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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings  CH

Amended Date: 2024.03.11 (Articles 4, 28-1, 40 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2024.01.12 
Categories: Primary Market > Review

Title: Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings(2018.03.31)
Article 4     Where an issuing company applying for the listing of its stock meets the criteria listed below, the TWSE will agree to list its stock:
  1. Duration of corporate existence: It has been incorporated and registered under the Company Act for at least 3 years at the time of the application for listing; provided, this restriction shall not apply to public (state-owned) enterprises or to privatized public enterprises.
  2. Amount of capital stock: At the time it applies for listing, its paid-in capital is NT$600 million or more and the number of shares of its publicly offered and issued common stock is 30 million shares or more.
  3. Profitability: The net income before tax in its financial reports meets either of the following criteria, and it does not have any accumulated deficit in the final accounting for the most recent fiscal year:
    1. The net income before tax for the most recent 2 fiscal years represents 6 percent or greater of the share capital stated on the financial report for the annual final accounts.
    2. The net income before tax for the most recent 2 fiscal years represent 6 percent or greater of the amount of paid-in capital in its final accounts and the profitability for the most recent fiscal year is greater than that for the immediately preceding fiscal year; or
    3. The net income before tax for the most recent 5 years represents 3 percent or greater of the share capital stated on the financial report for the annual final accounts.
  4. Dispersion of share ownership: The number of registered shareholders is 1,000 or more. Excluding company insiders and any juristic persons in which such insiders hold more than 50 percent of the shares, the number of registered shareholders is at least 500, and the total number of shares they hold is 20 percent or greater of the total issued shares, or at least 10 million.
  5. An issuer listed in the food industry or whose income from catering business occupies at least 50% of its total operating income in the last fiscal year shall comply with the following:
    1. Establish a laboratory to engage in self-inspection.
    2. Deliver the raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products whose inspection is outsourced, to a laboratory or inspection institution certified or accredited by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation or an institution engaged by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, for inspection.
    3. Request a reasonable opinion from an independent specialist on its food safety monitoring plan, inspection cycle, items for inspection etc.
    Where an issuing company applying for the listing of its stock has a market value of NT$5 billion or more and meets the criteria listed below, the TWSE will agree to list its stock:
  1. The company meets the conditions set forth in subparagraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the preceding paragraph.
  2. Its operating income in the most recent fiscal year exceeds NT$5 billion and is better than the previous fiscal year.
  3. Its cash flow for business activities in the most recent fiscal year is positive.
  4. The net worth on the financial reports for the most recent quarter and the most recent fiscal year is not lower than two-thirds of the capital stock identified in the financial report.
    Where an issuing company applying for the listing of its stock has a market value of NT$6 billion or more and meets the criteria listed below, the TWSE will agree to list its stock:
  1. The company meets the conditions set forth in subparagraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the first paragraph.
  2. Its operating income in the most recent fiscal year exceeds NT$3 billion and is better than the previous fiscal year.
  3. The net worth on the financial reports for the most recent quarter and the most recent fiscal year is not lower than two-thirds of the capital stock identified in the financial report.
    The TWSE will agree to list the stock of an issuing company applying for the listing of its stock in accordance with the second paragraph or the preceding paragraph only if the value of the number of the securities to be listed and available for trading multiplied by the offering price for the price at which the security opens on its first day in the initial public offering has met the minimum requirement on the market value applicable to its application, except where its stock is already listed and traded on the GreTai Securities Market.
Article 10     An application for initial listing of stock filed by an issuing company shall not be approved unless and until shares representing all of the number of shares held by each of the following persons of the issuing company specified in the application for listing (with the total number of such shares being not less than the ratio specified in paragraph 2 of this Article), less those offered for public sale, have been placed in central custody with a central securities depository enterprise incorporated with the approval of the Competent Authority; provided however, that if the number of shares represented by shares placed in central custody pursuant to the above is less than the ratio specifies in paragraph 2 of this Article, the shortage shall be made up by other shareholders:
  1. Where the application for listing is filed in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, 6, 16, or Article 20, paragraph 1, Article 20-1, or Article 20-2 of these Rules, its directors, and the shareholders holding 10 percent or greater of the total number of issued shares of the issuing company.
