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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings  CH

Amended Date: 2024.03.11 (Articles 4, 28-1, 40 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2024.01.12 
Categories: Primary Market > Review

Title: Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings(2007.05.07)
Article 2-2 An issuer applying for listing of securities shall establish a professional stock affairs agency or entity in the area where this Corporation is located to process stock affairs matters before this Corporation will accept its listing application for processing.
The professional stock affairs agency or entity referred to in the preceding paragraph shall have stock-affairs handling personnel and equipment that comply with the provisions of the Regulations Governing Handling of Stock Affairs by Public Companies, and it shall not have any record in the past three fiscal years of having been given post-audit recommendations in writing by the Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation and failing to make improvements by the deadline.