company or foreign company financial report due to failure to audit in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and generally accepted audit principles.
  3. violation of Article 22, paragraphs 1 to 3.
    Where the commission of an offense under the preceding paragraph materially affects shareholders' equity or harms the stability of the securities market, the punishment may be increased by one-half.
    Where a personnel member or employee of an issuer commits an offense in subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1, and the offense is slight, the punishment may be reduced.
    The Competent Authority shall render a disposition suspending attestation work by a certified public accountant who violates subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.
    If a foreign company is the issuer, any violation of paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 to 9 by the foreign company or a director, managerial officer, employee, or accounting officer of the foreign company shall be punished under paragraphs 1 and 4.
    A person who violates Article 22 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2 shall be punished under paragraphs 2 and 3.
Article 174-1     When a director, supervisor, managerial officer, or employee of a company with securities issued pursuant to this Act commits a gratuitous act as set forth in Article 171, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 2 or 3 or paragraph 1, subparagraph 8 of the preceding Article prejudicial to the rights and interests of the issuer, the issuer may petition a court for voidance of the act.
    If, at the time of commission of a non-gratuitous act by a director, supervisor, managerial officer, or employee of a company as referred to in the preceding paragraph, such person knew the act to be prejudicial to the rights and interests of the issuer, where the beneficiary of the act also knew of that circumstance at the time of receiving the benefits, the issuer may petition a court for voidance of the act.
    When an application is made to a court for voidance pursuant to either of the two preceding paragraphs, the court may also be petitioned to order the beneficiary of the act or a party to whom benefits were transferred to restore the status quo ante, provided that this shall not apply where the party to whom the benefit was transferred was not aware of a cause for voidance at the time of the transfer.
    Any disposition of property between a director, supervisor, managerial officer, or employee as referred to in paragraph 1 and such a person's spouse, lineal relative, cohabiting relative, head of household, or family member shall be deemed a gratuitous act.
    Any disposition of property between a director, supervisor, managerial officer, or employee as referred to in paragraph 1 and any person other than those set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be presumed to be a gratuitous act.
    The right to voidance under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be extinguished if not exercised within one year after the time the company learns there is cause for voidance, or ten years after the time of the act.
    The provisions of the preceding 6 paragraphs shall apply to the directors, supervisors, managerial officers or employees of a foreign company.
Article 174-2     The crimes set forth in Article 171, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 2 and 3, and paragraph 1, subparagraphs 2 and 3 as applied under paragraph 9, and Article 174, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, and paragraph 1, subparagraph 8 as applied under paragraph 6, are serious crimes as defined in Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Money Laundering Control Act and the relevant provisions of the Money Laundering Control Act shall apply.
Article 175     A person who violates the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 18, A paragraph 1 of Article 28-2, paragraph 1 of Article 43, paragraph 3 of Article 43-1, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 43-5, paragraph 1 of Article 43-6, paragraphs 1 through 3 of Article 44, paragraph 1 of Article 60, paragraph 1 of Article 62, Article 93, Articles 96 through 98, Article 116, Article 120, or Article 160 shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years, detention, and/or a fine of not more than NT$1.8 million.
    A person who violates Article 43, paragraph 1, Article 43-1, paragraph 3, Article 43-5, paragraphs 2 and 3, as applied mutatis mutandis under Articles 165-1 or 165-2, or violates Article 28-2, paragraph 1 or Article 43-6, paragraph 1, as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, shall be punished under the preceding paragraph.
    A person who conducts a public tender offer without prior public announcement in violation of Article 43-1, paragraph 2, or who conducts a public tender offer without prior public announcement in violation of Article 43-1, paragraph 2 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2, shall be punished under paragraph 1.
Article 177     A person who violates Article 34, Article 40, Article 43-8, paragraph 1, Article 45, Article 46, Article 50, paragraph 2, Article 119, Article 150 or Article 165 shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year, detention, and/or a fine of not more than NT$1.2 million.A person who violates Article 40 or 150 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2, or Article 43-8, paragraph 1 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, shall be punished under the preceding paragraph.
Article 178     A person who commits any of the following offenses shall be punished with an administrative fine of not less than NT$240,000 and not more than NT$2.4 million:
  1. Violation of the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph 1 or 2, Article 26-1, Article 141, Article 144, Article 145, paragraph 2, Article 147, or Article 152; or Article 141, Article 144, Article 145, paragraph 2, or Article 147 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2; or Article 22-2, paragraph 1 or 2 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1.