  2. Where the application for listing is filed in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 or Article 20, paragraph 3 of these Rules or where the applicant is an information software enterprise, its personnel who shall handle central custody of the stock are as listed in the items below. However, this restriction shall not apply where shareholding of a recommending securities firm during the period of registration as emerging stock exceeds 5 percent of the total issued shares of said issuing company as a result of subscription or trading of operating securities during the emerging stock trading period.
    1. Where the applicant is a creative enterprise or information software enterprise, its directors, shareholders holding 5 percent or greater of the total number of issued shares, and/or shareholders whose equity investment is made in the form of patent rights or technical know-how, and who are working for the issuing company and hold 0.5 percent or greater of the total number of shares or 100,000 or more shares as of the date on which the application for listing is filed.
    2. Where the applicant is a technology enterprise, its president, research and development supervisor, and personnel mentioned in the preceding item.
    The total number of shares with respect to the shares to be placed in central custody by the issuing company under the preceding paragraph refers to the aggregate sum of common shares that have already been publicly offered and issued, as stated on the listing application documents,; the total ratio of shares to be placed in central custody by the issuing company shall be calculated as set forth below:
  1. Where the total number of shares is 30 million or less, shares representing 25 percent thereof shall be placed in central custody.
  2. Where the total number of shares is more than 30 million but 100 million or less, shares representing 20 percent of the portion of shares in excess of 30 million shares shall be placed in central custody in addition to those required under the preceding item.
  3. Where the total number of shares is more than 100 million but 200 million or less, shares representing 10 percent of the portion of shares in excess of 100 million shall be placed in central custody in addition to those required under the preceding item.
  4. Where the total number of shares is more than 200 million, shares representing 5 percent of the portion of shares in excess of 200 million shall be placed in central custody in addition to those required under the preceding item.
    The remaining shares after deducting those required for the public offering, as referred to in paragraph 1, include the following:
  1. From the date of application for initial listing to the listing date, all new shares obtained through capital increase for which amendment registration has been completed with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, as well as any shares that have come to be held for any other reason; for any shares that have not yet been obtained by the listing date, an undertaking shall be made to place the shares in central custody after obtaining them.
  2. From among the old shares provided by directors and shareholders of the issuer for an overallotment (greenshoe) option for the securities underwriter, any shares that were not actually sold in exercise of the overallotment option and that have been returned by the securities underwriter.
    One-half of the shares placed in central custody by directors and shareholders pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article may be withdrawn only after the end of a 6-month period starting from the listing date thereof; all the shares may be withdrawn in full only after the end of a one-year period starting from the listing date thereof. However, a company applying for listing pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs 2 and 4, or a technology enterprise applying for listing pursuant to Article 5, and to Article 20, paragraph 3, may withdraw one-half of the shares only after the end of a 1-year period starting from the listing date thereof, and all the shares in full only after the end of a two-year period starting from the listing date thereof.
    For an issuing company that applies for listing under the provisions of Article 4, where the total number of its shares required to be placed in central custody is assessed to exceed 50 percent of the issued shares of the issuing company, and the issuing company has paid-in capital of at least NT$30 billion, if the portion of the number of shares required to be placed in central custody exceeding the above-stated 50 percent of issued shares has been pledged to a financial institution by the director or shareholder of the issuing company who holds the shares for purposes of guaranteeing financing for the company or for him/herself, evidentiary documents furnished by the financial institution may be substituted for shares required to be placed in central custody; provided, if the pledge is released during the custody period, the director or major shareholder shall deposit the same amount of shares into central custody; or, if the subject of the pledge is disposed by the financial institution, the issuing company shall contact other directors or major shareholders to deposit the same amount of shares into central custody.
