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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings  CH

Amended Date: 2024.07.17 (Articles 6 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2020.05.27 
Categories: Primary Market > Review

Title: Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings(2016.08.23)
3     An issuer applying to the TWSE for recognition of qualification to issue call (put) warrants and meeting the qualifications set forth under Article 4 of the Application for TWSE Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings shall, in accordance with regulations, submit the Application for Recognition of Qualification to Issue Call (Put) Warrants filled out in full along with the required documents to the personnel of the appropriate office of this Corporation for certification of receipt, whereupon they shall be distributed to the case-handling units for processing. A case handler receiving the assignment of the case shall proceed in accordance with Article 5 of these Procedures.
    After receiving approval from the competent authority to issue call (put) warrants, an issuer applying to the TWSE for listing of the planned call (put) warrants issue shall, between 2:00 and 3:00 on the afternoon of the date of application, submit the application along with the required attachments to the TWSE in accordance with the preceding paragraph. After receipt of the application, case-handling personnel shall undertake review in accordance with the provisions of Point 6 of these Procedures.
5     When the TWSE receives an application for recognition of qualification to issue call (put) warrants, the applicant company shall pay to TWSE a reviewing fee of NT$200,000, and the TWSE case handler shall undertake a formal review of the application documents and attachments. Rules, deadlines, and matters to be reviewed shall be as follows:
  1. The case handler shall ascertain that a complete set of required documents has been submitted, and that the Attachments Checklist for Application for Recognition of Qualification to Issue Call (Put) Warrants has been filled out (Attachment 1). If the documents submitted are found to be incomplete, the issuer shall be requested to supplement the required documents within a prescribed period of time; where submission is made after the deadline, the case handler shall issue notice of rejection of the application, with a copy submitted to the competent authority.
  2. Key points of review:
    1. Accountant's auditing report:
      Where the issuer is a domestic company, the accounting firm certifying the financial reports for the most recent 2 years shall be an accounting firm approved by the competent authority. The auditing report shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall state whether the report conforms to the Regulations Governing Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers or the Regulations Governing Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Firms. Where the financial report is prepared in accordance with the Budget Act, the Auditing Act or related laws and regulations, the report shall be revised by a certified public accountant to adjust for the areas in which the report diverges from generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The revised financial report shall include an explanation of the areas of divergence and their effect. The aforementioned GAAP shall mean the following, as endorsed by the competent authority: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting Standards (IAS), and Interpretations developed by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) or the former Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC).
      Where the issuer is a foreign entity, the financial report may be prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations of the issuer's home country. A Taiwan certified public accountant shall issue an opinion regarding the differences in accounting principles applied in Taiwan and in the issuer's home country and the resulting effects on the financial report. The net worth resulting after the aforementioned adjustments shall conform to Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Regulations Governing the Issuance of Call (Put) Warrants by Issuers ("Issuance Regulations").
      When an accountant issues an auditing report with anything other than an unqualified opinion, the case handler shall note the relevant factors and reasoning, and assess the degree of influence of those factors on the financial report.
      If there has been a change in the issuer's certifying CPA within the most recent 3 years, the case handler shall request the issuer, the original certifying CPA and its successor to submit written explanations regarding the reasons for the change. The case handler shall gain an understanding of the factors and the reasoning involved.
    2. Financial reports:
    3. The case handler shall review the CPA's auditing or review report, any annotations thereto, and the section headings to determine that the form and content of the issuer's financial report conforms to regulations. The case handler shall become familiar with any unusual aspects of the report, and shall analyze any unusual factors in developing trends regarding the issuer's financial status and profitability, and fill out a Call (Put) Warrant Issuer's Financial Report Checklist (Attachment 2). Where any unusual circumstances are discovered, the CPA shall be requested to submit an additional clarification.
    4. The Issuer's Risk Management System:
    5. The case handler shall assess whether the issuer or its risk management institution has established a risk-management system, with risk-control computer equipment and appropriate risk-management personnel, and shall determine whether internal auditing and control systems have been established. The case handler shall assess whether there are any unusual aspects of the issuer's risk-management capabilities, and fill out a Checklist for the Call (Put) Warrant Issuer's Risk Management System and Strategies for Offsetting Foreseeable Risk (Attachment 3).
    6. Matters in the Review Rules Requiring Withholding of Approval:
    7. The case handler shall determine, based on the documents submitted by the issuer, whether the net worth as stated in the issuer's financial report, profitability, and relevant contracts conform to the provisions of the Issuance Regulations, and determine whether any conditions, as listed under Article 7 of those regulations, require withholding of approval. The case handler shall fill out an Approval Checklist for Application for Recognition of Qualification to Issue Call (Put) Warrants (Attachment 4).