  2. Violation of the provisions of Article 14, paragraph 3, Article 14-1, paragraph 1 or 3, Article 14-2, paragraph 1 or 5, Article 14-3, Article 14-4, paragraph 1 or 2, Article 14-5, paragraph 1 or 2, Article 21-1, paragraph 5, Article 25, paragraph 1, 2, or 4, Article 26-3, paragraph 1 or 7, Article 31, paragraph 1, Article 36, paragraph 5 or 7, Article 41, Article 43-1, paragraph 1, Article 43-4, paragraph 1, Article 43-6, paragraphs 5 to 7, Article 58, Article 61, Article 69, paragraph 1, Article 79, or Article 159; or Article 14, paragraph 3, Article 31, paragraph 1, Article 36, paragraph 5, Article 43-4, paragraph 1, or Article 61, as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2; or Article 14-1, paragraph 1 or 3, Article 14-2, paragraph 1 or 5, Article 14-3, Article 14-4, paragraph 1 or 2, Article 14-5, paragraph 1 or 2, Article 25, paragraph 1, 2, or 4, Article 26-3, paragraph 1 or 7, Article 36, paragraph 7, Article 41, Article 43-1, paragraph 1, Article 43-6, paragraphs 5 to 7, as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1.
  3. An issuer or public tender offeror or a related party thereof, a securities firm or a principal thereof, a securities dealers association, a stock exchange, or any other enterprise referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 18 fails to submit account books, forms/statements, documents, or other reference or report materials within the time period specified in this Act or in an order issued by the Competent Authority pursuant to this Act, or any of the above parties refuses, impedes, or evades an examination carried out by the Competent Authority.
  4. If any issuer, public tender offeror, securities firm, securities dealers association, stock exchange, or any other enterprise referred to in Article 18, paragraph 1 fails to comply with relevant rules in the preparation, submission, public announcement, maintenance, or storage of the account books, forms/statements, vouchers, financial reports or other relevant business documents as required by this Act, or as required by orders issued by the Competent Authority pursuant to this Act.
  5. Violation of rules prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with Article 25-1 regarding the qualifications of proxy solicitors, proxy agents, or those handling proxy solicitation matters, the methods of solicitation or acquisition of proxy forms, corporate compliance matters in connection with the convening of shareholder meetings, or refusal to comply with a requirement by the Competent Authority for provision of information, or Article 25-1 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1.
  6. Violation of the shareholding percentage requirements of directors and supervisors of publicly issued companies prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 26, and provisions regarding notifications and auditing in the enforcement rules for auditing the shareholdings thereto.
  7. Violation of the provisions of Article 26-3, paragraph 8 by failing to formulate rules for the conduct of directors meetings, or violating the regulations prescribed by the Competent Authority pursuant to the same article and paragraph governing the content of deliberations, procedures, matters to be recorded in the meeting minutes, and public announcement, or violation of the rules issued by the Competent Authority pursuant to Article 36-1 regarding the scope, working procedures, required public announcements, and required filings for financial or operational actions of material significance, such as acquisition or disposal of assets, derivatives trading, extension of monetary loans to others, endorsements or guarantees for others, and disclosure of financial forecast information, or violation of Article 26-3, paragraph 8 or Article 36-1 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1.
  8. Violation of the provisions of Article 28-2, paragraphs 2 or 4 to 7 or the matters prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with Article 28-2, paragraph 3 regarding procedures, prices, volumes, methods, methods of transfer, and matters that must be filed and publicly announced in relation to repurchase of shares, or violation of Article 28-2, paragraphs 2 to 7 as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1.
  9. Violation of the provisions of Article 43-2, paragraph 1, Article 43-3, paragraph 1, or Article 43-5, paragraph 1, or regulations prescribed by the Competent Authority in accordance with Article 43-1, paragraph 4 regarding the scope, conditions, period, related parties, and particulars for filing and public announcement in connection with purchases of securities, or violation of Article 43-1, paragraph 4, Article 43-2, paragraph 1, Article 43-3, paragraph 1, or Article 43-5, paragraph 1, as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1 or 165-2.
    Where a person who has committed any of the offenses referred to in subparagraphs 2 through 7 of the preceding paragraph, the Competent Authority shall, in addition to imposing an administrative fine, order the person to comply within a prescribed time period; where the person fails to comply within the specified period, the Competent Authority may order a new period for compliance and impose additional administrative fines of not less than NT$480,000 and not more than NT$4.8 million for each successive failure to comply until corrective action has been taken.
    A reward shall be offered for the report of a violation of Article 25-1 that leads to successful discovery of a violation; regulations governing such reward shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
    When a foreign company is the issuer, any violation of paragraph 1, subparagraphs 3 or 4 by the foreign company shall be punished under paragraphs 1 and 2.
Article 179     If a juristic person violates the provisions of this Act, the individual person responsible for the act will be punished under the articles of this chapter .
    If a foreign company violates the provisions of this Act, the individual person responsible for the act will be punished under the articles of this chapter.
Article 183     This Act shall be enforced from the date of promulgation, with the exception of Article 54, Article 95, and Article 128, which were amended and promulgated on 19 July 2000 and enforced from 15 January 2001, Articles 14-2 through 14-5 and Article 26-3, which were amended on 20 December 2005 and enforced from 1 January 2007, the articles amended on 5 May 2006, which are enforced from 1 July 2006, the articles amended on 26 May 2009, which are enforced from 23 November 2009, Article 36 amended on 4 May 2010, which is enforced from 1 January 2012, and Article 36, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 amended 12 December 2011, which is enforced from the accounting year of 2013.