    Directors and shareholders shall not rescind the custodial agreement during the custody period. Shares and certificates in central custody shall not be transferred or pledged. The validity of central custody shall not be affected by a change of the identity of the holders of shares in central custody
    The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to directors and shareholders of government authorities, government-owned enterprises, or which have obtained an approval from the authority in charge of the enterprise concerned for the sale of the shares held by them and have been determined to be inappropriate to place such shares in central custody.
    The total ratio of shares to be placed in central custody as specified in paragraph 2 of this Article shall not apply to government-owned enterprises.
Article 19     Where, upon application, a subsidiary, other than a government-owned enterprise, applies for the listing of its stock but is unable to meet the requirements set forth in all the subparagraphs below, the TWSE shall disagree to the listing, notwithstanding the fact that its application meets the criteria set forth in these Rules:
  1. A consolidated financial statement of the parent company and all of its subsidiaries which is prepared in accordance with the accounting principles of the home country of its parent company and an audit opinion issued by a CPA in the Republic of China stating the differences between the accounting principles applicable in the Republic of China and the accounting principles applicable in the home country of the parent company and the impact of such differences on such financial statement shall be submitted along with the application.
  2. According to the consolidated financial statement submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the total amount of net worth shall be NT$1 billion or more in the most recent fiscal year and the net income before tax shall each represent 3 percent or greater of the total amount of net worth in each of the most recent 2 fiscal years. If, however, the applicant company is applying for listing pursuant to paragraph 2 or 4 of Article 4, Article 5, Article 6, or Article 6-1, or if the amount of its purchase/sale transactions with its parent company in the year of the application for listing and in the most recent fiscal year is less than 10 percent of its total amount of purchases/sales, it will not be subject to the above-stated profitability ratio.
  3. The total number of shares of the applicant company held by the parent company and all of its subsidiaries, and by those companies' directors, supervisors, representatives, and greater than 10 percent shareholders, and by related parties thereof, shall not exceed 70 percent of the total number of its issued shares. If this 70 percent limit is exceeded, the applicant company shall conduct a pre-listing initial public offering to reduce the percentage of shares held by the aforesaid persons to 70 percent or lesser. However, the same does not apply where persons, other than those restricted by this subparagraph with respect to the total amount of shareholdings, hold a total of no less than 300 million shares in the applicant company.
  4. (deleted)
  5. The applicant company's operating revenue derived from its parent company in the fiscal year of the application for listing and in the most recent fiscal year shall not exceed 50 percent of its operating revenue; its principal raw materials or principal products or total amount of purchases [obtained from its parent company] during such periods shall not exceed 70 percent of its purchases. However, this restriction shall not apply where the cause is characteristics of its business, market demand and supply conditions, government policy, or any other reasonable causes.
  6. If the stock of the parent company is already traded on the TWSE (or the GTSM), at the time of its application for TWSE listing, the pro forma operating revenue or operating income as stated in the pro forma consolidated financial statements for each of the most recent 4 quarters, excluding the financial data for the applicant company, and reviewed by a CPA, was not down by 50 percent or more from the operating revenue or operating income stated in the consolidated financial statements for the same period, and the parent company has not transferred any material customers or business within the most recent 2 fiscal years. However, this need not apply if the parent company and the subsidiary have different business types, industrial classifications, or product types, and moreover are not mutually competitive, or if it resulted from another reasonable cause.
     When a subsidiary applies for TWSE listing pursuant to the proviso of subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, any transfer of shares within the three years prior to the application for TWSE listing for purposes of reducing the parent company's shareholding in the subsidiary shall have been conducted in a manner in which the pre-emptive subscription right is given to the original shareholders of the parent company or another manner not detrimental to the rights and interest of the shareholders of the parent.