    8. Lawyer's Legal Opinion:
    9. The case handler shall examine the lawyer's opinion and other related forms and documents submitted by the issuer with regard to whether the relevant approval certificates, letters of approval from the competent authorities, documents issued by the credit rating institution, and declarations submitted by the issuer and the issuer's status with respect to the circumstances under Article 7 of the Issuance Regulations have been thoroughly reviewed, the documents have been found to be valid, and the issuer conforms to relevant laws and regulations. The case handler shall then fill out a Checklist for Lawyer's Legal Opinion on Call (Put) Warrant Issuer's Qualification (Attachment 5).
  3. Review Rules and Schedule:
  4. When, after examining the relevant materials and filling out the required checklists, the case handler discovers a failure to submit all required documents or to provide complete information as required in the documents, the case handler shall request the issuer to supplement the required documents or information within a prescribed period of time. Where documents are not supplemented by the deadline, the case handler shall issue a notice of rejection of the application, with a copy submitted to the competent authority.
    After receipt of the Application for Approval of Qualification for Issuance of Call (Put) Warrants, the TWSE case handler shall, within 10 business days, complete the checklists under Appendices 1 to 5 and submit them to higher levels for review, except where the issuer is required to submit further clarification or where the documents submitted are incomplete, and provided that under special circumstances, the case handler may, with written approval, extend the review period.
    Where document inspection finds the application documents are complete, the issuer meets the requirements for qualification, and further review at higher levels finds the application in order, the TWSE will submit the application to the competent authority for approval along with an application assessment report and required attachments.
6     After acceptance of an issuer's application for the projected issue of call (put) warrants, the TWSE case handler shall undertake a review of the documents and attachments. Procedures, deadlines, and matters to be reviewed shall be as follows:
  1. The case handler shall determine whether the documents submitted by the issuer are complete, and fill out a Checklist for Applications for Listing of Call (Put) Warrants (Attachment 6). Where the documents submitted are found to be incomplete, the case handler shall request the issuer to supplement the required documents or information within a prescribed period of time. Where documents are not supplemented by the deadline, the case handler shall issue a notice of rejection of the application, with a copy submitted to the competent authority.
  2. Key points to be reviewed:
    1. Call (put) warrants:
    2. The case handler shall examine whether the issuance plan for the call (put) warrants and the underlying index or underlying securities conform to Article 10, Article 11, and Article 12, subparagraph 4 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings, and shall fill out a Call (Put) Warrant Issuance Plan Checklist (Attachment 7), but in the case of a follow-on issue of call (put) warrants, the circumstances set out in the aforementioned Article 12, subparagraph 4 need not be examined.
    3. Public offering prospectus:
    4. The case handler shall examine whether the form and content of the issuer's prospectus for public offering conforms to the TWSE Guidelines Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in a Public Offering Prospectus for Call (Put) Warrants, and shall fill out a Call (Put) Warrant Public Offering Prospectus Checklist (Attachment 8), except that this provision does not apply to a follow-on issue of call (put) warrants.
    5. Disclosure of strategy for offsetting risks:
    6. The case handler shall examine whether the strategy put forth by the issuer for offsetting risks includes concrete provisions for all possible risks and losses associated with the given issue of call (put) warrants and the associated hedging strategies, and shall fill out a Checklist for Strategies for Offsetting Foreseeable Risks in Issues of Call (Put) Warrants (Attachment 9).
    7. Lawyer's Legal Opinion:
    8. The case handler shall examine the lawyer's opinion and other related forms and documents submitted by the issuer with regard to whether the terms of issuance of the call (put) warrant, public offering prospectus, the declarations of the issuer, and the issuer's status with respect to the circumstances under Article 12 of the Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings have been thoroughly reviewed, the documents have been found to be valid, and whether the issuer conforms to relevant laws and regulations. The case handler shall then fill out a Checklist for the Lawyer's Legal Opinion on Call (Put) Warrants (Attachment 10).
  3. Review Rules and Schedule:
  4. The TWSE case handler shall complete review of the issuance plan by market opening on the first business day after receipt of the application for issuance of call (put) warrants, and submit it, together with the listing agreement signed with the issuer, to the competent authority for recordation.
    Following TWSE issuance of approval documents to the issuer, the TWSE shall undertake a further review of the items of the issuer's application and the related documents, and where circumstances are found during the review period requiring approval to be withheld, the TWSE may cancel the letter of approval and shall report the same to the competent authority.