Article 28-1     The TWSE may issue documentation evidencing listing approval of the application by a foreign issuer for a TWSE primary listing if that issuer meets all of the requirements listed below:
  1. It complies with regulations in connection with the Act Governing Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. However, if individuals, juristic persons, groups, or other institutions from the Mainland Area have direct or indirect shareholding or capital contribution exceeding 30 percent in, or effective control over, the foreign issuer, special-case permission shall be obtained from the competent authority.
  2. At the time it applies for listing, the applicant company or any of its controlled companies shall have an operational track record of 3 years or longer.
  3. The company scale meets one of the following criteria:
    1. At the time of application for listing, paid-in capital or net worth is NT$600 million or higher.
    2. At the time of listing, market capitalization is NT$1.6 billion or higher.
  4. Its cumulative net income before tax for the most recent 3 fiscal years is NT$250 million or higher, and its net income before tax for the most recent fiscal year is NT$120 million or higher, and it does not have any accumulated deficit.
  5. Its number of shareholders of record is 1,000 or more, and the number of shareholders other than insiders of the foreign issuer and juristic persons of which such insiders own over 50 percent of the shareholding is no less than 500 and their total shareholdings constitute 20 percent or more of the total issued shares or not less than 10 million shares.
  6. An issuer listed in the food industry or whose income from catering business occupies at least 50% of its total operating income in the last fiscal year shall comply with the following:
    1. Establish a laboratory to engage in self-inspection.
    2. Deliver the raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products whose inspection is outsourced, to a laboratory or inspection institution certified or accredited by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation or an institution engaged by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, for inspection.
    3. Request a reasonable opinion from an independent specialist on its food safety monitoring plan, inspection cycle, items for inspection etc.
  7. The number of shares planned to be listed and traded shall exceed 50 percent of the total number of its issued shares.
  8. It is recommended, in writing, by two or more securities underwriters.
    Where a foreign issuer applies for a TWSE primary listing of stock, if, for the foreign issuer or a company controlled by it contribute 50 percent of its overall operating revenue, there has been issued an unequivocal opinion by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, or a TWSE-designated professional institution, indicating that the company is a technology enterprise or a cultural and creative enterprise with market potential, if the foreign issuer meets the requirements of the following subparagraphs, the TWSE may issue evidentiary documentation indicating its approval of the listing:
  1. It complies with the relevant provisions of the Act Governing Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. However, if individuals, juristic persons, groups, or other institutions from the Mainland Area have direct or indirect shareholding or capital contribution exceeding 30 percent in, or effective control over, the foreign issuer, special-case permission shall be obtained from the competent authority.
  2. At the time of the listing application, the applying company or the controlled company that is a technology enterprise shall have a business record of one full fiscal year or more.
  3. At the time of the listing application, the paid-in capital or net worth reaches NT$300 million or more, or the market capitalization reaches NT$800 million or more.
  4. At the time of the listing application, the net worth on the most current financial report audited and attested by a CPA is not lower than two-thirds of the capital stock, with proof that the company has operating capital sufficient for 12 months of operation following the listing. In the case of a foreign issuer whose shares have no par value or a par value other than NT$10, the issuer's net worth shall be not less than two-thirds of the sum of the share capital plus capital reserves minus original issue premium.
  5. Its number of shareholders of record is 500 or more, and the total shareholdings of the shareholders of record other than insiders of the foreign issuer and juristic persons of which such insiders own over 50 percent of the shareholding constitute 20 percent or more of the total issued shares or not less than five million shares.
  6. The number of shares planned to be listed and traded shall exceed 50 percent of the total number of its issued shares.
  7. It is recommended by two or more securities underwriters.
    When a foreign issuer applies for a TWSE primary listing of stock, if its operating revenue derived from construction business as stated in the financial reports represents 20 percent or greater of its total operating revenue, or its gross profit derived from construction business represents 20 percent or greater of its total gross profit, or its operating revenue or gross profit derived from construction business is more than that derived from other business items, during the most recent 2 fiscal years, it shall meet all of the requirements provided in Articles 16 and 17 herein, in which case, the TWSE may issue evidentiary documentation indicating its approval of the listing thereof; in the case of a foreign issuer whose shares have no par value or a par value other than NT$10, the requirement of Article 16, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 shall be calculated on the basis of the net worth reaching NT$600 million or more.
    "Controlled company" in paragraphs 1 and 2 means any of the following circumstances:
  1. Any controlled company in which the foreign issuer directly holds more than 50 percent of the issued voting shares or has contributed more than 50 percent of the capital.
  2. Any controlled company in which the foreign issuer, indirectly through a subsidiary company, holds more than 50 percent of the issued voting shares or has contributed more than 50 percent of the capital.
  3. Any controlled company in which the foreign issuer directly, or indirectly through a subsidiary, holds more than 50 percent of the issued voting shares or has contributed more than 50 percent of the capital.
  4. A company of which a foreign issuer directly or indirectly elects or appoints more than half of the directors for the board of directors.
    Where a foreign issuer applying for the primary listing of its stock has a market value of NT$5 billion or more and meets the criteria listed below, the TWSE will agree to list its stock:
  1. The issuer meets the conditions set forth in subparagraphs 1 and 2, item 1 of subparagraph 3 and subparagraphs 5 to 8 of the first paragraph.
  2. Its operating income in the most recent fiscal year exceeds NT$5 billion and is better than the previous fiscal year.
  3. Its cash flow for business activities in the most recent fiscal year is positive.
  4. The net worth on the financial reports for the most recent quarter and the most recent fiscal year is not lower than two-thirds of the capital stock identified in the financial report.
    Where a foreign issuer applying for the primary listing of its stock has a market value of NT$6 billion or more and meets the criteria listed below, the TWSE will agree to list its stock:
  1. The issuer meets the conditions set forth in subparagraphs 1 and 2, item 1 of subparagraph 3 and subparagraphs 5 to 8 of the first paragraph.
  2. Its operating income in the most recent fiscal year exceeds NT$3 billion and is better than the previous fiscal year.
  3. The net worth on the financial reports for the most recent quarter and the most recent fiscal year is not lower than two-thirds of the capital stock identified in the financial report.
    The TWSE will agree to list the stock of a foreign issuer applying for the primary listing of its stock who shall meet the conditions in paragraph 1, subparagraph 3, item 2, or whose application is filed in accordance with the fifth paragraph or the preceding paragraph only if the value of the number of the securities to be listed and available for trading multiplied by the offering price for the price at which the security opens on its first day in the initial public offering has met the minimum requirement on the market value applicable to its application, except where its stock is already listed and traded on the GreTai Securities Market.
    If a foreign issuer is a professional investor and its purpose is to directly, or indirectly through a subsidiary company, control the operations of a held company or companies, 70 percent or more of that foreign issuer's operating income in its consolidated financial statement shall be derived from a controlled company or companies.
Article 28-2     The securities underwriter referred to in the preceding article shall be registered as a member of the Taiwan Securities Association and establish a place of business within the Republic of China.
    A lead securities underwriter must undertake, in writing, that it has performed due diligence procedures, that the evaluation report, other documentation, and attachments it issues all are true, and that it has not concealed or omitted any material financial or operating information regarding the foreign issuer.
    The foreign issuer and its directors shall assist the securities underwriter to conduct due diligence procedures, and provide any required information.
    A foreign issuer shall continuously engage a lead securities underwriter from the date of listing to the end of the 2 subsequent fiscal years to assist it in compliance matters regarding Republic of China securities laws and regulations, the bylaws, rules, and public announcements of the TWSE, and the listing contract. However, if the foreign issuer applies for TWSE primary listing pursuant to paragraph 2, 5 or 6 of the preceding article, the continuous engagement period shall not be less than 3 fiscal years.
Article 28-6     If a foreign issuer that is a subsidiary of a parent company applies for TWSE primary listing of its stock, and complies with the provisions of this Chapter but cannot meet all of the following requirements, the TWSE shall not approve its stock listing:
  1. It shall submit the consolidated financial statement of the parent company and all of its subsidiaries. If that statement is not prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations governing the preparation of financial reports adopted by the competent authority for the relevant industry, the foreign issuer shall disclose any items with material discrepancies and the amount of any monetary impact of those discrepancies, and an opinion expressed by an ROC-licensed CPA regarding those items.
  2. As calculated based on the consolidated financial statement submitted pursuant to the preceding subparagraph, the profitability shall meet the requirement in Article 28-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4, provided that the aforesaid profitability requirement need not apply if the applicant foreign issuer makes its application for listing pursuant to Article 28-1, paragraph 2, 5 or 6, or the amount of purchases/sales transactions between it and its parent company in the fiscal year in which it applies for listing and the most recent fiscal year do not constitute 10 percent of the foreign issuer's total purchases/sales.
  3. The total holdings of its shares by the parent company and all of its subsidiaries, and by those companies' directors, supervisors, representatives, and greater than 10 percent shareholders, and by related parties thereof, may not be more than 70 percent of the total number of its shares. If those total holdings exceed 70 percent, the foreign issuer shall reduce that percentage to 70 or lower when it conducts the pre-listing public sale of its shares. The same does not apply, however, where one or more persons, other than those subject to the shareholding restriction in terms of the total number of shares as set out in this subparagraph, hold 300 million shares or more; in the case of a foreign issuer whose shares have no par value or a par value other than NT$10, the same shall apply where one or more persons, other than those subject to the shareholding restriction in terms of the total number of shares as set out in this subparagraph, have the equivalent of NT$6 billion or more in the net worth.
  4. (deleted)
  5. In the fiscal year in which it applies for listing and the most recent fiscal year, it does not derive more than 50 percent of its operating revenue, or more than 70 percent of its principal raw materials, principal products, or the amount of its total purchases, from the parent company, provided that these restrictions shall not apply if due to special industry characteristics, conditions of supply and demand in the market, or another legitimate reason.
  6. If the stock of the parent company is already traded on the TWSE (or the GTSM), at the time of its application for TWSE listing, the pro forma operating revenue or operating income as stated in the pro forma consolidated financial statements for each of the most recent 4 quarters, excluding the financial data for the applicant company, and reviewed by a CPA, was not down by 50 percent or more from the operating revenue or operating income stated in the consolidated financial statements for the same period, and the parent company has not transferred any material customers or business within the most recent 2 fiscal years. However, this need not apply if the parent company and the subsidiary have different business types, industrial classifications, or product types, and moreover are not mutually competitive, or if it resulted from another reasonable cause.
     When a subsidiary applies for TWSE listing pursuant to the proviso of subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, any transfer of shares within the 3 years prior to the application for TWSE listing for purposes of reducing the parent company's shareholding in the subsidiary shall have been conducted in a manner in which the pre-emptive subscription right is given to the original shareholders of the parent company or another manner not detrimental to the rights and interests of the shareholders of the parent.
Article 28-7     A foreign issuer that applies for a TWSE primary listing of its stock shall in writing undertake as follows:
  1. When the TWSE deems it necessary to audit the foreign issuer's financial operations or money flow, the foreign issuer is willing to fully cooperate with the investigations of the TWSE and any attorney, CPA, or professional institution designated by the TWSE, to provide any and all information required by the TWSE, and agrees to be responsible for payment of investigation expenses.
  2. The foreign issuer will appoint a professional shareholder services agent in the Republic of China to handle shareholder services, and will continuously engage a lead securities underwriter from the date of listing to the end of the 2 subsequent fiscal years to assist it in complying with ROC securities laws and regulations, and the listing contract. However, if the foreign issuer applies for TWSE primary listing pursuant to Article 28-1, paragraph 2, 5 or 6, the subsequent period in which the lead securities underwriter is continuously engaged for assistance may not be less than three fiscal years.
  3. The foreign issuer will add important matters concerning the protection of shareholders' equity in its articles of incorporation or organizational documents. If they are added to the organizational documents, the issuer shall state in its articles of incorporation that those matters will be separately handled in accordance with the organizational documents, and the procedures for additions to and amendments of the organizational documents shall be the same as those for the articles of incorporation. If, however, there is a conflict with mandatory provisions in the laws and regulations of the issuer's country of registration, such that the foreign issuer is unable to add these matters to its articles of incorporation or the organizational documents, the foreign issuer shall enhance disclosure of these matters by including any material discrepancies regarding protection of shareholder equity in the section of its prospectus for matters of special note.
  4. The shares under the listing application shall be delivered by the book-entry method.
  5. After listing, it will continue to comply with ROC securities laws and regulations, the listing contract, and the bylaws, rules, and public announcements of the TWSE.
  6. If the laws and regulations of the issuer's country of registration explicitly provide that important matters in connection with protection of shareholder equity are subject to mandatory provisions regarding exclusive jurisdiction of courts, such that the jurisdiction of Republic of China courts is not adopted as part of its articles of incorporation or organizational documents, the foreign issuer shall purchase directors' liability insurance for the duration of its listing.
    If the laws and regulations of a foreign issuer's country of registration contain mandatory provisions conflicting with provisions requiring mutatis mutandis application of the ROC Securities and Exchange Act, the mutatis mutandis application of the Securities and Exchange Act may only be eliminated when the foreign issuer is included in the scope of a prior public announcement of the competent authority allowing exemption from the application of specific provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act.
Article 28-9     The TWSE will approve the application for primary listing of a foreign issuer's stock only after the following persons place in centralized custody in a central securities depository established with the approval of the Competent Authority the stocks comprising their respective individual shareholdings in full as recorded in the listing application documentation and whose sum total is not lower than the percentage specified by the TWSE minus the number of shares provided for public sale upon listing, provided that if the number of shares submitted is insufficient to meet the required percentage, the foreign issuer shall coordinate other shareholders to make up the shortfall.
  1. If the foreign issuer applies for TWSE primary listing pursuant to Article 28-1, paragraph 1, 5 or 6, its directors, and shareholders holding more than 10 percent of the total number of shares.
  2. If the foreign issuer applies for TWSE primary listing pursuant to Article 28-1, paragraph 2, its persons required to deposit their shares into central custody are described as the following items, provided that this requirement shall not apply to a recommending securities firm that holds 5 percent or more of the issuer's total issued shares as a result of subscription or trading, during the emerging stock registration period, of securities held for operations:
    1. in case of a cultural and creative enterprise, its directors, shareholders holding more than 5 percent of the total number of shares, and shareholders providing patent rights or technical know-how as capital contribution and holding a position in the company and also holding 0.5 percent or more, or at least 100,000 shares, of the total issued shares of the company at the time of the listing application, provided that this requirement shall not apply to a recommending securities firm holds 5 percent or more of the issuer's total issued shares as a result of subscription or trading, during the emerging stock registration period, of securities held for operations.
    2. in case of a technology-based enterprise, its president, research and development supervisor, and all such persons described in the above item.
    The provisions of Article 10, paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the allocation percentage, centralized custody period, withdrawal method, disposal of stocks in centralized custody, and the effect of custody, provided the centralized custody period of a technology enterprise applying for primary listing pursuant to Article 28-1, paragraph 2 and of an issuer applying for primary listing pursuant to Article 28-1, paragraph 5 or 6 is governed by the proviso of Article 10, paragraph 4 mutatis mutandis.
     A GTSM primary listed company applying for TWSE primary listing shall carry out centralized custody of stocks by mutatis mutandis application of Article 10-2.